Wanting To Rule Part 1 Pikachu Original Date-Thursday September 11, 2003 Friday August 20, 2004 I wonder how many parts I can revise today. I still have another 2 hours so I might get to Part 5 or 6 if I don’t get hungry and go home. :P Ash whirled through space as he was pulled forward by the Portkey. He could feel Pikachu clinging on to him so he wouldn’t fall off. Suddenly, as if he hadn’t been traveling at all, the Portkey stopped and his feet slammed hard onto the ground. He stumbled and nearly fell onto the cold stone but caught himself in time. Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and began to roam around. Ash cursed as his right knee was throbbing from how he had landed. Ash heard voices behind him and turned around. His 4th year friends Jenn and Rachel were walking toward him. He waved and they came over. “Ash! What’s up?” Jenn asked. Ash shrugged. “The ceiling I guess.” He replied sarcastically. Jenn rolled her eyes. “Ha ha. So funny. Not!” Rachel exclaimed. They giggled. “So how are you guys?” Ash asked. “We’re good.” Jenn said with a smile. “So did you have a good summer?” Rachel asked. “It wasn’t too bad although I did have to spend the first 2 weeks of my vacation in a cast.” He said. There was a moment of silence at his last words. Everyone at Hogwarts except for the 1st years that were new(they probably even knew) knew how last year Ash and Pikachu had got transported into one of the dungeons. They knew how Voldemort had faced him again and how he had knocked Ash unconscious and had nearly killed him. They knew that if Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hadn’t found him at that time that he probably would’ve been dead. They knew that Voldemort had been kept at bay by Pikachu. But this wasn’t exactly the first time that something bad had happened to Ash while at Hogwarts. In his 1st year (well, it was actually his second) he had come face-to-face with Voldemort who was stealing souls to try and regain his body. In his 3rd year, a gaping hole had swallowed up everyone except Ash, Harry, Ron, and Hermione and they had somehow stopped it. It hadn’t just been fun and games for Ash. “Well, let’s go into the Great Hall. I do believe that the sorting will be starting shortly.” Rachel said. “Yeah. We might be able to get an open seat.” Jenn said with a smile. Ash grinned. They opened the doors to find that it was more chatty than usual at the House tables. The decorations were the same though. Hundreds of candles hung in the air by themselves. The House flags hung over every table and the ceiling, as always, resembled the night sky. Tonight it had a full moon glowing with a few clouds whisking across it. “Well, see you around Ash! Jenn and I are going to sit with our friends.” Rachel told him. “Okay. See you around!” He called after them. He wiggled his way through the crowd to the Gryffindor table and found Hermione sitting with Harry and Ron already. Ash smiled. It was nice to see his friends again. “Hey guys!” He said. They turned around. “Hey!” Harry said. “How are you mate?” Ron asked. Ash shrugged. “Okay I guess.” Ash said. “It’s nice to see you Ash. Now hurry up and sit down. The Sorting’s about to start.” Hermione said. To be continued… Yep. This part was better than the original to. I guess I have improved on my writing skills. ^_^ Well, review! ^_^