Fairy Tale by Raichu

Chapter 1 ♦ The Fairy Tale

"Mommy, can you tell me a story?"

Delia smiled.

"Lie down."

Ash popped his head on the pillow, but his eyes and ears were wide open. She tucked him in, dimmed the lamp, sat down next to him and began.

"A long time ago, far away in the Unknown Lands, there lived a princess. She was very beautiful, and she had a heart as warm as the summer sun. Everyone loved her and praised her for her kindness and generosity. But one day, an evil tyrant seized her and imprisoned her high up in a castle. What's more, he chained a dragon in the castle so that no one could rescue her.

"Month after month, many a brave warrior tried to save the princess, but the dragon proved too fierce. Some were torn to pieces with its sharp claws. Some were roasted with flames that poured from its mouth. Most were so frightened at the first sight of the monster, that they dropped their swords and fled."

She paused to let her son savour the horror.

"Then one day, a handsome prince, who was in love with the princess, came up with a plan to rescue her! What do you think his plan was?"

Ash screwed his face. "He had a bigger sword?"

"To slay that dragon you'd need a sword bigger than anyone could lift."

"I know!" said Ash. "He made a hole in the floor."

"That's a clever plan, Ash, but the castle was made of stone as thick and strong as Pewter Palace. Even an onix couldn't dig its way through."

"I give up. Tell me!"

"The prince set traps and caught some rattata—"

"But how—"

"Ssh, listen and you'll find out. When he drew near to the dragon, he spoke kind words. He told the dragon how sorry he was that it was chained there for so long. He gave it the rattata he had caught as a gift to eat. And he told the dragon how terrible it was for such a wonderful princess to be locked away.

"The prince used his sword, not to hurt the dragon, but to break its chain. The dragon was so happy, it spread its wings and carried the prince and the princess away to safety. It brought them here to the Valley, then flew away, back to the Unknown Lands, never to be seen again."

"So what happened to the princess?"

"That's the best part. She and the prince were married and they had many children. Their four sons became the first kings of the four kingdoms of the Valley.

"So you see, Ash, there's more that can be gained by kindness than can be won by the sword. Our good king Samuel rules Pallet with kindness and fairness. That's why the people here are so happy."

"Is that a true story, mommy?"

"No, Ash. Someone made it up many, many years ago. Now it's time to sleep."

"But mommy, how come it was a prince that saved her? Don't they make up stories about peasants like us?"

"It's just a fairy tale, dear."

"So when Gary grows up, he'll be saving princesses. But kids like me and Andy and Mike—we'll be just working in the fields."

Delia kissed him on the forehead and turned out the lamp.

"You'll always be my prince, Ash. Now go to sleep. Who knows? Maybe you'll save a princess in your dreams."

With that comforting thought, Ash closed his eyes, turned on his side and fell asleep.