Chapter 5 Pokˇmon League village Misty looked at the end of the match between Ash and Gary again and again, sobering up with a stiff lip as she contemplated at her loss. If only she could get her Togepi to evolve. The match with Ash was so close, too. Misty couldnÕt set up a grudge match in the pokˇmon league, no matter how much she wanted to. It was now a matter of waiting another year. And a year was a long time. She sighed. She could always challenge Melissa or Gary sometime to her pokˇmon experience, but they preferred to fight in the league. Or, at least, another gym. Hmm. Gary always had a thing for the female of the species, grown-up woman in particular. Sooner or later, he should pay a visit to Cerulean gym... Misty was packing her bag to get home. Literally. Home was at Cerulean city, and if there was any place to fight Gary, it was there. She was packed in a few minutes, and as she left she was greeted by Ash. "Hello? Leaving already? Tracey is feeling hungry and weÕd very much like you to join us for ice- cream." "No, sorry, IÕve got to go. I donÕt feel at home here when IÕm not a competitor." Misty was smiling nervously as she said that, and then she carefully walked away. "Looks like she killed herself." 2 morticians and Officer Jenny were standing over Mindy's corpse in the moratorium, with Mindy's battered and shot head exposed and everything else under the body bag. "Looks like? Maybe you should check over your record as a mortician," Jenny was quite angry. The indigo plateau was one of the most sensitive places for the media in the country, and if they had consistent suicides, the media would probably shove Jenny out of the force, using force if they had to. However, the morticians had more to say. One of them pointed out, "I don't know why her bloody gloves are in her coat. Especially since the blood was hers. She must have done a very weird suicide, or this is murder." Jenny's eyes stiffened as she steadily got more frustrated. But still the morticians spoke. "Those gloves are clean, so there are no present fingerprints." "This concludes our report. Officer?" But Jenny had already left and slammed the door behind her. Pewter City "Permanent black, nothing weaker." Jameson was looking nervous and jumpy as he was talking to the old female hairdresser. "Hey, the coffee place is next door... What, you want colourant? Oh, sorry." She laughed, then admitted, "Men donÕt normally come here for dye, especially for stuff thatÕs natural-colour. Alright. ThatÕll be 13500 yen." Jameson gave her some money he had saved, (13500 yen is about 20 dollars) and he sat back on the chair in front of him and tried to relax. However, it was hard. Giovanni was still a problem, and the second he seen him he would shoot him. And Giovanni was a master at getting away with things. "So, you want a room?" It was a security guy at the bottom of the expensive Pewter City motel, "Fidello". "Yes. For an indefinite period of time," Jameson replied, bringing out a few hundred thousand yen bills. The guy looked at the money. "Good for 3 days, 3 nights. Come back every day with 100 000 yen and we will keep you in for 1 day and night each." Jameson nodded, smiling. "ThereÕs lots more where that came from, but for the moment thatÕs all I think I need." Jameson gave the man a 100 000 yen bill. After looking to his left and right the security guy slit the money into his breast pocket. He then gave Jameson a key card. "Room 379," he read out on his card, and then Jameson took the keycard and walked over to his room. James opened the door to his room after unlocking the door with the keycard. James took out a pokˇball that showed on its base: 2. This meant clearly to James that this was his Victreebell. It would be his only option if there was an imposter to come, especially from team rocket. "Victreebell, guard this door!" After a very short delay from being brought up by the pokˇball, Victreebell stared openly and intently at the door while James simply took off his shoes and fell asleep in the hotel bed without his clothes on, exausted and too tired to worry now. However, it was really just 4:00 in the afternoon now. Pokˇmon League village Misty was walking out of the pokˇmon league, when-"Brock!" Misty was stunned. "Oh, hi, Misty. I heard that Ash won, so I came. IÕm with Prof. Ivy at the moment, who is behind me." Brock waved behind him, saying, "Hey, Professor! Over here, IÕve got a friend!" Prof. Ivy, looking no different from 3 1/2 years before, ran up to greet Misty. "Hello again, Misty! Haven't seen you in years. I'm actually just here to say goodbye to Brock before leaving on the helicopter. Where are you going?" "Cerulean city," Misty admitted, sighing. "I'll drop you over there on the way home to my work. C'mon!" Misty shrugged. "Okay." Prof. Ivy waved goodbye to Brock until he was out of sight, then walked with Misty over to her helicopter. Pewter City The door opened in Jameson's motel room as someone working for the motel came in. "Announcements-yaaaah! A Victreebell!" He fell down and backed off scattering backwards, staring at the still Victreebell. Jameson woke up yawning. Groggy, Jameson tugged on his shoes and stood beside his Victreebell, and suddenly laughed. It was if he would never stop laughing, it was so exaggerated. "Ha ha! Victreebell, return!" Jameson swallowed, took a deep breath, and decided to say, "what was it? I was asleep." The motel worker got up and brushed his clothes with his hands. "Well, you're invited to join us with the guests for a buffet in the restaurant joint to us, "McDonaldo's". We got everything, and it closes in 3 hours, 55 minutes." "Oh, great! I'm hungry, now that you mention it." Jameson had already perked up from his short nap now. I guess, Jameson thought, that I'd better be off to the buffet. Jameson brought the keycard with him and slipped it into his pocket, then he closed the door and it locked by itself. Jameson was at the restaurant joint to the motel now, looking around to people walking around and conversing when a waiter moved up to him and greeted him with, "hello, and welcome to McDonaldo's. Table?" "No smoking," Jameson stated effortlessly. He brought him to a table. The table already had a menu on it. Jameson read what was on the menu. There were 2 buffet choices. He made his choice and waited for the waiter to confirm what he wanted when suddenly an Arbok entered the restaurant to James' surprise, followed by a huge Lickitung and then followed by a Persian. Everyone in the restaurant didn't know why some pokˇmon would suddenly enter a motel by themselves. Everyone, that is, except for Jameson. "Oh, no," Jameson stated, "aw, crap." Jameson knew those pokˇmon all right. He thought her dead. But she was alive. Jessie, the infamous senior rocket entered the room, but something was different about her uniform. It wasn't white. It was a red buttoned coat. Uh oh, Jameson thought, grasping his head in anxiety, she's the boss?! "Arbok, Persian, Lickitung-kill James!" Jessie then took out a machine gun. "Oh, and Lickitung-leave some for me, won't you?" Jessie fired some warning bullets into the air... *** *** Character traits *** *** 4. Jessie Age: 22 Gender: Female Looks: Long and strong red hair going out to the side. Red, butoned coat with a blue "R" badge on it. Stern face and red pants. Usually carries a gun- and 3 pokˇballs. Friends: Butch, most of the other members of team rocket and her Arbok. Enemies: Cassidy (remember: just because she hates Cassidy dosen't mean that she wants to kill her), Jameson (she wants to kill HIM, however), Giovanni, Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey and Ash's pokˇmon. Personality: revenge-seeking and with a very one-track mind. *** *** *** ***