Disclaimer: Don’t Own Pokemon! A/N: Okay and here’s chapter 5! Also, I was reading my last chapter and noticed that I lapsed from first person to third person POV for a couple of sentences lol! I completely didn’t catch that when I proofread it, so sorry about that guys! I don’t know what the hell I was thinking! Anyways, thanks for the reviews and enjoy! Chapter 5 – The Truth and an Almost Confession I paced the sterile, white walled waiting room as I impatiently awaited the verdict with Ash. He had been in the ER a whopping 45 minutes, but it felt like eternity for me. What exactly were they doing in there? I thought all they had to do was get the bullet out and patch up the wound…but, what if the doctors had come across a complication… I stopped my pacing momentarily and stared at the double doors from which Ash had been wheeled through earlier. What if something terrible had happened? What if that bullet hit some major organ and he was suffering from internal bleeding? What if they had to amputate his arm? What if… “You’ll only worry yourself staring at those doors,” came a voice from behind. I whipped my head around and was met with Brock’s tired, yet, warm and caring eyes. “Brock,” I sighed, engulfing him in a hug that we both desperately needed. “I wouldn’t worry too much about Ash,” smiled Brock, “He’s a fighter, you know that.” I only nodded and felt the tears come to the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall in full force. I quickly wiped them away so that Brock wouldn’t see, but it was too late as I saw him giving me a knowing look. “What’s all this?” asked Brock, noticing my tears. “Brock I…” For some reason I couldn’t finish my sentence. Today had really opened my eyes to the possibility that Ash could have really died. And for what? For me? To save me from a past that had absolutely nothing to do with him? “Why would he risk it all…for me?” I whispered softly. Brock shook his head and sighed, “I would think that was obvious Mist.” “But he should have never been involved in my problems, it wasn’t fair to him,” I cried. “Misty…” Brock said in a steady voice, “All of your problems are Ash’s problems…all of your fears are his fears…no matter what happens, whether you like it or not, if you’re involved, then he’ll always be involved.” I stared at Brock a moment, letting his words sink in. Maybe he was right…Ash was always going to be there for me, regardless of the situation. But he was always the one making sacrifices, what could I ever sacrifice that would even be the equivalent of his life? “If you search your heart Misty, then you know as well as I do that Ash would take a bullet for you any day of the week,” Brock said confidently, “And if you just look at the signs, you know how he truly feels about you.” What exactly was Brock trying to tell me? Did he know something that I didn’t? Did Ash really… “Excuse me Miss?” I turned my head to see a friendly looking doctor approaching me. I rushed to him and gave him a pleading look. “You’re Ash Ketchum’s friend, right?” he inquired looking over his clipboard and flipping through some pages. “Yes, that’s right. Will he be okay, doctor?” I asked. “He’ll be just fine, so much so that he’ll be able to go home tomorrow,” smiled the doctor, “He’ll have to wear a sling for a couple of weeks and he’ll need to take it easy for a while, but other than that, he should make a full recovery.” I smiled, overwhelmed that things had gone much more smoothly than I had originally anticipated. “You may go in and see him if you want,” offered the doctor politely. I looked to Brock, giving him a pleading look. He only smiled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder, “You go, me and Pikachu will wait here.” “Pika pika!” “Thanks Brock,” I said giving him a hug then following the doctor to Ash’s room. We had only been walking a couple of minutes before the doctor stopped, almost causing me to crash into him. I hadn’t really been paying attention. My thoughts were solely on what Brock had said and what the real truth was between Ash and I. The truth…what exactly was that? “He’s right in there,” motioned the doctor as I nodded and watched him take his leave. I cautiously entered the tiny hospital room, almost scared of what I would find. What was there to be scared of though? The doctor had said that Ash would make a full recovery, so why was I so worried? Stepping into the room, I peered around the corner to find Ash in his bed, shirtless, and with a sling and gauze wrapped around the area where he had gotten shot. ‘For me…’ I thought to myself, remembering how he had saved me yet again. He was staring blankly out of the window, but I couldn’t tell if he was really seeing what was out there or if he was just thinking. I lightly knocked on the side of the wall and instantly broke him out of his trance. He whipped his head around to meet mine and smiled warmly, motioning for me to come and sit. “Hey,” I smiled, taking the closest seat to him. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, readjusting himself on the bed. ‘As always, he never thinks of himself,’ I thought, inwardly smiling. “I’m fine, what about you?” “Doc said I’m good to go tomorrow. It’s a good thing too cause this bed is not the image of comfort,” he complained, fidgeting even more to accentuate his point. I giggled at him and he smiled. Then, a weird silence ensued as I found no words come between us. It was a rare sight to see the two of us in the same room without another word pass between us for even just a minute. It was starting to feel much like it did three months ago when Ash had been in another similar looking hospital, nursing injuries that Derek had inflicted. ‘God…talk about déjà vu,’ I thought warily. Just then Ash broke the silence by taking hold of my hand, a move that caused me to look up at him, “Mist, I…” He looked at his bed sheets, searching for his words. I lightly squeezed his hand, if only to reassure him that I was there for him, but this did nothing to ease his nervousness. What did he need to tell me? And, above all, was Brock right? “What is it Ash?” “I-I’m glad you’re okay…a-and I’m sorry for leaving you earlier,” he finished, sighing in what seemed to be frustration. “Oh…don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault,” I sighed, disappointed and a little upset at the fact that Brock might have gotten this whole thing mixed up. “No, that’s not what I wanted to say,” he muttered, taking in another deep breath. “Ash?” I questioned, looking up at him. “Tomorrow,” was the response I got, “I have somewhere I want to take you…just the two of us.” For the first time, he looked up at me and I was finally able to take in beauty of his dark brown eyes and, in that instant, I felt myself falling harder and faster than I had ever thought possible. A/N: Okay, I know that was really short and all but my original plan was to make it much shorter so just be glad I got 3.5 pages out of this lol! Don’t you just love the scene with Brock? Always the voice of reason and he gives great advice too! Maybe he should take some of his own? Anyways, reviews are always welcome and AAML for life!