The Dare that would change things FOREVER Part One By Pokemongirl890 It was a cool breezy evening. Wind was whistling through the trees and all was well in the town of Pallet. Everyone was asleep. Well, almost everyone. 3 teenagers and 3pokemon sat on the floor of 15 year old Ash Ketchem's bedroom. The three pokemon's names were Pikachu,Togepi, and Vulpix. The three teenager's names were Ash Ketchem, Misty Waterflower, and Brock Slate. The three were having a sleepover. You know, eating pizza, playing boardgames, telling scary stories about ghost pokemon. "Lets play truth or Dare!" suggested brock, for it was his turn to suggest their next activity. "Alright , Brock" said Ash yawning widely in the process. "We're supposed to be staying up all night!" yelled Misty, whacking Ash in the head with a sledgehammer. Clearly she was annoyed with him. "Whatcha do that for?"Ash shouted back, while rubbing his head. "sssssssshhhhhhhhh!!! Lower your voices, if we get caught, they'll make us go to bed!" warned Brock. "You know, that wouldn't be too bad I guess...... OOWWW!!!" yelped Ash for that comment had earned him another whack in the head. "Let's just play already!" moaned Brock eagerly. " What ARE we going to play?" asked Misty questioningly. "Trth or Dare of course!"smiled Brock. "What! That's a girly game! Right Misty?" Ash boldly stated. "Um..........Ash. Aren't you forgetting something?" "What could I be forgetting, Misty?" Ash said with a blank look. Misty and Brock sweatdrop. "Uh........ forget it, Ash." Misty says with a strange look on her face. "What? Tell me!!" Ash demanded. Vulpix let out a great yawn and settled on Brock's lap for a long nap. Togepi was already sleeping comfortably in Misty's arms. Pikachu was the only Pokemon awake. It was sitting on Ash's sleeping bag right next to him. It looked like it was going to nod off at any moment. "Quiet! You'll wake Togepi!" whispered Misty, gently rocking Togepi in her arms, a soft smile spreading all over her face. For,at Ash's words, it began to stir in it's sleep. It relaxed again after it's gentle rocking. "So.........who goes first?"questioned Brock. "I want to!"said Misty eagerly. "Ok." agreed Brock,"Alright with you, Ash?" "Whatever" muttered Ash. "Okay. Brock, Truth or Dare?"asked Misty. "Dare."He smiled. "Alright. Let's see........."Misty thought for a moment, "I dare you to, starting tomorrow, tell everyone you meet on the street that he or she is UGLY as a Grimer and smelly as a Gloom." She pronounced triumphantly. Ash gaped at her. ' That was the greatest dare he'd ever heard. Did she really expect Brock to carry it out? That would be including Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.' Brock suddenly looked nervous and seemed reluctant that he ever suggested this game in the first place. But Brock was Brock. He would take ANY dare. "Does that include---"started Brock. "Yes, Brock. This does include Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny." Interrupted Misty," well, it's your turn Brock. You can either pick Ash or me. Go ahead." Brock grinned somewhat evilly. 'Here's my chance to get Misty back!' He thought.'I can't wait to see the look on her face!' " Awright Misty! Truth or Dare?" he asked eagerly. 'Please pick Dare!' He prayed. "I pick Truth. Ask me anything! This girl doesn't lie. Take your best shot!" She answered confidently. 'AWW Man!' thought Brock desparately, ' Now I can't get my revenge!' But suddenly, an idea struck Brock. "Here's the question: Do you have any crushes?"Asked Brock slickly, grinning triumphantly. 'OH NO!'thought Misty.'I can't reveal my love for Ash just yet....... I Know!! I'll plead for a dare instead!!! Yeah!! I'm so smart, sometimes I even surprise myself!". She never knew that her change of heart would change many things Forever! (A/N Who Ha Ha!!! I can be sooo evil sometimes!) "Uh........Brock? Can I choose dare instead?" asked Misty hopefully. "Sure Misty!" said Brock cheerfully. 'Walk right into my trap. Hee!Hee!^_^ ' "Okay, so what's the dare?" She asked, more relaxed now. "Umm..............Let me see........hmm" He put on a big show of thinking,"I got it!!!" "So, tell us already " yelled Ash, impatiently. "Yeah!!" said Misty, just as impatient as Ash. "I dare you, Misty Waterflower..."he said slowly. "Yeeessss!!! Keep going!!!!" Said Ash and Misty even more impatient than before. "To go up on stage in the middle of Pallet Town, in public......"continued Brock patiently, dropping his voice as he went. "Brock, just spit it out!!!!" exclaimed a clearly pissed off Misty. For a moment, Ash looked a little scared, clearly startled. "And, you only have a week to do this.........." He said in a voice barely above a whisper. He was really enjoying this. They could tell. "Just tell us so we can get on with silly game!!"moaned Ash, his patience obviously wearing thin. "AAANNNDDD" said Brock," Drumroll please. KISS!!!!" The shocked looks on Ash and Misty's faces were so good that they could have been captured as an award winning Kodac moment. They both turned their faces and each eyes met the other. What the did next was very unexpected and uncalled for. (A/N So did you like it? Corny? Fabulous? Terrible? Please Read and Review!!!!! ^_^