When Two Worlds Meet Pikachu Part 6 Thursday July 6, 2006 Hey again! It’s now past midnight, I’m tired, and I got a writing urge so here I am. XD Hope you enjoy the revision! Ash blinked. He didn’t know exactly what had happened. He blinked again and then looked into the bucket. The nasty green garbage or slime or whatever it was had now grown slightly and was oozing around in the bottom of the bucket. Ash was confused. He had no idea what had happened to the water or why this crud was acting like this. Ash slowly backed up as the slime seemed to be growing, almost taking on a slightly small human form. Ash turned around and ran up to the Common Room. He knew he was probably acting stupid but he didn’t want to stand around to find out. He also did not care whether Snape would be mad at him for not finishing or not but he did not care. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting in the armchairs by the fire, apparently taking advantage of the unusual emptiness of the room. They looked up as he charged into the room breathing heavily. Hermione looked at him. “Ash, what’s going on?” She asked. “You look as though you’ve seen a ghost. I mean, come on Ash, they’re pretty common here.” Ron laughed. Ash then rolled his eyes and smacked Ron on the back of his head. He rubbed it, murmuring about how he hadn’t deserved that. Ash then turned to the other two. “I need you guys to come with me for a bit.” Ash told them. Harry and Hermione looked at each other. They looked at him a little funny. “What exactly for Ash? It can’t be that serious.” Hermione said in a knowingly way. Ash stared at her. He then sighed impatiently. “Just come with me okay?” He snapped. They all looked at each other again before getting up and following him out of the Common Room. Ron was still murmuring, except now about how they had lost their fireside seats. Ash rolled his eyes again. He couldn’t believe what it took to get some people moving. But he didn’t understand this green slime, which he had now named it, and what it was exactly. They kept walking until they reached the third floor. Ash strode towards the bucket. The others held back. Ash noticed and turned around. “What?” He asked. Ron raised an eyebrow. “Ash, we know you had to clean this floor but you don’t need to show us it.” Ron laughed. Ash slapped his head in frustration. “Just get over here you guys.” He snapped. They came over and then looked into his wash bucket which he was pointing at. They stared blankly at it then looked at Ash again. “There’s nothing there Ash.” Harry told him. Ash stared and then moved him out of the way. Harry was right. The green slime had somehow managed to vanish. Ash stood still, extremely puzzled at what was happening. Hermione was starting to get irritated. “Ash, is this some sort of a joke?” She asked as they began to head back to the Common Room. Ash shook his head. Hermione then raised her eyebrow as to indicate that he should elaborate on what he meant. Ash sighed. They continued walking until they came to the Fat Lady’s portrait that looked at them with disgust. “What was the point of disturbing me?” She asked grumpily. This time, Ron rolled his eyes. “Nubo.” Hermione told her dully. The portrait then swung forward and they clamored inside again into the fireside armchairs. Ash took a breath and then told them why he had dragged them down there. How he had wanted them to see the green slime but that it had somehow managed to disappear. Hermione thought about what Ash had just told her. “So either it disappeared or else someone took it?” Hermione questioned. Ron shrugged. “Who took it though?” Ron asked. “I’m not sure. That’s if someone did take it though.” Ash replied. To be continued… Boring but it’s how the story goes along and this part is critical, kind of anyway, to the rest of the story. Well, review! ^^