Operation: Stop Wedding...FAST Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, but my dog, stormy does (^_^) (if you think I am serious you are a retard!!) Ages: Ash:15 Misty: 15 Brock: 20 (poor guy still don't have a girlfriend... or does he??) Now on with the story.... Today Ash, Misty and Brock have just arrived at Emerald City. In the past year a lot has happened. Ash and Misty finally confessed their feelings and are now a happy couple, with dreams of marriage. Brock, 20 years old is now married to Lila, she is also traveling with the group and in a delicate condition.. Togepi evolved, then met a female Togepic and they left to start a family of their own. Pikachu still with the group of course, except for during May and October, which is when he does all his modeling shoots. "well, lets get to the Pokemon center, I want to call mom", said Ash running towards the Pokemon Center. "I can't believe my parents divorced, I hope they are ok", said Misty running after Ash. Brock and Lila followed behind. As soon a Ash entered the Center he ran to the phones, he hadn't spoken to his mom in almost a year. He dialed the number, and finally his mom answered. 'Hello, Ketchum residents", said Delia. "HI MOM", shouted Ash almost at the top of his lungs, unaware Misty was right next to him. "Oh hunny, have I got news for you...Ash, I am getting married", shouted Ash's mom with glee. "Really, wow congratulations", shouted Ash, forgetting to ask who his mother was marrying. "So sweetie what else is new with you?", asked Delia. "Well Brock got married and he has a child on the way, him and his wife still travel with us though, emm nothing else important really", Ash said with an evil grin. "WHATEVER, hi Mrs. Ketchum, there is some other important news", said Misty. "Oh like what?", asked Delia. Misty hit Ash in the side. "Oh yeah, almost forgot", grinned Ash, "Misty's my girlfriend". "WHAT?!?!, I mean...ah... congratulations sweetie", said Delia, sounding a little scared. "erm, well we gotta go, its getting really late, oh mom, when's the wedding?", asked Ash. "In exactly a week and 1 day", said Ash's mom. "Ok. I'll be there!!", said Ash as he hung up the phone. "Hey Brock, we are going back to Pallet Town tomorrow, moms getting married next week", said Ash. Just as Misty was settling into bed Nurse Joy knocked on the door. "Come in", said Brock. "Sorry to interrupt, but there's a Mr. Waterflower on the phone for Misty", said Nurse Joy. "My dad, wonder if anything's wrong", sad Misty jumping out of bed and running to the phone, Ash followed. "HI daddy", said Misty in her baby voice. "Hi Mr. Waterflower", said Ash with a big yawn. "Hi Misty hunny, hi Ash", said Mr. Waterflower (From now on Mr. Waterflower is Tom) "What's up dad?" asked Misty. "Sorry for calling so late, but Delia just told me you were here, and Misty guess what, I am getting married", said Tom. "Oh kool, that's funny, so is Ashy Boys mom", laughed Misty. "Ashy Boy?", ask Ash, "Mist I'm all up for pet names up, But I'm your boyfriend, not your puppy dog". "Anyway, when is the wedding dad?', Misty. "exactly 1 week and 1 day" "OH NO", said Misty, "That's the same day as Ash's moms". "I have a plan, just come home with me to say hi to my mom, then I'll walk you up to Cerulean City for you dads wedding", said Ash. "If your sure", sighed Misty. "Ok dad I'll be there". The next day Ash. Misty, Brock, and Lila started to Pallet; they arrived a little earlier then scheduled, since Ash and Misty insisted on running most they way there. As soon as Ash's house was in site, they dashed up to the door and rang the bell, Delia, as usual, answered. "Hi, everyone, please come in", said Delia. "Hello, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Ketchum, you sure have a lively young boy", laughed Lila. 'Hello, you must be Lila, please make yourself at home". "Mom, Misty won't be able to attend your wedding", said Ash. "WHAT?, why?", asked Delia almost jumping from her seat. "Because her dad is getting married the exact same day as you are", said Brock. Delia, giggled a little, "Oh ok, but you will stay until at least 7 right?". "Ya, I mean if Ash can still get me to Cerulean by tomorrow", said Misty "Of course I can", growled Ash at Misty's lack of faith. Just then the door opened. "Hello Delia", said Tom entering the house. "DAD?!?!", shouted Misty. 'MISTY", shouted Tom "wha...what are you doing here?", asked Misty. "Misty sweetie, i have a surprise for you, but you may not like it", said Tom "What is it", asked misty. "Misty hunny me and your father are getting married", smiled Delia. "WHAT?!?", shouted Ash, "You can't, not to Misty's dad, why not Prof. Oak or...or somebody else, not Misty's dad", screamed Ash. 'Please dad No, don't do this, you cant' not now, not ever", cried Misty. 'Why are you two so against this wedding", asked Delia. "BECAUSE... because if you get married, I won't be able to be with Misty, and that's not fair, it's against the law to get married or even go out with a step brother or step sister", said Ash. "Ash, I know you love my daughter, but we don't want to spend the rest of our life's alone, please understand this Ash", said Tom. "No...No, it just isn't right, mom you promised me that you wouldn't ever get married to someone I didn't want you to marry", said Ash. "Ash, calm down, it'll be fine, just go to court and get a divorce, it is legal to divorce your parents if you don't want to be there child anymore", said Brock. "I don't want that Brock, no matter what they are still our biological parents, so it'd feel weird", said Misty, "Please daddy can't you and Mrs, Ketchum just stay Girlfriend and Boyfriend forever, i mean at least that way if things didn't work out you wouldn't have to get a divorce", said Misty. "Listen Misty, I love Delia, in a way beyond a Girlfriend and boyfriend relationship", said Tom strictly. "And how do you think I feel for Ash", cried misty. "Misty, stop that now, cry all you want but we have made our decision", said Tom. "Mom, please...", begged Ash. "I'm sorry Ash...", sighed Delia. Misty turned and ran for Ash's room, Ash followed. "Misty, don't cry". said Ash. 'I'm not going to, Ash i am going to stop this wedding no matter what", said Misty in an determined voice. 'But how?", asked Ash. "I'm not quite sure yet but believe me, I will stop it", grinned Misty. To be Continued... So? what ya think? awesome? bad? good? ok? crap? something that you would only read if you hadn't slept in weeks and need a fast way to fall asleep? write everything in reviews, and please check out my other fics (^_^) my fics are on both fanfiction.net and ThePokemontower.com, thanx for reading!!!!