When Two Worlds Meet Pikachu Part 1 Friday November 4, 2005 After reading through all the other parts, I realized how much explaining I left out of almost every single part. More than likely each part will be between half a page to as much as three pages longer than the originals. Oh well, more is better right? It took Ash a second to realize the kid had let out a scream. Ash was extremely puzzled. Maybe it showed on his face because the boy stopped screaming almost instantly. They stared at one another for a few more minutes without moving or saying anything. “W-w-who are you?” The kid asked Ash after the long pause. Ash blinked. “Ash Ketchum. Where am I?” Ash asked. The boy still looked a bit scared but stepped closer to Ash. “Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And why are you dressed like that?” He asked. Ash looked down and still saw himself in his trainer’s cloths. Ash raised an eyebrow. “Am I not supposed to dress this way or something?” Ash asked with a kind of laugh. The boy smiled. “I’m Harry Potter.” The boy said to Ash. Ash nodded with a smile. Then he realized he was still sitting on a bed and quickly jumped off. Harry laughed. “It’s okay. I don’t care if you sit on my bed.” Harry laughed. Ash had never been more confused. In fact, he was so lost he had a throbbing headache. It didn’t improve either when a red-haired kid barged into the room, looking like he had seen a ghost. He was dressed just as Harry was and also skidded to a stop in front of Ash. “Don’t bother screaming Ron. He’s just dropped in.” Harry said kindly. “Literally,” Ash thought sarcastically. Ron continued to stare at him. Ash was starting to get irritated. “His name is Ash. He came from…where exactly did you come from?” Harry asked him. Before Ash could answer, Ron burst out again. “Maybe he’s a wizard from another world!” Ron shouted. “Not far from the truth. I came from the Hoenn League where they have creatures called Pokemon.” Ash said. Harry and Ron looked at each other. “We’re taking you to Dumbledore. He’ll know what this is about.” Ron told him. Ash shrugged. Before he knew it, he was being marched from the room and through a hole in the wall. He was very much aware of people gaping at his unusual appearance. They marched him into the halls which were gratefully empty as well as up countless flights of stairs. Finally, they stopped in front of a statue. “Lemon Drop.” Harry said confidently. Ash stared, amazed as the statue opened up to reveal a spiraling staircase hidden in the wall. Ash looked at it uncertainly. “Go on! This will lead you right to Dumbledore!” Harry urged. With nowhere to go, Ash stepped onto the staircase and slowly rose up. The statue closed, leaving Harry and Ron by themselves. They didn’t look at each other but rather exchanged looks of confusion. After about twenty minutes of waiting, the gargoyle opened again and Ash stood behind it, dressed finally in wizarding robes as well as clutching numerous spell books. He looked absolutely confused as he stepped out. Harry and Ron exchanged looks. “Well? What did he say?” Harry asked. Ash still looked like he was trying to figure everything out. “Apparently I’m a wizard in Year Two in Gryffindor. I guess he was waiting for me to think something so I would be transported here.” Ash replied. Ron smiled. “Cool. That means you’re in our year. Wonder why he let you skip a year.” Ron said. Ash shrugged. They started up the staircase towards the Common Room. At long last, Ash smiled and felt as though everything looked like it was starting to work out. To be continued… W00T! Another part revised. And I have once again written it better than it was originally was. Well, review!