Jessica's Journey Chapter. 1. It was morning. The Dodrios were calling out for everyone to wake up. Jessica got up and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. She could hear her mother calling out for her to come downstairs for breakfast, but she ignored her. Instead she looked into her fishtank at her Goldeen. "Good morning, Goldeen." Jessica said. "Goldeen, Goldeen." (Good morning, Jessica) Goldeen replied. Jessica walked over to her closet, and decided what she was going to wear that day. After she got dressed, she made her way downstairs. Her mother had cooked breakfast, and left it on the table. Jessica sat down, and ate her breakfast, wondering where her mother was. When she finished, she decided to go down to the Professor's lab to get her first Pokémon to start her journey to be the best Pokémon Master in the world. She went back upstairs, got her backpack, and then went back downstairs again. There was still no sign of her mother, so she went outside, and walked down the path. She skipped happily along, humming a little tune, and looking at all the Pokémon that were amongst the trees. After a while, she saw the Professor's Lab up ahead, and started running. She came up to it, and knocked politely on the door. It opened, and the professor looked out. "Why hello, Jessica. You ready for your Pokémon?" He asked. "Yes, sir." Jessica replied. "Come in and get it then." The Professor said, opening the door further, and moving into the Pokémon Holding Room. "Which Pokémon did you choose?" He asked. "I chose Ponyta." Jessica said excitedly. "It's my favourite Pokémon, and it evolves into a really strong Pokémon if you look after it properly!" She continued. "Good choice." Professor said, handing her a pokéball. "Goodie! I got a Ponyta!" Jessica yelled happily, jumping up and down." The Professor smiled. "Shouldn't you be on you way, Jessica? "Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me!" Jessica said, making her way towards the door. Professor followed her, and handed her a package. "Here are your extra pokéballs, your Pokédex, and some Pokémon food." He said. "Thanks, Professor." Jessica said, and then went out the door. she waved good-bye to the Professor, and started into the forest. After a while she got tired, and decided to use her Ponyta to travel on. She got out Ponyta's Pokéball and threw it, yelling "Ponyta, go!" Ponyta came out, and she walked over to it. Hello, Ponyta. Would you like me to name you?" She asked. The Ponyta nodded his head, and neighed quietly. "Ok then. How about Rage Fire?" Jessica asked. Rage Fire nodded his head again. "Ok, cool. Hello Rage Fire." She said. She got up on his back. "Shall we head towards the next town?" She asked. She nudged his sides with her heels, and he walked down the path. Chapter. 2. "Wow!" Jessica said, looking around at all the people in the market square. "There sure is a lot of people, huh, Rage Fire?" Rage Fire snorted and pranced, flicking his tail and nodding his head. Jessica smiled. "I don't think I need a bridle to control you, do I?" Jessica asked. Rage Fire snorted in disgust. "Thought not." Jessica said. "We'll go straight through then, shall we?" Rage Fire nodded his head, and walked down the main street. He stopped at a dark alleyway, and looked down it. He sniffed at something hiding in the shadows, and backed away when it hissed at him. "What is it, Rage Fire?" Jessica asked. She got down off Rage Fire's back, and walked over to the shadows. She knelt down and called softly. "Why it's just a baby Meowth!" Jessica said, surprised. "What would such a young thing like you be doing away from your mummy?" Jessica said quietly, picking it up and cuddling it. "You're so soft and cuddly..... I might catch you, and keep you. What do you think, Meowth?" Jessica said, holding the Meowth up in front of her face. "Meowth!" The Meowth said, licking her cheek. Jessica smiled. "I think I'll take that as a yes." She said. She put the Meowth down, and got out a pokéball. she put it down on the ground in front of the Meowth. "If you want me to catch you, just go inside." Jessica said. "Meowth!" The Meowth said again, and patted the pokéball with one of its front paws. It glowed red, and went inside the pokéball. "Yay! I got a Meowth!" Jessica said happily.she picked the pokéball up, and threw it, yelling "Go, Meowth!" Meowth came out, and jumped up onto her shoulder, hugging the side of her head. Jessica giggled, and cuddled it back. She put it on Rage Fire's withers, and hopped up behind it. "Let's go, Rage Fire." Jessica said. Rage Fire neighed happily, and started walking down the road again. After a while, they were walking down a path going through a field with some trees. "Meowth, Meowth!" Meowth said excitedly, pointing towards one of the trees. "What is it, Meowth?" Jessica asked, looking at the tree. "Hey, there's a pokémon under it!" She said. Rage Fire, let's go see what it is!" Rage Fire nodded his head, and walked over to the tree. "Oh no!" Jessica cried, quickly getting of Rage Fire's back, and running over to the tree where a very sick Tauros was lying down. "What happened to you?" Jessica asked quietly, kneeling down next to its head. She patted its face, admiring the gems on its forehead. "Rage Fire, can you go find the owners?" Jessica asked. Rage Fire snorted, nodding his head, and galloped away, carrying Meowth on his back. "I wish you speed, Rage Fire..." Jessica murmured, and then turned back to the Tauros, stroking its neck and mumbling quietly to it. Chapter. 