Disclaimer: Don't own pokemon! A/N: Hey there guys! I'm back with another chapter. Hope you all like it! Chapter 4 One Down Misty awoke to the sound of two male voices. She slowly opened her eyes and tried to get them to focus properly. As soon as she had regained her sight, she looked around the room searching for the source of the two voices. "We need you down on level one now." Said Matt. "Giovanni is waiting." "I know, but I need someone down here to keep an eye on these two." Sighed Ash. "Ah, they aren't going anywhere." Matt told him. "Come on. We need you now." Sighing, Ash nodded. "Okay, fine." Just as the elite was about to leave, he turned back around. "Go Noctowl!" He threw a pokeball up into the air and out came a multicolored Noctowl. It flew onto a perch near the ceiling and screeched at its trainer. "Noctowl, watch over the prisoners. Matt and I have to take care of something. I'll be back shortly." The elite informed as he turned to his Pikachu. "Let's go buddy." "Pika!" Announced the pokemon as it positioned itself on its trainer's shoulder. The two rocket members left to take care of their 'business.' Misty stood up and stretched out. She looked to her left and noticed that Brock was still sleeping. Sighing, she took a peek out of her window to try and guess the time. The sun was just rising up from behind the mountains. "It still must be early." Misty said to herself. All of a sudden, a gunshot rang throughout the building. An ear shattering scream was heard from down the hallway, causing both Misty and Brock to jump. "What the hell was that?!" Asked Brock, jumping to his feet. Misty clenched her fists in anger and shut her eyes in pain and anguish. "S- Sabrina…" Realizing what she meant, Brock began pounding on the bars of his cell. "No! Sabrina!" "Brock…its no use...she's gone." Whispered Misty. "No…" Cried Brock as his knees dropped to the floor. "Brock…we've got to get out of here." Misty whispered in a low voice, making sure the Noctowl didn't hear. He nodded his head as he wiped away his few remaining tears. "I know…but how?" "We'll find a way, I know we will. Then, we'll go to the police and finally bring this place down." Vowed Misty. "But we have to do it soon, or else more lives could be lost." Brock nodded in agreement as he stood up. "We have to think." "I wish I had my pokemon with me. I hope they're okay." Sighed Misty. "I'm sure they're fine. We'll get them back, don't worry. But until then, we're on our own." Stated Brock. "I know." Misty nodded. Just then, the elite re-entered the room. The Noctowl that had been keeping watch flew down to greet its trainer and landed on his extended arm. "Hey there Noctowl. Any trouble?" Ash asked. The pokemon shook its head in response. "Well, done. Now, I want you to go outside and fly around the building a few times. Keep watch for any suspicious looking characters. If you see anything, report back to me immediately." The elite ordered. The pokemon nodded and then flew out of the door as the elite took a seat on the nearby chair. He sighed as he petted his Pikachu. "Only six more, buddy. Then all of our hard work will finally pay off." Sighed the elite. "Pika…" Purred the electric mouse contently. It was then that Ash noticed that Misty and Brock were awake. "Oh, good morning." Greeted Ash. "Don't give me that bullshit! You killed her! You killed Sabrina! You murderer!" Screamed Brock hysterically. "Brock, calm down." Warned Misty. "I already told you that I was going to kill her. It should come as no surprise to you." Stated Ash. "But…why?" Cried Brock. "I explained it to you already, I won't do it again." He said, turning to Misty. "Keep your friend calm or else I'll have to." "He has a right to be upset! You just killed an innocent person. How could you just walk away, without a tinge of guilt inside of you?" She asked. "It was easy…" Whispered the elite. "Your friend needs to stop being so weak about it." "Weak?! He just lost a good friend! You have no idea of the pain that he's going through." Countered Misty. Ash stood up, enraged and stormed over to Misty's cell. "Don't talk to me about the pain that he's going through! I know the pain! I've been there, numerous times!" Misty also stood up to face the elite. "If you've gone through the same pain, then why would you want someone else to suffer the same thing?" "Revenge…my parents were innocent people too…they were killed by one of the gym leaders. This way, if no leaders survive, then I'll be sure that I've avenged my parents." He stated. "Your parents were killed too?" Asked Misty. Ash just nodded in response. "A long time ago. I was only 7 at the time. You don't know how it feels to see both your parents dead on your own kitchen floor, their blood staining everything." "Actually…I do." Started Misty. "Your boss did the same thing to my parents, as well as my sisters. I've had to bury 5 of my loved ones…how do you think I feel?" "Probably worse than I did at the time." Replied the elite. "And anyway, how do you know that a gym leader killed your parents?" She asked. "Well, you're a gym leader, you should know this symbol." He said, pulling out a metal medallion. It had the symbol of the pokemon league on it, engraved in gold. "As you know, this is the symbol of the gym leaders of Kanto. It was engraved in my parents' abdomens when I found them. The knife that was used to do the job was sticking out of my father's stomach." Misty gasped and put a hand to her mouth. "That's terrible." "I know. To this day, I've never found the murderer, but when I do, he'll be sorry he ever crossed paths with me." Stated Ash. "I'm sorry…" Whispered Misty. "Huh?" "That must have been a terrible experience to go through, especially at such a young age. But you're going to kill all of us, 7 innocent people, just to find one person?" She asked. "I don't know that you're all innocent. For all I know, you could all be working in it together…even you." He said, turning his back on her. "That must be awful…not being able to trust anyone…thinking that everyone is against you." She whispered. Ash stopped in his tracks as he heard her speak. Could it be true that someone actually understood half of what he was going through? He turned back around to face her and lightly smiled. "I get by." He stated simply. "Besides, everything went uphill for me when I met Giovanni. He accepted me into his family and trained me to be the powerful elite that I am today." "And you're proud of that position?" She asked. "You're proud to say that your own boss has killed countless innocent people, just like your parents were?" "He's only killed them because they betrayed him...they were evil people, all of them." He stated. "And what about me? Do I look evil to you?" She asked, staring at him. Ash just stared at her, not sure how to react. He was pretty confident that this girl was not the one that had committed his parents' murder. It was as if she was trying to reach inside of him and pull out the little kid that was lost long ago…almost as if she could see through him. "I-I…" "Hey Ash!" Yelled Matt through the small device attached to Ash's collar. "We need you again. Come to level 2." "Got it. I'll be right there." He sighed as he slowly backed away from Misty's jail cell. "Excuse me. Let's go Pikachu." The pokemon nodded and followed its trainer out of the room. After the door had closed, Misty crouched down in a corner and sighed to herself. "You okay Brock?" She asked suddenly. "I'm fine." He replied. "You know, it's weird." "What is?" Misty asked. "It's almost as if you were getting through to him, but it was probably just my imagination." Sighed Brock. "Yeah…" Giovanni was staring at the small screen in the corner of his desk. He watched as Misty and Brock talked to each other, not even aware that they were being videotaped. "Hmm…it seems Ms. Waterflower has found my elite's weakness. I'll have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he knows where his loyalties stand." Stated Giovanni. "Ash…you will kill the girl if it's the last thing you do." A/N: Okay, there's chapter 4! Hope you all liked it! And please, please, please, go check out my one shot called 'Never Again.' I really want everyone's opinion on it. Thanks guys!