Character's Ages: Ash: 17 Misty: 17 Brock: 20 Gary: 18 Vanessa: 18 Ashley: 17 Van: 18 Italics words mean thoughts. AN: Okay, in this story stats off like this, Ash and everyone are in College. Vanessa is Brock's girlfriend and he's a real babe magnet in this story, Gary wants Misty and so does Ash, Misty only has a crush on Ash, but can't tell him because her boyfriend is Van. Gary seriously hated Ash and loved Misty. Misty was planning to tell Ash how she felt in a while, right after she broke up with Van, but Ash just wanted to hide his feelings. This story has no Pokemon in it. SCENE-1 Bus Stop: Its Monday morning, Ash is waiting for the bus and Misty joins him. Ash: Hey, Misty you know where Brock is? Misty: He's probably still with Vanessa. Ash: Oh man, being single sucks. Misty: hah, maybe I can, no. Uhhh, quick say something Ash, you really want someone, I say you go for it. Your like the coolest guy in school. Ash: But there's no one I like, except Misty of course. Just then Brock and Vanessa arrive and Kiss. (K) Ash (whispering to Misty): I think they just want to show off. Misty: Come on Ash, their in love. Ash: Hey, where's Van Misty: He's probably already in collage. Just then the Bus arrived, they all got in and went to School. After school, they went to their hangout, the night club (which is also open in daytime) SCENE-2 Night Club: Ash, Misty, Van, Brock, and Vanessa arrive at the Night Club and boy is the party shakin'. Ash splits up with the gang because Brock is dancing with Vanessa and Misty with Van. Ash: Boy, I wish I had the guts to tell Misty how I really feel about her, I said it myself being alone sucks, I mean this is what I do almost every night, come to the club no one to have fun with, split up with the others and return and pretend that I had a great time. Oh, man that's it, I'm telling Misty the truth right now, forget Van. Ash's heart is beating faster than it ever has before; he's walkin really fast and bumps into a girl who spills Coke all over his jacket. Ash: Hey, watch where your going goofball. Girl: Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Ash: Huh! It's alright as long as its mistake. Girl: It was. Ash: Oh man, I can't tell Misty about the thing now that my jackets ruined. Girl: What thing? Ash: Oh, it's nothing. What's your name? Girl: Ashley. Ash: Hey, I'm Ash. Nice name. Ashley: You too, Ash. Ash: Thanks. Ash and Ashley get drunk (nothing happens) and they become really good friends. Ash: You know Ashley I've never ever had as much fun with a girl in one night than I have with you, except for Misty. Ashley: Who's she? Ash: She's the girl I love. Ashley: Hey, I know how you can have fun with a girl. Ash: How? Ashley: Simple, lets have sex. Ash: Okay. They're both too drunk to walk and collapse. Scene –3 School: At school there seems to be an announcement. Teacher: Boys and girls, I would like you meet our new student, Ashley. Ashley walks in and Ash is surprised. Ashley: Hello Everyone. Everyone: Hello Ashley. Ash (softly): Oh man, that's the girl I was with last night at the club. Misty: Ash, what are you mumbling about? Do you know this girl? Ash: Yeah, last night at the club. Misty: Hey yeah, where did you rome off to? Ash: I took a cab since I was tired of finding you guys. Misty: Tired? We always stand at the same place when were ready to go. Ash: Oh alright I was drunk and I took a cab home, I reached her home too. My moms gone on a romantic getaway with my dad. Misty: You guys didn't do it did you? Ash: No, of course not. Or did we? Hmmm I can't seem to remember. Teacher: Ashley dear why don't you sit behind Misty there seems to be an empty seat. Ash: Oh no, what if she recognizes me from yesterday? Will she tell everyone what happened, what did happen? Ash survives her the hole day and Misty is coming over to his house. Scene-4 Ash's house: Ash and Misty reach Ash' s home, have a quick snack and then go to his room to play computer games. Misty: So Ash, you wanna play multiplayer? Ash: No thanks, you can play alone, I just wanna think about something. Misty: About what? Ash: Okay, I'll tell you but it has to be a major secret. Misty: Alright. Ash: It's about that new girl. Misty: Who, Ashley? Ash: Yeah her. Misty: What about her? Ash: Well, it's about last night at the club. I don't remember properly, but umm, I'll try to. Well we were drunk, and uh when I got up I was on the floor, we spoke, about how much fun I had and uh… then I said, Misty is the girl that I… Oh No!!! Misty: I am the girl that you what? Ash: You're the girl that I uh… am bringing home to play on the computer so she can't come to my house. Close save, but maybe I should just tell Misty. Naa. Misty: Ash, then what? Ash: Well there was talk about se… Nooooooo!!!! Oh wait I didn't do it, but I did kiss her in the cab and fell asleep, yeah and the… Misty: YOU KISSED HER?????!!!!!!!! Ash: Umm, yeah I'm sorry. Misty: For what I'm uh happy for you, you kissed a girl that you like. Aww damn it. I have a boyfriend. Ash: Hey yeah, although, I did wish it was you. Misty: Then what happened? Ash: Well, then the cab driver must have seen my I.D. from my wallet and took me home and when I got up the dog was licking my face. Misty: You mean Spotty? Uhhh groce. Well, Ash I guess this leaves you with a lot of thinking to do, so I'll leave if you want me too. Ash: Naa, there's no one at your house right? You can stay here. Misty: Thanks, I won't get in your way of thinking. Misty goes downstairs and turns on the T.V. Ash sits upstairs and thinks. Oh man, I really like that Ashley, but if I tell her what should I do about Misty? Oh man what am I supposed to do? I know, I'll call Brock. He'll know for sure. AN: Okay part 2 is coming up soon so watch out for what is Ash's decision. Send me reviews ok. C U Later. J