Chapter 3 PokŽmon League village Ash was sitting down on the bed at his house, sighing. He began to regret his lax way of training pokŽmon. Misty was probably not as good a trainer as Gary or Melissa, and he had to put up against one of them. Ash figured that he had to know his enemy. Ash decided to record the battle on digital television with a digital tape. The phone rang. "Ring ring ring, ring ring ring, phone call, ph-" Ash picked up the phone. It was Officer Jenny. "We have an attempted suicide at the league area. We are looking for the cause of the attempted suicide. The person who shot herself was 23 year old Jessica, finalist on the pokŽmon league. She wonÕt say anything, she dosenÕt even know that she shot herself, so we are going to question everyone." Ash looked surprised. "Sure, interview me. I want to do anything I can to help, but I donÕt know what to say about it." Officer Jenny nooded her head. The picture-phone hung up. Ash opened the door to Officer Jenny a few minutes later. She looked wrecked and tired from work. "Sit down," Ash requested, running to a table and pulling out a chair for her. Jenny sat down and sighed. She took out a tape recorder, slammed it on the desk with the palm on her hand, and pressed a ÔrecordÕ button. She took out a picture. It showed a woman with thick, framed glasses and long, very red hair. "ThatÕs odd. Her glasses are meant to be thick yet donÕt seem to have visibly convex or concave glass," Ash pointed out at the picture. Jenny squinted at the picture, and asked, "do you, by any chance, know anyone that looks a lot like her?" Ash took the picture. "Yes, I do, but I donÕt know if it is relevant," Ash answered calmly. "Who, then? She could very well be in disguise. When we interviewed her she said nothing and looked suspicious. This could very well be more than a depressed league applicant," Officer Jenny pointed out. "Well, she may be Jessie of team rocket. She has tried before, years ago, to steal my pokŽmon, but ever since I evolved my Pikachu to a Raichu I never heard from her." Officer Jenny tapped the back of her pen to her chin and started taking notes. She then drew a sketch. It was Jessica with a black rocket shirt and no glasses. Ash looked at the sketch, then noted, "she had a white rocket shirt, and her hair was less spread out and more 'directional', but otherwise you have just drawn a splitting image of Jessie." Officer Jenny looked a tad surprised, saying, "a senior rocket! Hmn." She turned off the recorder, put away her equipment and took up her handcuffs. "ThatÕs all I need, Ash. Goodbye." Ash had an impression that he had just discovered something important. A confused Jessie lay down in the hospital bed, the bullet now out of her stomach. A tall, male nurse came in. He checked her medical status. "Looks alright. You got a visitor. His name is Hideyoshi." JessieÕs eyes widened. The male nurse left the room, and Giovanni came in, his face crinkled profusely and scarred all over after 3rd degree burns from the pokŽmon island disaster took tool long ago. He closed the door behind him. "Looks like you shot yourself. Look, a senior rocket, facing an Ôhonourable taskÕ, taking the easy way out?! YouÕre lucky. IÕm taking the hard way out." GiovanniÕs face never changed. It probably couldnÕt, in his state. "YouÕre leaving... team rocket?" Giovanni smiled. "Yes. IÕve got a gym to run and IÕm too old for this immature gunrunning monkey business which had almost got me killed. I was going to use James, or shall I say Jameson, as a tool to get out of team rocket. I hired you in this, so when you shot yourself it seemed to be a distraction. And I was just about to leave, too." Giovanni raised what Jessie recognized as his infamous silenced dum-dum (explosive bullet) firing pistol. Jessie swallowed hard. "It wasnÕt a suicide, Giovanni. I was shot by James, stunned by a yellow powder, and carried by 2 people over here. DonÕt tell that to any nurse or doctor." Giovanni brought down the pistol and put it on the floor beside Jessie as an act of resignation. Giovanni then sighed and turned toward the door. "James is a lot smarter than I thought. IÕm going to look for him. And I meant what I said about leaving team rocket." Giovanni left running and slammed the door behind him, leaving Jessie sweating on the bed. Seconds later, Officer Jenny burst in. "Jessie, I am going to question you. Do not try to speak against this." Jessie bit her lip. Officer Jenny took out a notebook. At that moment, in a hospital gown, Jessie hopped out of bed and picked up GiovanniÕs gun. She aimed it at Officer JennyÕs head. "DonÕt even think about it, Officer," Jessie mused, and Jessie opened the door still in a hospital gown and ran out, leaving Officer Jenny