The Time on Hand Hey I’m POKECHAMP, and this is my first AAMRN fic. Note: Some things may be odd or distraught so don’t kill me. This is the prologue by the way. Years had gone by. They had separated and gone their own separate paths. Ash, Brock, Misty, each accomplished their goal. Ash a Master of Pokemon, Brock a Master Breeder, and Misty a master of Water Pokemon, they enjoyed the rewards that came. But as with every thing, there comes a consequence. ***** At a certain headquarters, Tests were being conducted. “Test subject Gamma shows signs of terror,” A computerized voice said to a shadow silhouette. “Perfect,” said the shadow, “Save the data and print the formula, the end of the humanity is near.” The Shadow revealed himself, having a nice black suit, garnished tie, and a grin more crooked than the Leaning Tower of Pisa (clichéd possibly, bad joke, bash me all you want.). He laughed while thinking of the doom he would cause. ***** In Pallet Town in a large house right next to the original Ketchum Residence, we find Ash Ketchum sitting on his bed. Sighing, he shows extreme signs of boredom. “I sure miss Brock and Misty, especially Misty,” he said. “I should have told her my true feelings,” Just then, the phone rings. Before Ash even has a chance to say hello, this is said, “Ash Ketchum, you are cordially invited to the Pokemon Elite Cup! This cup tests trainers of all skills. Winner gets prize of their dreams!” “Hmm,” said Ash, “I’m in,” “Perfect, your details will come tomorrow.” Ash looked to his side and sees the pictures of his journeys, and says “I hope Misty is there,” Ok, may be crappy but hey first time. Reviews email me at