Wanting To Rule Pikachu Epilogue Monday October 20, 2003 I have made really good time with this fic! Well, here is the last Part of Year 5! ^_^ ***The next morning*** Ron-“Harry! Come on!!! The train’s leaving any minute!!” ***Ash had accompanied them to Hogsmeade where the Hogwarts Express was getting ready to leave*** Jenn-“We just want to say good-bye to Ash until next year!!” Ron-“Hey Ash!” Ash-“What?” Ron-“Maybe you can come to my house over the summer! I’m already inviting Harry, Rachel, and Jenn over! Bring your friends if you can to!!! I’ll tell my mom you might be coming okay?” Ash-“That’s good!!” Hermione-“Well, good-bye until next year.” ***She waved and hopped onto the Hogwarts Express as it began to chug away. Ash and Pikachu stood and waved until the train was out of site*** Ash-“Well, let’s go Pikachu.” Pikachu-“Pika! (Okay!)” ***Ash grabbed the Portkey and in a flash, him and Pikachu were gone*** The End YAY!!!!! ^_^ I’m done!!! Well, look for Year 6 soon! ***Mutters*** Like tomorrow. Later! ^_^ And thank you to everyone who reviewed this story!