Chapter Six: Time to Evolve, Squirtle! Our three heroes (plus Brock) are fighting Team Rocket, but Darren cannot join in because his pokemon are weak. “Please get up, Squirtle…” sighed Melina. Suddenly Squirtle began to glow! “Oh, it’s evolving!” said Jared in awe. It evolved into Wartortle! Wart looked jealous. “I’m way more cooler lookin’ than that guy.” Melina’s Wartortle shot a water gun at Grimer. Grimer fainted. Melina just sat there, in happy shock. “I’ve finally got a cool water type…” she smiled. “Um, Melina, you can’t control it unless you have the Boulder Badge. You know that, right?” said Jared. Melina sighed. “Yeah, I know...” Wartortle went around firing its water gun at any unlucky target. It made Nincada and Seviper faint, and so did Cubone. So Melina and Darren beat Brock! But now wasn’t the time to celebrate because Goldbat was using Leech Life on Wartortle. “Quick, Clefairy, use Psychic to hit Goldbat.” Clefairy concentrated and hit Goldbat with force Goldbat fainted. So T.R. had lost ONCE AGAIN. But they still won’t give up, now will they? As they blast off, they think of a plan to steal their pokemon… “Darren, Melina, you both deserve these badges.” He handed them both Boulder Badges! “Cool! I’m one step closer to traveling on Route 22 and going to that Pokemon League Reception Gate!” smiled Melina. They walked out of the gym. “See ya later, guys!” called Brock. “Bye!” smiled the heroes as they walked away. After visiting the Pewter Museum and healing their Pokemon in the Pokemon center, our heroes headed on to Route 3. As they were walking along Route 3 Jared spotted a little boy wearing a cap. He was trying to take something from another boy, who was wearing a headband. “Give me my Spearow!” yelled the boy in the cap. The boy in the headband overpowered the other boy. Then the two noticed three teens watching them. “Can you help me? This guy won’t let me keep MY Spearow!.” The other boy spoke up, who was crying. “He borrowed it to catch a Venonat, but he won’t give it back!” “You said I could have it!” “Did not!” “Did too!” “Did not!” “Did too times infinity!” “Did not times 3x infinity!” “Okay! If he wants his Spearow, just give it to him!” cried Melina. “But he let me have it and I don’t have many Pokemon!” Darren shrugged. “That’s your fault.” Suddenly the cap boy smiled. “Say, you are a Pokemon trainer, right?” Darren nodded. “Let’s battle! One on one! Go, Pidgeotto!” Darren grinned as he called out Eevee. Meanwhile, Wart, Koji, and Jeni were floating in their balloon. Wart was scanning the fields below. Koji was polishing his boots and Jeni was cooking breakfast. “Just exactly how did you get to talk?” asked Koji. Wart was silent, but Koji could tell he wanted to say something. Finally Wart spoke. “Well, some scientists-“ “What kind of scientists?” “Some Rocket Scientists wanted to figure out a way to make Pokemon able to be as close to human form as possible. They wanted the Pokemon to be able to talk to the humans, and be like them, so they had to use a candidate. Dr. Fled. I remember his name perfectly. He was put into a machine and so was I. Then they pushed a button. But something went terribly wrong. We switched. I got the ability to talk and Dr. Fled could speak Pokemon language fluently. They thought they succeeded. They thought they were geniuses. They thought they could keep me, house me… but I escaped. Then I snuck onto the Rocket squad, and here I am.” “Hm. You can speak Pokemon still, can’t you?” Wart nodded and got back to looking down at the fields. Suddenly Koji heard Wart scream. “Wart, what’s wrong?” No answer. “Wart? WART?!” Wart fell to the ground below, but luckily he fell into some soft bushes. He was about to get up when he heard noises. He ducked low as soon as the twerps walked by, talking. Then he saw Melina’s Pokeball open. She didn’t notice. Out came the Wartortle. He sniffed around a bit, and then headed right where Wart was hiding.