Stuck or not ----------------- by Rahul Ages: Ash-13, Misty-15, Brock-17, Jesse and James-19 It was a normal day in the life of our heroes. They were stuck on an island because Ash wanted to win another badge. (The reason I say stuck is because it took a lot of time to find the gym and by that time the ship had left) After defeating Wartortle and getting the shell badge, they were told by Professor Oak that a ship will be arriving there in three days to pick them up. So Ash suggested that should check the place out for Pokemon to catch. It had been hours but they had still not found any good Pokemon. All they found was Butterfree, Rattata, Spearow and Kadabra. They tried to catch Kadabra but he used his teleportation and disappeared so they could not catch Kadabra. Now it was starting to get dark and starting to drizzle so Brock thought that they should find some shelter for the night. They went inside of a cave and put their sleeping bags there. But later on Ash was just awake thinking on how he was suppose to tell Misty about his feelings. He just looked at Misty, She looked so beautiful he thought. "Oh Misty I wonder how I am going to tell you about my feelings" he said in a soft voice. The raining started to get heavier and heavier by the minute. Soon that time Ash just fell asleep. Having a dream about Misty, and Misty was having a dream about Ash. And Brock was having a dream about all the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys in the world. The next morning Brock got up earlier than Ash or Misty as usual. And some how made them breakfast. As he preparing breakfast, Ash and Misty woke up. Then he saw a young girl about 18 years old, spreading flowers, hopping and singing. Brock just took one look at her and fell in love. "That's the girl of my dreams" he said, feeling weightless and flying in his daydreams. Brock then follows her around. Ash and Misty wake up and see no Brock. "I think we should go and look for him. He's probably chasing another girl around" says Misty. Ash then sees the food and says, "First, we should eat. Then we'll go and find Brock, alright". Misty sighs and, but agrees. Back to Brock. As he follows the girl everywhere, he finds that she is going into a beautiful hotel. "A beautiful hotel for a beautiful girl" said Brock. Ash and Misty are still searching for Brock but cant seem to find him. As they are walking they see a lake, and a Pokemon just jumped out of there. Misty is very excited to catch a new water Pokemon and so she goes to check it out. She sends out her Kingdra (who evolved from horsea). Kingdra goes into the water to check out what's happening. "Kingdra there is something moving over there", says Misty. Then some more bubbling comes from under the water. Kingdra goes closer and closer until it reaches the spot. And out comes a Magicarp."A Magikarp, that's the worst water Pokemon ever. Well until it's a evolved into Gyrados." Says Misty. Ash says, "Come on Misty lets just go, unless you want to catch a Magicarp" and laughs. Misty takes out her giant mallet and clonks him on the head. After that they decide to back to search for Brock. Speaking of Brock, back at the hotel, Brock forgets all about Ash and Misty. And looks al ways nothing but girls, girls and more girls. Then one girl screamed at the top of her lungs. Because Brock was in the girls pool area. One of the girls calls Security. The Guard takes Brock and throws him in a cell. After some time Brock send out his Golbat to call Ash and Misty. Ash and Misty are exhausted. They have been walking for two hours getting them nowhere. Ash is carrying Pikachu in his arms and Misty is carrying Togepi in her arms. They are both too tired to stand up and so they both collapse on the ground. After a few minutes of peace from walking Misty and Togepi fell asleep. Pikachu was asleep from along time back, and Ash's eyes were also slowly closing. Just then Golbat arrives and tells them the news, but their legs are too sore from all the walking to walk (again that is). After a while they follow Golbat on Charizard. They reached the hotel and sighed out of happiness. Ash called Charizard back. Then they went to Brock, who was still in the cell. Ash and Misty meet him. Ash asks, "Why are you locked up?" "Because I went in the girls pool area by mistake", Brock replied. "Whoa! Did you see anything cool?" asked Ash. "Ash Ketchum, don't you have any shame?" said Misty. "Cool it Misty I'm just having a boy-to-boy conversation with Brock" Ash said. "Well at least talk something of a little manner" said Misty. "Oh yeah, well this is none of your business so just stay out of this" said Ash. "Cool it, cool it guys" Brock pleaded and stopped the fight. "Its her fault" Ash mumbles. There is no stopping these two Brock thinks to himself. After that they call the guard and after a long and hard argument Brock is set free, with a warning. After that they all go and rent rooms for themselves. Brock and Ash get room no.110 and Misty gets room no. 111. That night Misty is not able to sleep because Togepi keeps on making some sound in the night, which troubles her. Suddenly there is a slight tap on her door, she is a little afraid but goes near the door and in a low voice asks, "Who is it?" Ash answers the door with a big, "It's me" "Me who, It you Ash" Misty asks. "No I'm the fairy princess. Who else do you think I could be" says Ash, a little annoyed. Misty then opens the door saying, "What is it?". "Um…….. Mist, Could I sleep here? Even the floor would be fine, because Brock is snoring even harder than the old man does when it is raining" Ash asks. "Oh sure, and you can sleep on the bed too" Says Misty politely. "Gee thanks Mist" Ash says with a pleasant smile on his face. Oh he looks so handsome right now, it is moments like this that I love him so much. Misty thinks in her mind. So they both sleep together while Brock's snoring gets louder. At 7.00 A.M. Brock's snoring becomes too loud, Pikachu is awoken and is not