Ranko Ketchum/TeamRocket251
A Liar and a Thief

While Ranko Ketchum (aka TeamRocket251) is no longer a member of The Pokemon Tower and has been forever banished from it, there is still the quandry of his fanfic (I'm assuming it's his because no one has claimed otherwise) which won a Best in Category award.

For those of you who don't about this guy, around early February 2002, I had the displeasure of confronting him about some fanart he had submitted. A friend of mine showed me where the artwork existed elsewhere and was obviously not his own. This is the Instant Message conversation that took place. Does this strike you as someone with any sense of right and wrong?

      Teamrocket251: hello jolt.
      The Jolt Master: Good morning.......
      Teamrocket251: ::sips my morning cup of coffee:: Ah, nothing like a cup of Foldgers in the morning.....so Jolt how are you?
      The Jolt Master: I'm doing okay. I'm disturbed by something I discovered yesterday though. How long did it take you to draw the "Everything Changes" picture?
      Teamrocket251: why do you ask?
      The Jolt Master: How long, Ranko?
      Teamrocket251: a while.....I had it in my folder on my computer for some time but never finished it, then when I started up again on pictures I finished it....now why do you want to know.
      The Jolt Master: Well, I'm fairly confident that it's not your work, that's why.
      Teamrocket251: Oh...well look at the time, got to go jolt!
      Teamrocket251 signed off at 9:30:37 AM.

Oh yeah...he was the only one laughing here.

I gave him an opportunity to fess up to the truth and chose to lie about it. Thus, I chose to pull his "fanart" and fanfics from The Tower. Needless to say, he protested, but he had a chance and refused it. He later on sent me an email pretending to be his "brother" because he'd been in a lethal car accident with his mom. On his deathbed, he confessed to his sins and asked to get the fanfics back.

Please...I only look stupid, but I'm not an idiot. If I find the emails, I'll post them here and you can see the lies for yourself.

In any case, if you've ever thought about stealing someone else's work; don't do it. I have absolutely no desire to add your name with this guy's. I don't think you want to be associated with a liar and a thief. I don't. That's why I banished him.

      Take care,

        --- The Jolt Master

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