Glory's Long Road: Episode #04 "Downfall" The sun hung low in the tundra sky, having just arisen from under the horizon. Dry, bitterly cold air remained still as Erik made his way to the Wabush City gym, the Oxide Gym. Sandopan trailed behind, barely keeping up with Erik. Just on the outskirts of the city, a large building stood, covered with a rippled metal siding. Rays of light bounced off the steel, creating a glaring reflection. A great set of iron doors opened with a groan as Erik pushed them apart. Inside the building was a large open pit, almost 10 metres across. Crushed and shattered rock fill the pit, glinting with the iron ore in the stone. "Who goes there?" From the far end immersed in shadows, heavy voice bellowed out. "A trainer, wishing for a gym battle." A lone man appeared from the darkness. Drab overalls and a scratched yellow hardhat were all the man wore. "So I see." He took a pokeball off his overalls belt. "I, Niko, accept your challenge. Two-on-Two, no time limit." With a throw, Niko sent out a small Koiru. Sandopan, readily got prepared to do battle. However, Erik outstretched his hand, keeping Sandopan back. From his belt, Erik removed a pokeball, and released Lupus into the depths of the pit. The ice wolf circled the floating magnet, not sure what to make of it. "Thundershock." Having received first orders, Koiru discharged a thin bolt of electric energy. Although temporarily, Lupus winced in pain from the sudden shock. Responding to the attack, Lupus answered back with an Ice Beam. Dodging as best it can, Koiru evaded most of the beam, allowing its right side magnet to be encased in ice. Weighed down by the ice, the Koiru dropped down to the ground, landing awkwardly on its side. "Crunch attack." Tilting her head to the side, Lupus powerfully clamped down on the hapless Koiru. A few shakes of the head, and it was thrown aside into the rocks with a resounding thud. Niko quickly recalled the downed Koiru. "Impressive." He sent out his second pokemon. A red insectoid appears in front of Lupus. Before she can react, the red pokemon slammed the broad side of its pincer-hand into Lupus, rendering her unconscious. Erik recalled the injured wolf, and gave the word Sandopan was waiting for. "Go." With that, Sandopan charged forward, leaping down into the pit. It landed in front of the armoured insect, taking a scraping slash against the metal. "Hassamu, Agility." A quick flap of wiry wings drew Hassamu back a bit, before disappearing in a burst of speed. Puffs of dust and hard clacks arose as the bug blazed around the confines of the pit. Sandopan stayed put, tracking the Hassamu's movements by the sounds. "Metal Claw." Reappearing in front of the hedgehog, Hassamu struck forward, pincer held open. Only centimetres separated Sandopan and the clamping claw as he hopped back. Hassamu moved forward, slashing with its right claw, only to be blocked by Sandopan. Using its other claw, Hassamu slashed again. Sandopan attempted to block with his right claw, but the injury sustained from the previous day hindered his ability. The block remained for a moment, before dropping. Hassamu's left claw, having been released, shot to the side. Seizing a strike, the steel pokemon snapped its left claw back, hitting Sandopan in the face. Helplessly, Sandopan partly spun around from the blow, and received a last hit in the back of the head. Limply, the hedgehog fell onto the rocky ground, as did a little piece of Erik. End Episode #04 Pokemon Report *-----*-----*-----* Translations Koiru = Magnemite Hassamu = Scizor