Wanting To Rule Pikachu Part 8 Saturday September 20, 2003 Hi again! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my stories! ^_^ You guys rock! Enjoy! ***It is 1 minute to midnight on September 30th*** Harry-“Any minute now.” Ron-“We have a lot to tell Sirius.” Ash-“And I’m sure he has a lot to tell us.” Voice-“Well hello.” ***They jumped as Sirius’ grinning face appeared in the fire*** Hermione-“Hey Sirius!” Sirius-“Hey Hermione.” Ron-“You seem pretty happy. What’s up?” Sirius-“Well, the Ministry of Magic caught me.” Ash, Ron, Harry, and Hermione-“WHAT??!!” Sirius-“Relax. Relax. Anyway, they were going to hand me over to the dementors, but then Dumbledore showed up. He convinced them to give me an extremely powerful Truth Potion that not even Voldemort could throw off.” Ron-“And?” Sirius-“Well, they questioned me to see if I was innocent. To see if Pettigrew really was still alive. I must have answered yes to most of the questions because after it wore off, they said I was a free man. They offered me a job at the Ministry in your dad’s department Ron.” Ron-“YOU’RE KIDDING!!” Sirius-“Nope. I accepted so now I’m free and no longer have to hide. Your mom is letting me stay at your house until I can afford one of my own.” Harry-“Wait. Aren’t you still doing the Order?” Sirius-“Oh yeah. That’s right. Opps. I guess I’m not staying at your house after all Ron.” ***They all laughed*** Hermione-“That’s great news! Maybe you can help the Ministry catch Voldemort!” Sirius-“Hopefully.” Ash-“Did you hear about what happened shortly after school started?” Sirius-“Yes I did. And I’d keep a watch out for what might happen next. i don’t know what he could do. Well, I better be going. The rest of the Order members are turning in.” Ron-“Okay.” All of them-“Bye Sirius!” Sirius-“Bye!” ***He smiled one more time and then he was gone*** To be continued… I thought I’d make it so Sirius was innocent since he really was until J.K. Rowling killed him off (WHY did she do that??!! >_<) Well, review! ^_^