Saturday September 13, 2003

Hi again!!!! It took me awhile to do Part 3 so this might be the last Part I do today. I don’t know. Anyway, enjoy! ^_^

***All the school could talk about for the rest of the weekend was how Voldemort had escaped. Huge monsters that they had no idea of what they were had been placed at every entrance on the school grounds. What was more annoying was that people kept asking Ash questions***

Ash-“Can’t people leave me alone?”

Ron-“No. You’re a Celebrity here.”

Ash-“Oh fun fun.”

Hermione-“Don’t worry Ash. Things will hopefully get better.”

Harry-“Let’s go visit Hagrid. It’s been awhile.”

Ash-“Yeah. Let’s.”

***On there way there, they ran into Jenn and Rachel who stopped to chat***

Jenn-“Hey! Did you guys here about the breakout?”

Ron-“Only the whole school has.”

Rachel-“Well, we gotta go. See you guys!”

***They went up the steps and out of site. Ash, Harry, Ron, and Hermione continued their way to Hagrid’s. They knocked on the door when they got there***

Hagrid-“Hey! Good ter see ya!!! Was wonderin’ when you’d come ter visit. Come in. Come in.”

***They came in and sat down***

Hermione-“Heard about the breakout?”

Hagrid-“Yeah. I figured he wouldn’t have stayed in Azkaban for long.”

Harry-“Wonder what he plans to do.”

Hagrid-“Probably nothin’ good.”

***They stayed and chatted for awhile. Afterwards, they went back to the castle, still deep in thought***

Ash-“Something’s not right.”


Ash-“I don’t kn-.”

***He was just about to finish when he saw a long black cloak whip into the Forbidden Forest…***

To be continued…

Okay. There’s not that much action but I am building that suspense feeling, don’t you think? Sorry it’s short. They’ll get longer as the story goes on. Review! ^_^