Chosen Quest

*I do not own Pokemon*

Bu Rapidash

The first part finally! I actually wrote this part last year but I waited until now to post it...hehe.

Part 1

    "Cyndaquil, Flamethrower!"

    A line of flame shot out from the little pokemon's mouth and made a direct hit on his opponent, a Tentacruel. Weaken by the round before, it fainted. Ash Ketchum shook his hand with the other trainer and went back to his friends.

      "Ash, you had improved!" Misty exclaimed.

      Ash glanced at her. "What’s that supposed to mean?"


      "Pika pi chu kachu cha pikachu chu (Maybe it means that you were once a big dumb loser)." Pikachu started to giggle.

      "Thanks Pikachu." his trainer replied sarcastically.

      "Pikachu (Just joking)."

      "Hey guys! We better get going soon. We need to reach Rainbow Mountain by tonight." Brock called from ahead.

      "What’s Rainbow Mountain?" asked the young pokemon trainer.

      "It’s a mountain that is always mysteriously crossed by a rainbow. It’s said that a never-before-seen creature lives in this mountain."

      Ash became very excited. "I wanna see it!"

      "And you wanna catch it." Misty added.

      "How did you know?" he asked incredulously.

      She smiles. "Um … we can say that I know you too well."


    They arrived at Rainbow Mountain by nightfall. They set up the camp, ate supper and went to sleep. The next day, Ash was waken up by a jolt of electricity.

    "WHAT WAS THAT FOR !?!" he asked angrily to Pikachu.

    "Chu pikachu pika (You were sleeping on my tail)."

    "Oh, sorry Pikachu."

    "Ash, are you up yet?" Brock called.

    He rushed out of his tent. "Yes. What’s up?"

    "Can you go get some wood, please? I used all that’s left last night."

    "I thought it was Misty’s turn."

    "She went to the Pokemart to refill our first aid reserve."

     "Oh well. Let’s go find some wood, Pikachu."

     Pikachu jumped on Ash’s shoulder. "Pika (OK)!"

      After a while, they have found a good amount of wood. On their way back to the camp, they stopped in front of the foot of Rainbow Mountain.

      "Hey Pikachu, wanna check out what’s on top? Maybe we’ll find that legendary pokemon."

      "Pi, pichu ka pikachu (Nah, I don’t think it’s safe)."

      "Well, I’m going. Can you bring the woods back to Brock and tell him I’ll be back soon?"

      "Chu pikachu. Pi pika? (You can count on me. Be careful alright?)"

      "I will!"

      Then, he began to climb the mountain. Instead of getting colder as he mount, it’s getting hotter.

      "Gosh. I feel like a steak being cooked in a oven."

      He begins to feel dizzy and tired because of the heat. Later, the heat became so intense that he fell unconscious.


     It’s noon, Misty came back from the Pokemart.

      "What took you so long?" Brock asked.

      She became very uneasy. "Well...I..."

      "Continue. You what?"

      "Uh, Togepi was hungry so we stopped at a restaurant and I went shopping a bit." finishing the last part rather quickly.

      "So that’s why."

      "Where’s Ash?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

      "He went to climb Rainbow Mountain."

      "Pikachu pi chu pika (He had already been out for 4 hours)."

      Misty began to worry. "Maybe something bad happened to him."

      "Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go find him."

      At the back, Misty said something only she could hear because her voice was so low. "Ash, please be ok..."


      Ash knows that he’s lying on the floor because he can feel the soft soil beneath him. The last thing that he remembered was someone catching him before he falls on the ground. He don’t really know who catch him but he don’t really cares now. He opened his eyes to see where he was. First, it was all blurry. Then, his eyes began to focus and he can see very well around him. Where he was, was pretty black and humid. He can see a person next to him but he don’t know who it was because the person had is back facing Ash, he only knew that it was a men. Ash pulled himself into a sitting position.

      The men turns to him. "Ash! You’re finally awake!"

      He looks very much like Ash except that he’s taller and some other details. His hairs are black (just like Ash's) but they are in 'Prof.Oak – style' and he has black eyes instead of brown.

      "How do you know my name?" Ash asked.

      The men is shocked. "You mean you don’t recognize me?"

      "Well you look kinda familiar." he thought for a moment. Then said in a unsure voice: "Dad?"

To be continued ...

Yay! School is near the end and I finally dared to post the first part too! Whatever, so how do you think about this first part?

Please review to me :

Or to my editor : (Growlithe)<-- the Growlithe that’s at my school, not the author in this site (if there is one)