Wanting To Rule Pikachu Part 2 Original Date-Thursday September 11, 2003 Monday August 23, 2004 Here’s the new Part 2! ^_^ Ash heard the Great Hall doors open and looked in that direction. A line of scared-looking First-Years were hurrying into the hall. Many of them looked as though they wish they hadn’t come. Ash couldn’t get over how short they were. “I’m glad I never had to go through this.” He muttered to Harry. Harry suppressed a laugh. The First Years continued to march up the Great Hall until they were all assembled. “I heard the Sorting Hat wasn’t singing a song this year.” Hermione whispered. “That’s a first. Maybe it couldn’t think of anything relevant. After a thousand years, I think I would’ve run out of idea.” Ron said. They turned back to watch. McGonagall had placed the stool with the Sorting Hat at the front of the First Years. Obviously, the hat wasn’t going to sing a song because McGonagall began calling out names. “Kirby Adas!” She called out. Kirby was a boy with dark black hair that nervously stumbled up to the stool and quickly put the Sorting Hat onto his head. “Gryffindor!” The Hat shouted. Ash cheered with the rest of the Gryffindors as Kirby joined their table. And so the sorting went on. And on and on. That’s how it felt to Ash anyway because he had never sat through one. Not to mention that his stomach was growling quite painfully by this point. Finally, the Hat put Fatima Zackary into Slytherin and the sorting was done. “About time. I swear I’m going to eat this table if we don’t get food soon.” Ash complained. Ron agreed and Hermione just sniffed. Pikachu sniffed the plates, anxious to eat. Dumbledore stood up and the Hall went quiet. Dumbledore smiled at all of them. “First off, welcome First-Years to Hogwarts. May your 7 years here be most enjoyable.” Dumbledore smiled. “Not if they have to endure Snape.” Ron muttered. Hermione giggled. “Now, remember that 4th years and under are expected to be in the Dormitories by 8. 5th Years and up may stay out until 9. Also remember that the Forbidden Forest is off of bounds to all students. Now I suggest we all tie in to the Welcoming Feast!” Dumbledore exclaimed. Right before their eyes, mounds of food popped up onto their plates. Ash eyed it all with sparkly eyes. “All right!” Hermione and Ash exclaimed and immediately began to tie into the food on the plates. “You two are acting like you haven’t eaten in ages.” Harry exclaimed. “Oh back off Harry. I have a right to eat unladylike if I want to.” Hermione said with gravy all around her mouth. Harry and Ron side glanced each other. “Did you see the article in the Daily Prophet?” Ron asked. “No. What was it about?” Ash asked after he swallowed tons of food. “It was about some weird guy that was exploding sidewalk slabs. Dad’s been trying to catch the weirdo for awhile now. They just caught him yesterday.” Ron explained. Ash laughed. “Well uh, that’s interesting.” Hermione said softly. The reason she was talking so softly was because she was holding back an immense amount of laughter. “Oh shut up.” Ron snapped. Ash and Hermione couldn’t take it anymore and cracked up completely, making Ron just a tad on the angry side. “Have you tried this turkey yet? It’s quite good.” Harry said, trying to change the subject. Ash shook his head. “Not yet. I’ve been too busy shoving my face full like Pikachu” Ash replied with a laugh. They looked over at Pikachu to find that its cheeks were bulging out. “Whoa buddy! Slow down!” Ash said, alarmed. The others laughed. Shortly afterwards, Ash found himself on his dormitory bed, back at last. To be continued… What do you think so far? Is it better? Well review! ^_^