When Two Worlds Meet
Part 4
I know it has been awhile since any revisions have happened. If we have a snow day tomorrow which I doubt I may be able to crank out a couple more. Oh, some parts are going to be flip-flopped which will make the story itself flow more smoothly. Enjoy!
Ash was practically quivering with excitement. Even though he had only a week to learn Quidditch extremely well, he wasn’t too worried. He dashed up to the Common Room. Before anyone could say anything, he announced that he had made the team.
“Oh that’s wonderful Ash!” Hermione exclaimed. Ash looked slightly surprised but smiled anyway. Ron looked slightly sulky. Harry smiled at him.
“So I guess you did well then?” Ron asked. Harry laughed.
“No. He completely stunk and that’s why he was able to make the team.” Harry said sarcastically. Ron rolled his eyes.
The week that followed seemed to stretch for ages. It became known quite quickly who the new Beater was and obviously the Slytherin team, who they would play, was quite quick to tell him he wouldn’t last. Most people seemed to find it as a joke that he had tried out at all. So it wasn’t in the best of spirits that he tromped off to their final training session before the match the next day. The rest of the team was already there and smiled as he entered.
“How are things Ash?” Oliver Wood, their captain asked. Ash just snorted. Katie giggled but Fred Weasly looked sympathetic at least.
“Don’t worry Ash. You’re getting better every practice. People will be eating their words once we win.” Fred told him. Wood nodded approvingly and advised them all to start practicing or they’d be there for hours. Silently wishing he had not tried out, Ash followed them in silence.
**********************Next morning at breakfast…***************************
“Ash you really should eat something before the game.” Hermione insisted as she tried shoving some sausages at him. He looks at the food then at Hermione. He had never been this uneasy before. Sure, he had done okay in practice but everyone else was so much better than him that he didn’t know how he could compete. Deciding it would be better to at least eat something, he reluctantly started on the sausages. Harry looked at him.
“Don’t be worried. If you keep playing like you have, we shouldn’t have any problems.” Harry told him. Ash nodded silently. He seemed to have lost all capability of talking, but maybe that was better. In what seemed like no time, Harry and the rest of the team were standing up and making their way out into the bright autumn sunlight that filled the grounds. Ash quickly hurried after them, tripping on his way out which caused an out roar of laughs from the Slytherin table. Cursing, he marched down to the changing rooms and dressed as fast as he could. Once all of them were seated and changed, Wood looked at each player with brimming confidence.
“Many people seem to think our Beater doesn’t have a chance. But they haven’t been watching our practices. We’ve improved beyond anything I thought could happen this early in the season but it has. We may not be perfect but at least we know we can win!” Wood said with a slight maniac gleam in his eye. Ash clapped with the rest of them and rose to get ready for the start of the game.
It was beyond what Ash had ever thought. At least thousands of people were gathered in the stands. A tremendous amount of noise was roaring over the pitch and Lee Jordan, the announcer, was blaring over everything. Ash didn’t hear much however. He thought if he tuned in properly he might be sick. He heard a whistle blow and snapped back. The players were taking off! Grabbing his bat, he immediately flew into the air.
At once, all worries seemed to have left him. It all made sense to him now that they had other players beside themselves to work with. He saw a Bludger streaking towards Katie and immediately came to her aid, sending it hurtling towards the Keeper of the Slytherin post, who was forced to dodge it in midair, allowing Gryffindor a split second chance to score a goal which they did. A roar of applause filled the stadium and Ash turned on his ears for the first time.
“Stupendous Bludger action by Ketchum allowing Gryffindor to pull ahead 20-0! I’ll bet those who doubted him are eating their words now.” Lee Jordan exclaimed happily. Ash’s heart jumped at these words. So far, so good.
His next hit came about a minute later when he had to rescue Harry. While the Bludger did get hit off course, it also narrowly missed Angelina who shrieked and dived out of the way just in time.
“Sorry!” Ash yelled. And so the game progressed. Each player of Gryffindor was playing ferociously while Slytherin was playing viciously. It now seemed a private battle between each of the positions to knock the others out of play before the game ended. Although Ash had major things working for him, his luck did end eventually.
It happened when he had just knocked another Bludger away from Harry. Ash threw his arm into the air, whooping when a Bludger hit by the Slytherin’s made a sickening contact with his outstretched arm. Riddled with pain and sure his arm was broken, Ash tried to signal for a time-out. As though his wish was granted, Harry suddenly went into a dive, coming out of it with the Snitch clamped tightly in his hand. Ash landed on the ground and tried his best to stay calm as the rest of the team reined on him.
“Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins the first game of the season!” Lee Jordan shouted happily.
“Ash you were awesome!” Hermione screamed after she had fought her way onto the field. Ash winced as she touched his arm. Hermione looked at him.
“That Bludger broke your arm didn’t it?” She asked. Ash just nodded. Hermione, gratefully, called the team over. Together, they helped support him off the field as the crowd gave another tremendous applause.
To be continued…
I know it’s not the best revision but it’s a revision at least. I know it went kind of fast to. Well, review! ^^