SERENTINE by Chiccachilli (Pikachu023) Chapter 1 - It was that dark in the cell, that Ash and his friends could hardly see a thing. "If Togepi didn't go out there we wouldn't be here," mumbled Ash. "I told you, Togepi is a baby, it doesn't understand, you know that!! Misty shouted. "If it wasn't for you not watching Togepi, then we wouldn't be here right now and we would know where Pikachu is!!" exclaimed Ash. It all went quiet, all just thinking on how to get out. Suddenly out of the gloom came a figure, it was Gary. "So Ash what a pity you are stuck in here! There is no way your going to get into the pokémon league now. Oh, I forgot, with that Pikachu of yours you wouldn't get past the first trainer, even if you did get there! Hey thanks for wiping yourself out, it makes my life of becoming the champion much easier. Ha! Prof. Oak is coming too see you, big trouble I see!" "Gary, do you know where Pikachu is? Ash asked trying to hold in his temper. "How should I know, your Pikachu is a rodent, who would bother to notice it anyway? Face it Ash, your Pikachu is a loser, you'll never get anywhere with it. Don't you say anything; I've got to go! My pokémon have to be strong, clever and ready for the Indigo League, so I can't waste my time talking to you anymore. Bye!" "Don't you worry Gary, I'll see you at the Indigo league so don't get cocky about it!!" Ash shouted angrily as Gary walked out the door. "I can't believe this!! Can't they let us have some light!!" muttered Misty. She kicked the ground and her foot hit an object, it rolled to the other end of the room and burst into flames. "Great one Misty," said Brock," We don't want to get fried do we??" "Squirtle I choose you-, oh yeah they took our pokémon," exclaimed Ash. "I thought you would remember that," replied Misty, "Especially since you don't have Pikachu with you." Ash nodded. The flames were coming closer, until they heard the sound of a fire extinguisher taking out the flame. It was Professor Oak. "Hello Ash, Brock and Misty," he called grumpily. "Hi Prof. Oak," the three replied, secretly wishing he would let them out. "Prof," asked Ash, "Are you going to get us out of here?" "Not yet. First I must discuss the matter of the ownership of your pokédex, and your pokémon." Ash paused, "But I do look aft-" "Ash! When you are given things, alive or not, you must look after them. You have lost your pokédex, and most important, you have lost your pokémon! Now, that is not how any pokémon trainer acts, especially if they want to become a pokémon master," Professor Oak informed, "You have to be responsible!" "I am responsible for my pokédex, and my pokémon. Pikachu and the others are my friends! I would never let anything happen to them!" Ash told Professor Oak. "So where are they now?" asked Professor Oak. "I don't exactly know, it was Team Rocket's fault!" angrily exclaimed Ash, "They would have everything!" "Ok then, I know Team Rocket and all their bad doings, so, tell me what happened." "Ok," started Ash, "Since I've been travelling Team Rocket have always wanted to capture Pikachu. We lost sight of them for a couple of days but then.." One sunny day we were looking around enjoying our time. We were walking down a path, when we heard the sound of helicopter blades chopping the blue sky. At first we didn't know it would be them in the helicopter, which was until we heard their motto. We ran into a forest to get away from them, but they landed the helicopter and chased after us. Pikachu Thundershocked them a couple of times, yet Jesse and James just wouldn't give up. We continued running, and hid behind some bushes. Jessie stopped right in front of us, and looked around. Togepi ran out of the bushes and looked up at Jessie, it waved back at Misty. Jessie picked up Togepi, with a large smile on her face. Misty was scared for Togepi, so she ran to them and tried to get Togepi off Jessie. Out of nowhere came TR members, and they grabbed Misty by the arms, and held her back. Jessie laughed, "Good job guys, no we just have to find the other two." One of the men told us to get out of the bushes or we will never see Misty or Togepi again. Brock and I made up a quick plan to get out of all this mess. We would get all our pokémon out and battle. Brock