Voldemort’s Army Pikachu Prologue CO Wednesday June 28, 2006 Hey all! This is my first story that I have ever typed on my own computer! Yes, I have my own laptop and shall be getting internet on it soon! Yeah, I kind of realize this seems named after Dumbledore’s Army but it is the only title that fits. You’ll see why by the end of the story. Enjoy! It was a bright summer day in the middle of nowhere. Ash and company were lazily sitting on the grassy ground, eating their midday lunch. Ash was rereading a letter that had arrived to him from a different world. The fact was, Ash was leading a double life, unknown to anyone except his mom, Misty, and Brock. Not only was he a Pokemon Trainer, but he was also a wizard at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was getting ready to enter is 6th year at Hogwarts and had just been reading the letter that Ron, a friend from Hogwarts had sent him. It read: Dear Ash, How’s your summer going? Mine’s been fairly decent with a few mishaps. Fred and George thought it would be funny to put light-at-will fireworks in my bedroom. I’m still trying to get the smoke out while they’re hoping mum doesn’t go into a fit at them again. Anyway, we were wondering if you would like to come join us for the remainder of the summer. We’d be able to send you an authorized Portkey since dad works at the Ministry. Send your response back with the owl. It’ll know how to get back. Sincerely, Ron Weasley Ash had already sent his response back with the owl who had delivered the message. He had also received the Portkey and was expecting to leave within the hour. However, he thought it would at least be decent to eat with Misty and Brock before he took off. Not only that, but he was hungry to. He slowly ate his food while thinking about everything that could possibly happen this year. Misty seemed to read his mind and spoke up. “Ash, I know I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. Do you think it wise to go back? You keep adding to the tally of near-death experiences. Don’t you think your luck is bound to run out sometime?” Misty asked. Ash thought about what she said. True, she had said this almost ever year. And it was true that numerous things that nearly got him killed had happened. But that seemed to be part of the thrill of going back. He didn’t know what to expect although everything that had happened had to do with Voldemort. Ash smiled. “Don’t worry Misty. I’ll be okay. I’ve came back every single year with more stories to tell while we were lost.” Ash said. Misty snorted. “We only get lost because you don’t know how to read maps.” Misty laughed. Ash yawned and picked up the Portkey. He turned to Brock and Misty. “You will take care of my Pokemon right?” Ash asked. Brock laughed. “Oh of course. You know they’ll be safe with us.” Brock replied. Ash nodded and smiled. He gave both of them a quick wave and then he was gone in a flash. To be continued… Yeah, this story is replacing what I had completed of Find Out or Die. I still have the same general idea except it will be better thought out and less stupid then the other one was. Well, review! ^^