Up To Them Pikachu Part 3 Thursday February 5, 2004 Hi again peoples! I am getting ideas for this story so I’m updating while I got them. We might have ANOTHER snow day tomorrow and we just had one Monday so I’m happy! YAY! Um, enjoy! ^_^ Misty noticed the slightly glow and pulled away from Ash. It still stayed. “What’s wrong Misty?” Ash asked. Then he saw the white glow around Misty and himself. He looked shocked. “What is this?” Misty asked nervously. Ash was still looking at his whitish-colored hands. “I don’t know. Some unknown power is my guess.” Ash replied to her. Misty looked happy and excited. “OH COOL!!! How awesome! What does this secret power do though?” Misty asked puzzled. “I don’t know. Here. Think fast!” Ash yelled. He chucked an orange at Misty and she held up her arm as a shield. Suddenly, a white streak shot from Misty’s arm and surrounded the orange, stopping it in mid-air. Ash and Misty were thunderstruck. “What the-?” Misty said with confusion. She moved her arm forward a little bit and the orange flung back at Ash. They both were extremely confused. “Here Misty. Catch this orange and throw it back at me. I want to see if I can do that to.” Ash said. “Okay. Toss it to me.” Misty said. The white on her hands disappeared and she caught the orange. She immediately threw it to Ash who stopped it just like Misty. He lightly set it on the table. “You know what this means, don’t you?” Ash asked Misty. “No. Not really. AND NO!!! There is NO WAY that would work.” Misty said, eying him. “Come on. We may be the only way to stop the meteor.” Ash said. “No way! An Orange is one thing! A meteor the size of the U.S. is completely different!” Misty yelled. “Not with training I bet. Come on. Let’s go to the president. We may be Earth’s only hope.” Ash said. Misty sighed and looked at him. “Do you know how much pressure we’ll be under?” Misty asked him. Ash stood there and smiled. “It’s not everyday you get to save the Earth.” Ash told her. She finally looked convinced. “Okay. Fine. But a drive from Minnesota to Washington D.C. will be long.” Misty said. “Well? Let’s go!” Ash said. Ash and Misty both walked out of the restaurant and got in the car. They drove off to their houses and picked up some supplies. Shortly, they were about ready to take off for the White House. “Well. It’s now or never. Let’s go.” Misty said. Ash turned the ignition key and sped off. Above them in the sky, was a light now half the size of the moon… To be continued… BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay. Little boring chappy but oh well. Review! ^_^