Mistletoe Author: AshleyAngel Chapter: 1 of 3 Email: ashleyangelic@aol.com (please review!) Catergory: AAMRN Rating: G ***************** Chapter Two: Surprise Kisses ***************** Midnight came quickly. By then, Ash was sweating like a pig. Thoughts ran through his head, such as: Would she like it? Would she wear it? Does she love me? Does she love someone else? Am I going to make a fool of myself in front of Gary? "Ash, calm down," Brock had whispered to him at dinner. "You're stressed." "What, is it that obvious?" Ash asked, his eyes darting around the room to where Misty was sitting, trying to persuade Togepi to have some turkey. "It's not that obvious...." Brock lied. Ash looked at him. "Alright, alright. Here's the truth. Ash, you're buttering your hand." Brock said, peering at his friend. Ash looked bashfully at his right hand. Indeed it was well buttered. "And, you are using a knife to cut mashed potatoes. You're not suceeding, I can tell you." He pointed at the mashed potato down his front. "Oops." "'Ooops' is right Ash. Cool it." "Do you think she'll like it?" "Ash, mate, trust me," Brock said, "she'll love it." "We'll see. We'll see." **** "Three....two...one....Merry Christmas!" Cheers rang out across the Ketchum household. Ash's mum got to the Christmas tree and started handing out presents. Ash saw her reach his small parcel. He had forgotten to get the flowers. He hoped Misty liked her gift. She opened it and her eyes grew wide. Her face broke into a smile. She squatted down and patted Pikachu on the head. She showed the watch to Pikachu, who's eyes grew wide. Pikachu pointed to the watch and then to Ash. Misty nodded. Pikachu ran towards Ash, proclaiming, "Pi pi! Pi Pikachu!" "Yeah, I know Pikachu. You got Misty a watch," Ash said, loud enough for Gary to hear, who was sitting in the corner, trying to undo his bordem. He looked up after Ash said 'watch' and smirked at Ash. Ash didn't like the smirk he was giving him. "I wonder what Gary's up to." Someone cooed in Ash's ear. Ash turned to face big blue eyes that were attached to Misty's red haired face. "Thank you Ash." "No problem. Anything for..." He stopped. He was about to say 'Anything for my girl', but he paused, and quickly said,"for...for...for you! For you, Misty. Yes, that's it." "Right," Misy said, slipping on the watch. "It fits perfectly. Thank you, Ash." Ash flushed as red as a tomato. Misty looked at him with admiration. She wanted to lean over and kiss his flushed cheek, but held her temptation back. She walked away, hoping Ash wouldn't notice that she had leaned over just a bit. Ash watched Misty back away, as if he were intoxicating. "That was odd," Brock comentated, looking from Misty's face to Ash's flushed one. "She took it well, see?" "Well, Ash, you've won someones heart, haven't you?" He heard someone that sounded like Gary say. He turned to face Gary, his eyes filled with mischief and laughter. He began to chant, "Ash has a girlfriend. Ash has a girlfriend." "So?" Ash snapped back. "At least I have one, and you don't! You're turning green with envy right in front of my eyes. Ha!" That made Gary snap back, his eyes flashing with anger. He replied through gritted teeth, "You take that back, Ketchum!" "No!" Ash said, smirking. Gary swung back and aimed a blow. Ash caught it and threw the blow away. "Nice try," he teased, backing away. "Gary, you punch like a ...oof!" Gary had swung back and hit Ash full on the cheek. The cheek began to grow red, not from embarassment, but anger and pain. Ash took a blow but the stopped when he heard. "Ash, what are you doing?" Misty's shocked face replayed in front of his eyes. She had never seen Ash punch or hit someone, so she was worried. "Ash! Calm down!" Ash looked around. Everyone was watching the commotion. Gary smirked triumphantly, not hurt. Brock broke the silence. "Ash, go to the bathroom and clean up. Misty, help him." "Al...al...alright," Misty said, unsure. She escorted Ash up to the bathroom. He sat in a chair, while Misty ran water on a cloth. The were opposite each other when Ash said, "I love you." Misty's eyes opened wide. He heard her whisper, "What?" "I...love you," Ash said. He stood up and approached her. She backed up, her face all scrunched up with confusion. "Is that alright?" "I knew," Misty admitted, flushing scarlet. "I overheard Brock and Gary. I have to tell you something." "What?" "I...lo-..." Misty began, only to be interupted by a cough behind the door. They walked to the door, ignoring the fact that Ash was bleeding freely. They opened the door and onto the floor tumbled Brock, Ash's Mum, Gary and Professor Oak. They all grinned sheepishly up at them. "OUT!" Ash shouted, trying to close the door. He managed to heave them out the door and returned to Misty. "Where were we?" "Here," Misty said. She kissed him, bringing her arms behind his neck. He kissed back. They heard cheering and turned to see everyone cheering-Gary the loudest. "You guys planned this?" Misty asked, her arms still attached behind Ash's neck. "Who else?" Brock said, grinning. "Okay, I think we'll leave Ash and Misty. Ash need to be...uh...cleaned up." He shooed them out the door. Misty got the damp towel and lightly dabbed Ash's cut. He smiled greatfully at her. "Thank you." "Anytime," Misty said, lowering his head, and kissing his forehead. ***