Author note: loosely based on TeamRocket Rose’s story The Secret of MissingNo (which I recommend reading if you haven't), this is my look on where MissingNo and ‘M came from. Disclaimer: PokeMon is copyright GameFreak Inc. Rikki Noroshi, Glitched Realities, and all characters not native to the anime/ manga/ video game are copyright me, so please don’t take them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glitched Realities by TR Rikki Prologue: Beginnings ‘M P.O.V. You think we’re dangerous, but what of our story do you really know? Nothing, that’s what. Yeah, we may have been mistakes, but we had a purpose. All because of that one mistake, we're doomed to an eternal Hell. But… maybe you’d like the whole story? FLASHBACK; 20 YEARS PREVIOUS “Hello little PokeMon, can you say ‘hello, professor’?” The PokeMon snarled and bit the scientists hand, it’s toxic fangs covered in blood. The scientist was dead, and the creature was happy. It had a twisted sense of humor. “Put that thing in it’s cage, I’ll mess with these two for awhile.” Another scientist said, walking over to us while the others faught with the creature. “Hello ‘M, how are you?” “I’m fine, Professor Rosewood, and yourself?” I asked through telepathy, my eyes on the floor. I never spoke verbally, always through the telepathy I gained from the Mew DNA. “Such a polite child, do you know what a ‘child’ is, ‘M?” “A baby human, I believe. That book of words Professor Oak showed me says so, anyways.” “Professor Oak showed you something called a dictionary, let me here you say that verbally.” “Dik-shu-ayr-ee… dictionary.” I felt myself smile, I never spoke verbally because I was no good at it. MissingNo was, his vocal chords were developed better than mine. An explosion tore through the other half of the lab, sending everyone scrambling for cover. MissingNo and I used Water Gun on the fire, putting it out and seeing what caused the explosion. The creature they’d deemed Nyahi had set a chemical ablaze, resulting in the explosion. “We didn’t hit you, did we Nyahi?” He shook his head, lighting another chemical. “ROSEWOOD!” The Team Rocket boss came storming in, watching MissingNo and I put the second fire out. We willingly slunk back to our cages, MissingNo’s steady breathing proof that he was asleep. I remained awake, knowing he’d want to know. “I’m tired of the explosions, you’re being moved to a new area. There’s a lab on Cinnibar Island, you have a week to be gone before I kill you all.” 10 YEARS LATER “Can you assume a human form, Raika?” I nodded, changing forms quickly to minimize the pain. Brushing my auburn bangs out of my eyes, I looked at Professor Rosewood who threw me a Pokeball. In my PokeMon form, I would of shrank away. But I caught it, facing my cousin down while everyone watched. “Alright, your battle can begin.” Kaide’s Arcticuno fell quickly to Nyahi’s power, but Nyahi fainted against my cousins Gyarados. Zapowth knocked it out quickly, surviving against Moltres as well. It’s downfall was Zapdos, being weak as it was. I sent Mewtwo into battle, watching it defeat Zapdos easily. Arcanine beat Mewtwo, but Mew beat Arcanine and the battle was over. “Hm… very good, we’ve trained you two well. Now, let’s see if you can fight each other.” We both went back to PokeMon form, Kaide opting for his Kabutops skeleton form. I took him out quickly with a Metronomed Hyper Beam, darting over to make sure he was okay. “Amazing! Your attack is incredible, but you lack defense. Interesting… you two are free for the day, take your PokeMon to the PokeMon center.” “Yes, Professor Rosewood.” We gathered up our PokeBalls, taking them to the Cinnabar PokeMon Center. Except for Mew and Mewtwo, they were too rare and could heal each other. A FEW HOURS LATER… “Hold still, you two!” Professor Rosewood shouted at the creatures, shoving a needle into ones side. It’s screech echoed through the lab, shattering everything breakable. Acting purely on instinct, we jumped into the fray to help subdue the venomous half-PokeMon. Mew and Mewtwo used their psychic powers to help, but were attacked by the other creature. My fangs sank into the struggling creature, ripping out its throat as it’s blood flowed freely. I felt the other one attack me from behind, so I left the one I’d bitten for MissingNo to finish off. Ripping at the creature deemed Houka, I was bleeding as bad as it was before I stepped back… satisfied that it was dead. “We must get out of here, it’s a possibility that they can still regenerate even after that attack.” Recalling Mew and Mewtwo to their Master Balls, Professor Rosewood ran for it. Acting again on instinct, I put Nyahi and Zapowth in Master Balls before running for it. MissingNo had Arcticuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Arcanine; and Houka and Enka were the only remaining PokeMon. Once outside, Professor Rosewood told us what to do. “Burn the building down! Use your fire PokeMon, and yourselves, and burn the building down!” Nyahi, Moltres, Arcanine, myself and MissingNo all turned flamethrowers on the building. It was soon ablaze, the chemicals inside exploding with enough force to knock us through the wall of the PokeMon center. All I felt was the pain, then there was nothing. MISSINGNO P.O.V. PRESENT DAY I don’t know if ‘M and Professor Rosewood survived the poison, both were gone by the time I awoke. Mew, Mewtwo, Nyahi and Zapowth were gone as well, ‘M must have them. Professor Ronald Rosewood was all I knew about life, he had taught me how to be human. My life as an experiment was over, but my journey was just beginning. Nyahi and Zapowth were too dangerous to be released into the wild to breed, they’d cause the PokeDex and PokeMon Storage Systems to crash. They would have to be released some place without an organized PokeMon system, some place like Drionho. We weren’t complete, or even intended. ‘M and myself were glitches in their formula… the formula that created Houka and Enka. Even though we weren’t the scientists original idea, we saved their lives. All of them are dead by now, except for Rosewood. I hold on to the hope that he’s still alive, as there’s no record of his death. I began training in the Jhoto region, earning badges quickly. No matter how many bad memories lay in Kanto, I missed it dearly and believed that ‘M would remain there. Ronald Rosewood deemed her Raika Gurrichi, but she may have changed it. Either way, I must find her. She must know the truth, and I must be the one to tell her! TO BE CONTINUED…