Contact Info - - t95107 (AOL Instant Messenger)

Disclaimer - Pokémon is owned by Tsunekazu Ishihara, Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures Inc. The only thing I own is the idea for this fiction, 'Devil', 'Demon', 'God', and 'Angel' types.

A Pokémon Christmas

Psy Blade


    Misty was in the middle of rolling a snowman, when she was hit on her back by a rather large and hard snowball.

    "Who threw that?" she screamed, turning around to see the innocent smiling face of Ash.

    "Aw, come on, what's wrong?  Does wittle Misty hate being hit by a snowball?" Ash said, mockingly.

    "You think that was a snowball?  I'll show you a snowball!" she screamed again, picking up some snow, rolling it, then throwing it.

    The snowball and the throw were kind of pitiful.  The snowball was going slow enough for Ash to move out of the way, and it burst apart, without even hitting the ground.

    This only proved to make Misty angrier, and she lunged at Ash.  He, however was ready for this, and stepped aside, holding out his foot to trip her, and trip her he did.

    Misty got a mouthful of snow, and sat up, about to pound Ash, when she saw him plop onto the ground, staring up at the night sky.

    "Have you ever made a snow angel?" he asked all of a sudden.

    "No, why?  Aren't you a little old for them?" she replied bitterly.

    "No one's too old for them, my grandmother taught me that.  She even taught me how to make a proper looking one," he said, with a far off look in his eyes.

    "Well, how do you make a proper looking one," Misty asked, losing her anger.

    "Well, you make it normally, but you need a partner, who'll help you up so you don't mess it up," he said, moving his arms and legs twice in a swishing pattern.

    "Then?" asked Misty.

    "First, help me up," replied Ash.

    Misty face-faulted at this, but helped him up anyway.

    He moved to the head of the angel, "Then, you take a stick, or use your boots, to make the halo."

    He moved his boot to make a line above the head, "And if you want to be funny, add devil horns to the person, and make a line from the halo to the head."

    Misty never really thought of making a fake angel with devil horns and a phony halo.

    "Oh, and one more thing, you make lousy snowballs!"

    "Hey!" Misty yelped, pushing Ash down into the snow.

    Ash laughed, before quickly getting up and saying, "Well, today's your lucky day, I happen to be an expert on it."

    Misty sighed, realizing he must be telling the truth, judging by the back pain she had where the snowball he threw earlier had hit her.

    "First, you find the good snow.  Good snow is the kind of snow that isn't half slush, like the stuff by your snowman.  It's the tiny shavings that are still perfectly frozen.  You can test the snow by taking a handful, and squishing it together.  If it falls apart, then it's the bad kind, but if it packs, then it's the good kind.

    "Then you take a handful of it, like so," he said picking a pile of snow, "Then squish it together like I said earlier.  This packs it together.  Then you grab some more, and pack it into the first pile.  You keep doing this until you have a large enough snowball.

    "Next, we work on your throw.  First, grab the snowball like so," he stated, grabbing it with his thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers, "And throw it straight, and hard, but remember to follow through with your hand, that adds a little more power to the throw."

    During this whole time, Misty had been doing everything he had said, and as soon as he let go of the snow, she silently trudged behind her snowman, yelled, "Hey, Ash!  Think fast!" and threw the ball at him.

    Ash didn't have enough time to dodge it, so he got hit in the chest by the snowball.  Misty started making another snowball, so Ash dodged behind a snow-fort he had made before he threw the snowball at Misty.

    He already had a pile of snowballs, but he waited until he thought she had a good amount, then yelled, "Get ready for the snowball fight of your life!"

    And the two were locked into a vicious snowball fight which lasted until about eight o'clock, at which time Ash's mother called them inside.

    "You two must be cold from being outside so long, here, have some hot chocolate," Delia offered.

    Both Ash and Misty took the chocolate gratefully and sat down at the dinner table.

    "So, who won?" Ash asked.

    "I didn't know we were supposed to keep score," Misty answered.

    Ash face-faulted and replied, "Of course!  That's the number one rule of a snowball fight.  Well, it doesn't matter, I know who won."

    "Who?" Misty asked, sipping on the steaming chocolate.

    "I'll tell you if you beat me at Super Smash Brothers Melee," Ash challenged.

    "Okay, but I warn you, I'm very good with Pichu!"

    "But I bet I'm better with Pikachu!"

    The two friends quickly ran to the television, and turned on the video game.

    After half and hour of playing, it turned out to be a draw.

    "If you hadn't have insisted it be a timed match, I would've won!" complained Ash.

    "Well it was a draw anyway, so I guess I'll never know who won the snowball fight," Misty said, exhausted.

    "Ah, I'll tell you, you beat me by three hits.  It was the first time somebody beat me since the last time I saw my grandma alive," Ash stated, equally exhausted.

    "Well I guess I win the bet then.  I get to keep Pikachu as one of my Pokémon until a week after Christmas," exclaimed Misty.

    "Oh, that, I was hoping you forgot," Ash said gloomily.

    "Actually, I'll go off the bet if you let me sleep in the bed tonight," replied Misty.

    "Okay!" Ash said, happy at not losing Pikachu for a week.

    "Well, let's go, tomorrow's Christmas, and we want to get up early for it," Misty said, changing the subject.

    Both of them went up to Ash's room, only stopping long enough for Ash to take out his sleeping bag and an extra pillow from the closet in the hall.

    Ash layed out his sleeping bag, while Misty crawled into the bed, and they both fell asleep thinking 'Ash/Misty will love the present I got him/her!'

    They both woke up early, and ran downstairs to the Christmas tree.  Misty saw a large package wrapped in golden paper wrap, addressed to her, from Ash.  And Ash saw a fairly large package addressed to him, from Misty.

    Misty ripped off the wrapping paper, and gawked at what the box under it said.  Ash had gotten her a brand new custom built twenty one speed mountain bike.

    Ash, meanwhile, carefully took off the ocean blue wrapping paper, and opened the box.  Inside was a small computer chip, an enhancement for his Pokédex.  And there were also some books, on how to make your own Pokéchow.  There were also books signed by the Elite Four themselves on the great League Matches of the last fifty years, and right on the cover was a picture of his match between himself and Bruno.

    "Thank you!" they said in unison.

    They then gave each other a hug in return for the great gifts, and blushed a deep red.

    "So, now that you have a new bike, are you going to go back home?" Ash asked, a little nervously.

    "No, I've been having a great time traveling around with you and your friends, I think I'll keep doing it for who knows how long."

   "Forever, maybe?" Ash asked sheepishly, blushing an even deeper red than before.

   "Maybe," replied Misty, smiling, and blushing even deeper too.

   "Woo-hoo!" screamed a voice from the kitchen.

   Both Ash and Misty turned to see Brock with a tape recorder, who had obviously taped the whole conversation.

   "This is so going to be in the video biography of Mr. Ash Ketchum, and Mrs. Misty Ketchum!" he yelled before turning off the camera.

   "What did you say?" they both yelled, turning a deep shade of maroon, before bashing Brock in the head, and taking the camcorder into the basement, to hide.


   And so ends another great year in the Pokémon world...