Wanting To Rule Pikachu Part 7 Saturday September 20, 2003 Hi peoples! I’m starting to get little mind blanks on this story. But don’t worry, when I get an idea or someone else gives me one, I write it down so I won’t forget. Well, enjoy! ^_^ ***It was the next day at Hogwarts. We find our friends in Charms class. They were learning how to make various items do flips in mid-air*** Ash-“So. What do you think Voldemort’s planning next?” Hermione-“Don’t know. Only time will tell.” ***They all exchanged nervous glances at one another. An empty flower vase went twirling past them and missed Ron’s face by only inches*** Harry-“At least we have the Quiddich game to look forward to tomorrow.” Ron-“Maybe this year no one will try to kill Ash.” Ash-“Someone IS already trying to kill me and the whole school.” ***A newspaper article went whipping by them. Hermione caught it and they all looked over her shoulder to read it. It was yet another article about Voldemort. NOTE FOUND REVEALING YOU-KNOW-WHO’S REASON FOR WANTING TO DESTROY HOGWARTS. Ministry of Magic experts have somehow managed to come across a note written by You-Know-Who himself. Details of if it’s his is still being worked out, but this is what the note said. “Hogwarts is nothing but a school for those that are good. I will destroy the whole school except the Slytherins that I know respect me. Everyone in that school bows down to Dumbledore, but soon they will not. The less Dumbledore supporters, the better.” Big steps are being taken to protect the school. As it is yet not known when You-Know-Who will be recaptured, we assure the public and the school that there is no way You-Know-Who will destroy the school. We, as we mentioned before, will go to all costs to protect the school. *** Hermione-“When will this end?” ***Suddenly, there was an owl tapping on the glass. It was Hedwig*** Flitwick-“Whose Owl is that?” Harry-“It’s mine sir. She’s probably just a little late on delivery.” Flitwick-“Well, hurry up and get back to work quick.” ***Harry rushed over, untied the note from Hedwig’s leg, and went back to his spot while Hedwig flew off*** Ron-“Well? Open it.” Harry-“Okay.” ***He opened it. It was a letter from Sirius. “Harry, Have Hermione, Ash, Ron, and yourself meet me in front of the Gryffindor Fire at midnight on October 1st.” *** Ash-“Well, that’s two days away.” To be continued… Okay. A bit dull. I’ll probably get 2 more parts done today. Well, review! ^_^