Delia:Ok kids I'm leaving tomorow and hired a babysister. Ash&Ashton:BABYSITTER!? Delia:Yep.You remember Drake and Josh? Ashton:We sure do. *************************************************** Sanfrancico. Josh therw his root beer at the tv and it blew up. Mrs.Parker:DRAKE!JOSH!I booked you guys a babysitting job to pay for a new tv. I'm sure you remember,Ash and Ashton. Drake:WHAT? Josh:We can't babysit them there evil.E-VIL! Drake:Yeah,so is that Oak kid that allways hangs around the house Josh:Don't even get me started on him.*sniff*He broke my picture of Opra. Drake:When are you going to get over her. Josh:Opra,CAN DO ENYTHING!ENYTHING!!!!!! Drake and Josh think back to when they last babysat them. (Flash back) Drake: We got to stop them.If that photo of ous in dresses gets posted on the web,I gonna be so,so less attractive. Josh:Good thing I locked there rooms. Drake:There going to Old Oakey's house. Josh:Where the most evil one lives. Drake:Ya think. They ran to Prof.Oak's house. Josh:(banging on the door.)MR.OAK.OPEN THE DOOR!ARE REPUTAIONS IN STAKE!!! Gary open the door. Gary:Sorry guys,your to late. Ashton&Ash:HA HA Pika&Pikachu:(Loser.) Josh:HUH!! Drake:It's going to find a date this month. (End of flasback) Drake:To bad he got rid of those cheerleaders.They were pretty hot. Josh:Is girls all you can think about? Megan:You guys going to Pallet?Can I come? Drake:NO WAY! Josh:Yeah,we don't need anouther devil to watch. Mrs.P:Guys why don't take her with you? Josh&Drake:But....? Mrs.P:Boys. Josh&Drake:Fine. Josh walks over to the TV. Josh:I drink root beer,you don't see me exploding. ******************************************************************************* Ashton and Ash were downstairs practicing Marcial Arts and kong fu. Ashton:Ash you are so bad at this.Thats the 16th time I won. Ash xx ^ Doorbell rung. Ashton:I'll get it! Ashston opened Josh:Hello,Ketchum. Ashton:Hi,Nickles and Parker. Drake: This is are little sister. Megan:Hi,my name is Megan.Oh is that a Pikachu its so cute.I always wanted one,but would thses stupid boobs get me one nooooooo.Instead they get me a Nideran (F). Ashton:I invited Gary over.Unless your still scared of him. Josh:He flipped me once, and it did not hurt. Drake:Please you were at his feet crying. Josh:Besides,I borded up his house. Gary:Hello: Josh:AHHHHHHHHH!What did,but I,how di...............? Gary:For your informaition,I was outside,and that wasn't our house it was our neighbor's house. Josh:Huh. Ash finaly made it up the stairs. Ashton:Ash Gary This is Megan. Megan:Hi. Ashton:After last time me and Ash have change,so we baked you brownies. Drake&Josh:Thanks! Megan:Why do they get brownies? Ashton wispered somthing in her ear and she finally caught on.Josh and Drake ran to the bathroom. Josh:Hurry up Drake. Drake:I'm trying to open the DOOR! Ashton:Gee who has the key? Drake:ASHTON! Ashton:Pipe down the one downstairs is unlocked. Josh:I'm going first! Drake:No I got to go. Megan:That was somthing I would never thought Josh This is going to be a long week.