The Season of Love Pikachu Part 0 AAMRN Thursday March 4, 2004 I’m finally getting around to my Valentine’s Day fic. ^_^ I hope you like it! Ii haven't done a one-parter for awhile, have I? The day dawned brisk and cold. The sun was shining brilliantly onto the snow, making a glare that hurt the eyes. The fresh powder had just fallen the night before. Gleaming icicles hung elegantly from the houses as grayish smoke curled out of the chimneys and lofted in the slight wind. It was a cold day but beautiful. Ash was walking to a light blue house with two stories. He shivered slightly since the temperature was just below zero. He walked up the snowy steps and rang the doorbell. “Oh. Hello Ash! Come in!” Misty beckoned. Ash hurried inside and took of his jacket, gloves and hat. Misty’s house always had a cozy feel to it. The soft couch was up against the window with the lace curtains just tied behind it. There was an assortment of little nick-knacks on the shelf next to the T.V. and a lamp glowed in the corner. “So. What are you here for?” Misty asked. “I promised you a special Valentine’s Day didn’t I?” Ash said nicely. Misty clapped her hands over her mouth. “Oh my gosh! I completely forgot!” Misty exclaimed. She hurried upstairs to change cloths. “Honestly,” Ash thought. “Girls don’t need to change every time they go out.” He sat down on the couch and relaxed. Misty was downstairs in about 15 minutes. “Okay. I’m ready.” She said. She was dressed in sort of a business-like way which matched Ash’s black suit. “I think you’ll like what I have planned.” Ash said with a smile. “What do you have planned?” Misty asked with a giggle. “You’ll see.” Ash said. They kissed each other lightly then headed out. Misty happily followed him along as they made their way to the fanciest restaurant in town. They walked through the doors and Misty giggled with happiness. “You shouldn’t have done this Ash.” Misty said with a grin that practically ate up her whole face. “Why not? It’s the season of love.” Ash replied with a grin. There were crystal chandeliers hanging above every table. There was light romantic music playing from somewhere Ash couldn’t figure out. There was velvet tablecloths placed over every table with an assortment of China set out. They took a seat and soon were eating. “I’ve never eaten in this restaurant before. It’s so fancy. Usually I just pull through a drive-thru at Burger King.” Misty said while smiling. “Well, I guess this is a new experience for you then?” Ash said happily. Misty nodded. After dinner he led her outside again and started heading towards the park. “Where are we going now?” Misty asked while skipping. “To the park. I think you’ll like what I have set up there.” Ash said mysteriously. “Oh stop the guessing games. What’s there?” Misty asked. Ash grinned. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He said. When they turned the corner, Misty’s eyes widened as she saw what was in front of her. “A sleigh ride?” She whispered. “Yes. A sleigh ride through the park.” He replied. They climbed inside and the sleigh began to move along. It was being pulled by 2 horses. Ash reached somewhere inside his coat pocket and held a velvet box out to Misty. “What’s this?” Misty asked as she took the box from him. “Open it and you’ll find out.” Ash said sweetly. Misty unwrapped the box and opened it. She let out a shriek of delight. Inside was a 3-diamond ring. “Oh Ash! It’s beautiful!” Misty said with tears of joy. “Misty? Will you marry me?” Ash asked. “Yes Ash! I will!” Misty said through tears. She hugged him as they rode away into the park. The End. Awwwwwwww. A nice ending. I felt in a descriptive mood which is why there’s so much detail. I also thought it would do me good to have Ash as no longer being a serial killer. ^_^ Well, review! ^_^