pleased. Pi—ka—chuuuuu. "Why, why, why Pikachu? I was having a dream about getting married to the most beautiful and smartest woman I have ever met. Come to think of it all the women I meet are beautiful and smart. But still why?" Pika pi pika chu pi pi (you were snoring too loudly.) Hearing the scream of pain from Brock and the thundershock, Misty and Ash came to check out what had happened. They saw Brock totally toasted, and Pikachu looking unpleased. "What happened here" asked Ash? "Pika pi pika chu chu"(Snoring, too much snoring). "I know that's why I left," said Ash with a small grin on his face and rubbing his head. "Come on lets go and eat breakfast" Misty said with a sigh. As they were eating breakfast, Nurse Joy had informed them that there was a call for them. They went to check it out. It was Professor Oak. "Ash, Misty, Brock team rocket has taken over the ship that was supposed to bring you back. "Oh no, not team rocket" they say and sigh. Just then there was a sound, "Prepare for trouble," "And Make it double," "To protect the world from devastation," "To unite all peoples within our nation," "To denounce the evils of truth and love," "To extend our reach to the stars above," "Jesse", "James" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light," "Surrender now or prepare to fight" "Meowth! That's Right.'" "Oh no, not these pests again" sighed Misty. "Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Said Ash. "Pikachu Thundershock." Pi-ka-chuuuuu! Said Pikachu. "Not this time, twerp" said Jesse. "Go, Onix." Said James. "Onix?" said our 3 heroes in surprise. "A thundershock will have no effect on Onix," said Brock. "Your right, Staryu go," said Misty. "Go Jolteon" said Jesse. "Jolteon?" said our heroes again in surprise. "Jolteon, thunderbolt." Yelled Jesse. "Jolt" "Whoa, Staryu is toasted," said Ash. "Go geodude" Yelled Brock. "Geodude Geodude" "Geodude, Earthquake." Brock commanded. "Geo"(alright). With the earthquake everybody was down. They all called back all their Pokemon. "STOP!!!!" Yelled Ash. "Hey, team rocket, where did you get all these lovely Pokemon?" Asked Ash. "Well twerp, we went to the pokemon center, Weezing put everyone to sleep, and then we stole all their Pokemon" James answered. "Oh, I see," said Ash. By that time Pikachu had sneaked up behind team rocket. Pika- chuuuuuu! "Looks like team rockets blasting off again" (twing). "Well, that takes care of them. Said Ash. "Wow ash you really used your brain" said Misty. "Good thinking" added Brock. "Alright, lets go on the boat." Said Ash. On the boat, "Hey there's no one here" said Misty. "Yeah, I think team rocket must have thrown them overboard," said Brock. "I guess we're the only people here. "Oh well let's go to our rooms," said Misty. They all had separate rooms. Ash was in his room, thinking about what happened what had happened today. And Misty was in her room thinking about Ash. And Brock was in his room feeding the Pokemon and preparing dinner. "Dinnertime" yelled Brock. "Coming" replied Ash and Misty. They all ate and went back into their rooms. But Brock was out of his room just looking at the view. There really isn't any view from here; there is just water, water and more water on all three sides. Brock thought to himself. Meanwhile Ash and Pikachu took a little nap while Misty was writing about her day in her Dairy. She took a break from that and started thinking about Ash. Hmmm. Ash, oh Ash. Whenever I see you my heart skips a beat (especially when you smile at me). My spine gets tingled and I freak out. That is why I always shout and argue with you, because I am just always just too nervous to tell you how I feel. Oh I wish that I could just tell you what I just said to myself my sweet prince. With that in her mind, Misty falls on her bed and falls asleep. Really relaxed. Meanwhile as Ash is getting up, he sees that Pikachu is asleep and so just leaves him there. (Because he doesn't want to get a thundershock) Ash steps out and just goes around the ship and just stops at the fence or wall thing to think. Hmmm. When I get home I have two things to do. 1- To take part in a Pokemon Championship League and win it and 2- To declare my love for Misty. Just then Misty steps out of her room and sees Ash standing at the wall, fence thingy. "Hey Ash" said Misty. "What are you doing?" "Hey Mist. Oh nothing, just setting up some goals for when I reach Pallet." Ash answered. "OH! Can you tell me what they are?" Asked Misty with a pleasant smile. "Um. No. Not right now but I promise when we reach Pallet I will tell you, well when I do it, at least." Ash answered. "Okay." said Misty. "Well maybe I'll do one of those 2 two things before we even reach Pallet. Or Maybe, just now" said Ash with a smile. "Ok, Here goes. Misty, I, I, I love you, I've loved you since the moment I met you, you're the most important thing in my life, even more important than me becoming a Pokemon Master. Actually, you're more important than me and my life. Misty, I love you" And with that Ash gave Misty a slight and gentle kiss on her lips. There was silence for a moment since Misty was in shock about of what she had just heard. But then She started to speak up. "Ash, the truth is I love you too. Even more than my life. Ever since I first laid my eyes on you I've been crazy in love with you my senses all go wacky, now that I have told you about my love my heart is happy. And with that Misty gives Ash a slight and gentle kiss on his lips. And then they both KISSED each other for a long period of time. And all this while Brock, Pikachu and all the other Pokemon were watching. Brock gave them a whistle and all the Pokemon in their own language said Oh Ash, Misty that was beautiful. The End Authors note: Well that certainly came out better than I had planned. This was my first fanfic, and I am also preparing some fanart. Be sure to check it out. (When it arrives) Okay, guys and gals I would really like some reviews. alright. See ya later. (In Pokemon terms: Gotta catch ya later)