surprised and confused. First, Jessie needed her pokŽmon. Jessie ran through the hospital as people started to panic. They already knew that someone had a gun and knew very well how to use it. Pretty soon the hospital would be surrounded with police officers, so she had to think fast. She found a sign in front of her reading: POKƒMON FACILITY ---> Jessie headed that direction and found herself in a small pokŽmon center. There was a seat with Nurse Joy sitting on it. Nurse Joy seen Jessies gun, and she held her hands up in the air. "I am looking for an Arbok, a Lickitung and a talking Persian. They came in just today. Make it snappy!" Nurse Joy quickly typed on her computer. Behind Jessie a picture-phone ringed, "ring ring ring, ring ring ring, phone call, phone call-" Jessie shot it, and the explosive bullet blasted it to smithereens. Within seconds, Jessie recieved 3 pokŽballs. She put them on outer pockets in her gown. Jessie had very little time. The place had a red alert light on now. She looked out a window. Too high to jump off. She found a door leading to a set of stairs. She opened the door, and ran down the flights of stairs very quickly. When she arrived at floor 1, she opened the door. In front of her was a closed glass window with no shutters. To the left and right of her were armies of policemen. "Hold it right there, youÕre under arrest!" Almost all of them yelled. Jessie, however, knew better than that. She dived out the window and somersaulted on the concrete to keep away from most of the shattered glass, and none of it entered her skin or cut her, quite surprisingly. Police cars werenÕt there yet, anyone who was in the hospital was security. Jessie ran through the deserted nighttime streets of pokŽmon league village, and escaped to the outskirts of the indigo plateau. After some running in the forest Jessie found a cliff edge on the plateau. The jump seemed to be only about 25m into the water below. If she jumped into the water, it would make well her escape. James relaxed on a tree in the open right beside the river where he jumped from the plateau edge. James was unarmed now, tossing WeezingÕs pokŽball up and down, wearing an undershirt and jeans. He closely watched the cliff side for someone who may have witnessed the event. James got up when he seen someone. It looked like the person was female, and whoever she was, she had just suddenly jumped off the cliff side. James felt nervous. Witnesses are normally innocent people, and typical people who wouldnÕt harm people like James (if they werenÕt the police, of course), and those people were not the ones to jump off a cliff like that on their own free will. These are the times, James thought, that I wish I still had a gun. Whoever it was had dived safely. James decided to bring out a pokŽmon to protect himself. "Weezing, come out and patrol the area in front of you," James ordered, and Weezing came out and did exactly what he said. Weezing looked down at the river, and almost simultaeneously quickly floated back to James, surprised. "What is it, Weezing?" Weezing turned around for a moment, facing the river, turned back to James, and observed, "weezing." James crept up slowly to the river with Weezing and found the one person they did not want to find. "You!" Jessie exclaimed, waving her gun as she tread water. James and Weezing ran and floated at a very fast pace and hid behind the tree that James was leaning on a moment earlier. Jessie shot the tree and the explosive bullet (remember that James, at that moment, didnÕt know that that bullet was explosive) blew up the lower part of the tree. It nearly fell on top of James and Weezing, who were completely still at that moment. Now James and Weezing could no longer hide. "Weezing, smog!" Jessie breathed the fresh air deeply while she could, and was soon met by a large stream of smoky fog. Jessie dived into the river once again and swam to keep away from the smog. James did not see her go in because she was already covered with smoky fog. "Weezing, fire blast!" James kept away from Weezing as Weezing used a special learned attack to light up the smog. The occuring fireball barely missed Jessie, but James thought otherwise. The smog cleared and made way for a short appearance of fire-induced smoke. James brought Weezing back, and presuming Jessie dead, moved off to a new reality for James-or, shall I say, Jameson, where he would forget about his past. But Jessie was not dead. Jessie was still alive, and when she emerged from the water she gasped in air when the smoke cleared up. When she climbed up, still with her new gun, hospital gown and 3 pokŽballs, she envisioned herself being the new leader of team rocket when she came back. And that was a very probable prediction indeed.