Who am I? This is my funniest fanfic. I hope you like it! Jesse-"Ok. That's the plan to steal Pikachu. Do you understand it?" Meowth-"I do Jesse". James-"I do to". Jesse-"Ok. Then let's go!" ***They start to walk but hear a cracking sound*** Jesse-What is that sound?" Meowth-"Look! A tree branch!" ***The branch was heading straight for James*** Jesse-"Move your butt James!" ***She was too late. It hit him with a loud thud*** Meowth-"It looks as if he's been knocked out". Jesse-"I see that you little fur ball!" Meowth-"Hey! Who are you calling a fur ball!" Jesse-"I just told you". Meowth-"I think we should bring him back to camp". Jesse- "Good idea". ***They each grab one arm and drag him back to camp*** Meowth-"I think we should revive him". Jesse-"Even though he's more bearable in this condition". Meowth-"I agree. But we can't do our plan without him!" Jesse-"Yea. I guess you're right". Meowth-"I know I am". ***Jesse walks over to James and begins slapping him*** Meowth-"Jesse! What the heck are you doing?!" Jesse-"I'm trying to bring him to. I thought you knew that!" Meowth-"You don't revive someone by slapping them!" Jesse-"Then what do you do you know-it-all-fur ball!?" Meowth-"You splash them with cold water! That usually works". Jesse-"Ok. But there's just one little problem". Meowth-"And what would that little problem be?" Jesse-"There's no water around here!" ***Meowth sighs and looks at Jesse*** Jesse-"What?" Meowth-"Didn't you hear it earlier?" Jesse-"Hear what?" Meowth-"The stream". Jesse-"What stream?" Meowth-"Well, when that branch fell on James' head, It was quite for a few seconds. That's when I heard the faint sound of running water". Jesse-"We need to get some water now!" Meowth-"Who's going?" Jesse-"You are". Meowth-"Why me? How come you can't go?" Jesse-"Because I don't know where this stream is!" Meowth-"Ok. You have a point. I'll go". Jesse-"Good." Meowth-"I just have one question". Jesse-"What?" Meowth-"How am I going to carry the water back?" Jesse-"I happen to have a bucket in my bag". ***She goes to her bag and gets the bucket*** Jesse-"There. Now you can go". Meowth-"Ok. I'll be back soon". ***He turns and walks into the forest. He gets back about 10 minutes later*** Jesse-"Did you get it?" Meowth-"Yea. It feels like water in early spring". Jesse-"Maybe because it's early spring". Meowth-"Oh. Ok." Jesse-"Give me the bucket Meowth". Meowth-"Here you go". He hands the bucket of ice cold water to her and she throws it on James. He awakens immediately*** James-"Why did you do that!" Jesse-"To wake you up". James-"Why was I asleep?" Meowth-"Because you got knocked on the head with a tree branch". James-"What's a tree branch?" Jesse-"Ha Ha. Very funny James". James-"Who am I?" Meowth-"You're James! Now come on! We have to catch Pikachu!" James-"Who's Pikachu?" ***Jesse slaps her forehead*** Jesse-"I cannot believe this!" Meowth-"What?" Jesse-"He lost his memory!" James-"What's a memory?" Meowth-"Never mind". James-"Who are you?" Meowth-"I'm Meowth! Don't you know me?" James-"No, but who's that ugly girl over there?" Jesse-*** Outraged*** "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME UGLY!!" ***She storms over him and smacks him as hard as she can on his head. He blinks and looks around*** James-"Jesse. What happened?" Jesse-"You should remember". James-" All I remember is you saying move your butt". Meowth-"You lost your memory". James-"Did I really?" Jesse-"Yes you did and you were a major pain in the butt!" James-"I'm sorry. Can we try to go and catch Pikachu now?" Meowth-"We can try". Jesse-"We WILL". A review everyone can see from Mini Misty- It’s funny! I loved it!