PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Looking back: last time we saw our heros there was some surprises and some problem.....Ash and misty found out they had some theves in the family.....Cristy Waterflower and Kay Ketchum were sent to Help Jesse and James capture Pikachu...and with few attemps they succeeded and sped away with Pikachu.....what will ash and friends do now?? Chapter 2: PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU “Pikachu......pikachuuu”, Ash screamed while walking through the dark night. “Ash, its getting last....”, Misty said putting her hand on Ashes shoulder. Everyone could tell Ash was lost with out Pikachu, Lost without his bestfriend. “Lets just set camp up here guys, ash we’ll keep looking in the morning”, Brock said as he layed his backpack on a near by rock. “Jesse and James will show us to the TR head quarters tomorrow.......right guys”. “Huh.......sure, but there is a price twerp”, Snarled Jesse “I’ll give you anything.......anything exept Pikachu”, Ash lowered his head at the thought of never seeing his friend again. “Your Bulbasaur.......”, said Jesse looking proud of herself. “Hey thats not fair.........got catch your.....”But Misty was cut off by Ash. “Oh, fine my Bulbasaur in exchange for you helping me find Pikachu....No matter what”, Ash said with a blank stare, as he walked down to the near by lake. “Ash no....” “Misty, let Ash make this exchange.....its important to him...”. The next day the set off on the quest for the TR head quarter. “Ok Team Rocket......which way....left or right”, asked Ash looking more determand then ever. “Emmmm Right”, said James “Are you positive!!??”, yeld Misty worried they might be messing about. “Yeah he’s right.......we get called back to the bosses place to get yeld at so many times we could do it with our eyes closed”, said Meowth ‘Well thats a depressing thought......dose he yell alot?” asked misty now Highly interested in Team Rockets troubles. “Only when we screw up”, answered James closing his eyes. “Which is really all the time.... But now we can get revenge”, said Jesse as her eyes turned red ‘Revenge for humilliating us all the time....now its our time”. -------------Mean While with Cristy and Kay--------------------------------- “HAHAHA the boss will praise us like we’re gods”, laughed Cristy holding the little sack pikachu was in. Pikachu used all its energy trying to Thundershow out but nothing work.......he was stuck. “Yeah and Jesse and jame will get fired.......oh life is great”, Kay said while putting his arms behind his head and grinning. “Kay.....do you think you are related to the Hat kid we stole this Pikachu from??”, asked Cristy. “I don’t know....you think you are related to the girl?”, Kay replied “ I hope not......it would ruin my repution”, Cristy said looking like the huge snob she was. “Well.......I do have an Ash Ketchum in my family......so that kid was probly him”, Kay said “But.....I don’t know”. “But what”, asked Cristy. “But the Ash i used to know was......my step brother....I think”, Cristy gasped at the thought. ---------Mean while back wil ash and co.--------------------------------------- “Jesse I’m scared what if the boss yells at us ...again”, James asked Timmedly. “Oh quit your winning James......it’ll be nothing new”, answered Jesse “How how far now......i’m tired”, moaned Misty “Will you quit your winning too......thats all you have done since after we ate lunch....wine and complain”, Yeld Ash as he turned around. “Well sorry, but i happen to be very tired at this point of time”, Misty yeld back “Stay here then......see if I care”, Ash yeld as he turned around and kept walking. “Fine I will”, Misty said as she sat down and stuck out her tounge. Ash just contiued to walk.....he didn’t think she’d actully stay behind until he heard a scream........it was misty. Everyone turned around and Misty was gone. “MISTY.........MISTY this isn’t a funny joke”, yeld Ash “ Ash I don’t think this is a joke......MISTY”S GONE” Brock pointed out “No not again.....”, at this thought Ash turned around and ran....Brock and Team Rocket followed close behind. Later the sat up camp, Ash just sat on a rock the whole time....it looked as if he were crying...he kept pounding his fist against the rock. “Why didn’t i go back to save her....i am so stupid”, Ash cryed as he pounded his fist against the rock one last time. “Hey whats wrong with the Trewp”, James asked totally clueless to what had just happend. “Ash has lost everything now.....”Brock said has he layed out the piknic table. “Huh, he still has his backpack....his sleeping bag”, James started counting everything Ash still had on his fingers. “James ya loser.....brock means everything he loves.....the twerp has lost everything he loves.......and i hope for his sake he dosn’t love his sleeping bag”, said Meowth “I know wat da twerp is going throught i once lost the cat i loved.....”, Meowth stared at the ground. “Oh snap out of it”, Jesse said hitting Meowth on the head “We have already got one love sick loser......we don’t want another one”. “Jess, haven’t you ever lost someone you loved?”, asked james. “well yes but lets not go into details”, Jesse said turning away with what seemed to be a sad/angry look on her face. “What about you Jimmyboy”, asked Meowth “ Oh course everyone has”, answered james who for somereason looked proud of himself. “Dinners ready”, Brock called...Ash didn’t budge. “Hey Ash dinners ready”. “ I don’t want anything to eat”. Brock slowly walked up to ash with a bowl of soup. “Come on ASh. I know this is hard on ya but you have to eat”, Brock said waving the bowl infront of ashes Face. “Is that Chicken noodle?”, Asked Ash “Yes”, laughed Brock handign ash the bowl and walking back to the campsite. ---------------------meanwhile back with Cristy and Kay---------------------- “Alright girly“, laughed cristy “For some reason the boss wants you also...i have no idea why he’d want such a scrawny little thing like you but orders are orders”. “hey I am not scrawny......and Ash and Brock will find me you’ll see”, yeld misty. Cristy and Kay had hand cuffed Misty and were taking her straight to the boss...of coaures they would have never areed to such a thing if they new what he was going to do with her. “Shut up, or Pikachu gets a little kick”, laughed Kay. “ You touch Pikachu and I’ll tell Ash and he’ll get you bad”, Yeld Misty still struggling to get out the hand cuffs. “Oh whats your little BoyFriend gonna do to us”, laughed Cristy. Misty’s eyes got teary “Cristy you use to be so nice.....what happened”. “HUH, you remember me...but how you were so young....theres just no way”, Kay got a suprised look on his face “Cristy you lied you said you didn’t know her”. “well i didn’t think she’d remember me”, answered Cristy “How could i forget you...i didn’t say anything cause i didn’t want Ash to make fun of me.....you were so sweet and Nice to me.....what happened”, Misty was now slightly crying. ‘The real world is what happened....stellign is the only way to get what you want in this world”, answered Cristy “Thats not true......you can work forwhat you want.....you can follow it “, giggled Misty. “Follow it?”, asked Kay who was confused now. “Its a long story...”said Misty as she lowered her head “A long story”. ‘PIka pi pika pikachu(you mean ash right misty?)”, asked Pikachu, Misty just smiled. ---------------Mean While back at camp---------------------------------------- “Hey twerp I just thought of something”, said Jesse sitting up in her sleeping bag “What now?”, asked Ash “I bet Cristy and Kay have got your beloved Misty”, smirked Jesse “Really??, I mean i don’t love her”, yeld Ash “2 things....first Jesse, stop giving Ash a hard time, second thing lets get some sleep, we have to go find PIkachu and misty tomorrow, night everyone”, yarned Brock. “Goodnight everyone, goodnight pikachu, good night Misty”, wispered Ash as one last tear rolled down his face. To be continued in chapter 3 Ok, I know Ash seemed alittle wimpy, but who wouldn’t after losing the two most important things in their lives anyway Questions......Flames.......Coments...write them all in the reviews Thankies (o^_^o) ((^_~))