ran through the bushes to the opposite side of me. We all let our pokémon out to battle, except Pikachu. Pikachu came out of his pokeball and insisted that he battled. There were thousands of men and they each had 6 pokémon. Pikachu was electrocuting lots of them, which cut back some of the pokémon. Unfortunately Pikachu was losing electric power and was getting weak. I got Pikachu to return. Slowly our pokémon were losing, Brock shouted to me that he would hold them up while I ran as fast as I could to save Pikachu. I ran for dear life, I could tell that Brock had lost and they were gaining on me quick. I wished that I had a rapidash and could gallop away at top speed. I ran past trees and more trees. I slowed down, oh great, there was 10 people from Team Rocket coming towards me. I turned around, but they were coming from all directions. I backed away towards a tree, hands grabbed me, I knew it, James laughing away as if he had won first prize! Team Rocket went for my pokémon, getting all of them. One guy had Pikachu. Pikachu came out of the pokeball and electrocuted him, and ran off into the forest. "Pikachu, Run!" was all I could say as I watched the rest of the men chase after Pikachu as I was being dragged to the helicopter. I don't know if they got Pikachu or not. Later on I met back up with Misty and Brock, and so here we are now." "I can't believe it, did that really happen?!" gaped Prof. Oak. "Yep, it is all true!" replied Brock. "Yeah, it is the truth," anxiously answered the other two. "Well I'll see what I can do, I'm sorry for not trusting you Ash," said Professor Oak as he walked out of the cell. "That's ok," replied Ash, just missing Prof. Oak. "You can really see that Gary and Prof. Oak are related, they just walk out the door before you can say anything," said Misty. "Yeah, I just hope he gets us out of here," answered Ash. AT THE OFFICE WHERE TEAM ROCKET IS Jessie and James looked up surprised, as they heard the office door slam open. "Hey what are you doing in here old man, who are you anyway?" questioned James. "Don't you know me James, I am Prof. Oak," replied Prof. Oak. "What are you doing here? How did you know my name?" asked James. "Your name tag." "Oh, But you still haven't answered why you are here!" "I am here because of Ash, Misty and Brock. "Oh them, yeah what about 'em?" Jessie replied as if she knew he was going to bring up that subject. "I want you two to let Ash, Misty, Brock and their pokémon go." "That is not possible," Jessie said. "Why not?" "Let me see, because we don't won't to!" shouted James. "Let them go!" "Ok, you have the kids we have the pokémon," suggested Jessie. "NO!, I want you to let all of them go!" shouted Prof. Oak. "Hmm, Prof. Oak, give us a minute, we'll think this over," said Jessie. Jessie and James got out of their chairs and went into another room. "So what are we going to do?" asked James. "Well we use trickery, listen up." A couple of minutes later Jessie and James came out of the room. Prof. Oak looked up at them. Jessie and James put on sad faces, "We realize how bad we are, we will let them go, we have learnt our lesson. We'll make a deal with you, we let the kids go and give back their pokémon. There is just one catch." "What is that?" asked Prof. Oak. "Well we need you to tell us about this rare pokémon so you'll have to stay with us." "Ok, I'll help you," agreed Prof. Oak. Jessie smiled, "Wait in our office, we will be back soon." James closed the office door behind Prof. Oak, "Do you reckon we tricked him?" asked James. "Yep, now what we only have to do now is let the kids go, give them some useless pokémon and find Pikachu before they do," whispered Jessie, "C'mon." BACK AT THE CELL The cell was still dark, Ash, Misty and Brock were giving up hope when the door in the corner opened and bright sunlight shone through. Ash stood up, so did the others. Two people were standing at the door, they walked towards the cell - it was Jessie and James. "We have decided to let you free, and give your pokémon back," said James. The three looked surprised, Jessie and James unlocked the cell door and gave them a bag, "Here is your pokémon, go, bye, bye, sorry to bother you," said Jessie and James. They pushed Ash, Brock and Misty out the door.