The Beautifly Effect

Chapter Eleven -- Confused

"OK Sparky, you're on!"

Richie's Pikachu got into position in the arena, primed for battle and ready to go. It hunched its shoulders and spat a few sparks. It was a completely unnecessary gesture, but the spectators loved it, and, after all, it was fun.

"Go Golduck!" called out Mizuko at the opposite end of the sandy field.

"Sparky, Thunderbolt!"

"Light Screen!" ordered Mizuko.

Sparky's bolt of lightning took a mere instant to reach its opponent, only to splinter into a shower of useless sparks.

"Thunderbolt, again!"

What was its trainer thinking? Why did Richie want to continue a stalemate? Oh well, Sparky thought, better do what I'm told.

"Golduck, Disable!"

Sparky clenched its paws and scrunched its face, planning to produce a lightning bolt worthy of Zeus.

Nothing happened.


It tried again.

Nothing! It's electrical system had shut off.

"Golduck, Tackle!"

Golduck made a charge across the field. Sparky tried not to panic. It knew that it'd be a hard target, especially if Golduck had to travel all that distance. Bet that Mizuko had something else planned though.

"Sparky, dodge it!"

Sparky collected its thoughts. It saw Golduck charge, waited until the last moment, then bolted out of the way. It stopped twisted on its heels, and sighted its opponent.

Goduck meanwhile stopped as soon as it missed, turned towards Sparky and aimed and stopped, as if waiting for its trainer's word.

"Tackle!" shouted Richie.

"Confusion!" called Mizuko.

Sparky took aim and took off. Pounding its little feet it picked up enough momentum. Who needs electricity when one has speed!

Suddenly, Sparky had no idea where it was going. It halted, looked left, looked right, and took off again, aiming to and fro. It stopped again, unsure of itself.

"Pull yourself together Sparky," called Richie. Its trainer didn't sound too sure of himself either for that matter. "Quick attack!"

Sparky tried to obey its trainer. It raced around the arena looking for something to hit, but utterly missing its target.

"Shake yourself out of it," said Richie.

"Hydro Pump!" ordered Mizuko.

Sparky shook its head. Its mind felt clogged with Spinarak webs. But they were clearing. It closed its eyes, focused its energy, opened its eyes again. It only saw the water a split second before the Hydro Pump sent it flying across the field and against the opposite wall.

Sparky did not get up.

Richie was devastated. His first round lostsince the start of the tournament.

The rest of the battle did not fare any better for Richie. The spectators were speechless and amazed as Richie shook hands with Mizuko at the most unexpected defeat of the season. One of the two hot favourites had lost a match. Richie walked away, crestfallen.