3. It had been several hours since she had seen Rage Fire, and she was getting worried. She had managed to get the Tauros into a more up-right position, and it was chewing its cud. Jessica looked where she had seen Rage Fire gallop off into the distance in. She covered her eyes from the sun, seeing some moving shapes, and sighed in relief. Rage Fire was galloping towards them with Meowth on his withers, and a Rapidash galloping alongside him with a boy on his back. She stood up and waved as they came closer, and smiled as she watched Rage Fire speed up and overtake the Rapidash. "Hi!" She yelled. "Hi!" The boy yelled back. He pulled back on the reins as the Rapidash came close, and smiled, watching as Rage Fire pranced over to Jessica and rubbed the side of his head against her arm. "I see that your Pokémon likes you a lot." He said. Jessica smiled back. "My name's Jessica. What's yours?" She asked, holding out her hand. "Brian. Nice to meet you, Jessica." Brian replied, shaking her hand. "I see also that you've found one of my Tauros." He continued, moving over to the Tauros and patting its head. "Yeah. I was riding Rage Fire along the road and he saw it and showed me. I love pokémon, so I couldn't just ride past and leave it, because it's obviously in pain." Jessica replied, standing next to Brian. "I'm glad you found it. It's due to have its calf, and I didn't notice she was missing from the rest of the herd." Brian said. "She's going to have a calf!" Jessica said excitedly. "Cool! Can I watch?" She asked. "Sure. If you are very quiet, and help me get her to the barn, of course you can." Brian replied, standing up. "Okay... So what do I do to help you get her to the barn?" Jessica asked. "Well, first we have to get her to stand up. you go to her side towards the tree, and push her, while I pull her horns." Brian said. Jessica moved to where Brian had pointed, and knelt down next to the Tauros. "Okay, push when I say go......Go!" Jessica pushed on the Tauros' side while Brian pulled on her horns, mumbling quietly at her and encouraging her to get up. The Tauros groaned, and got up, wobbling a bit on her feet. Brian put a halter on her, and got up on his Rapidash's back. "Get up on Rage Fire's back, and we'll lead her home." He said. Jessica got up on Rage Fire's back, and Brian led the way to the barn, leading the Tauros on his right side. Jessica moved Rage Fire to his left side. "What's your hometown?" Brian asked her. "Pallet Town." Jessica replied. "The Pokémon Master, Ash Ketchum is my father." She continued. "Really! You're so lucky! I always admired the way he handled his pokémon." Brian said, grinning. "So Misty is your mother?" He asked. "Yeah. I didn't say good-bye when I left, though. I hope she isn't worrying. She never wanted me to become a Pokémon Trainer. She always told me that I was destined to be a Professor." Jessica said. "the Professor Gary gave me my Ponyta. Dad says that Professor Gary learnt a lot after he was beaten by my dad. He says that Professor Gary used to be very mean and unkind, thinking only of how he could win all his battles, and not making friends with his pokémon." Jessica said. "I can't imagine Professor Gary to be like what Dad says he used to be." She continued. "Really? That's interesting. And you really know a lot about pokémon?" Brian asked. "Not yet. Dad was teaching me what he knew, but I left a while ago. This is my first day as a Trainer." Jessica replied. "That's really cool." Brian said. "The barn is just up ahead. Let's see if we can get this Tauros to go a bit faster." He continued. He encouraged the Tauros, and made his Rapidash go into a trot. They came up to the barn in a few minutes, and he led the Tauros inside, and into a large stall. Jessica followed, excited at seeing a baby Tauros being born. Chapter. 4. "Awww..... It's so cute!" Jessica said excitedly, watching the baby Tauros get up. "Can I go in and pat it?" She asked. "Not just yet. Let it have a drink first, Jessica." Brian replied, smiling. "Why don't we go up to the house? My mum will give us some dinner, and I'm sure she'll let you sleep in the spare bedroom." "Really?" Jessica asked "Cool! Thank-you Brian!" She stood up from where she was and hugged him. "Okay. let's go up to the house. Can Rage Fire and Meowth come too?" She continued. "Sure. There's a stable next to the house. I usually keep my Rapidash, Fire Blaze, in there." Brian replied. " Thanks again, Brian." Jessica said, and got up on Rage Fire's back, letting him go outside. In a few minutes, Brian came out on Fire Blaze's back. "Ready to go?" Brian asked. Jessica nodded her head, and Fire Blaze started galloping. Rage Fire followed, and caught up to him. "Race ya!" Brian yelled, and made Fire Blaze gallop faster. "Rage Fire, agility attack!" Jessica yelled. Rage Fire glowed gold, and then suddenly sped up, overtaking Fire Blaze, and speeding ahead. "Hey! No fair!" Brian shouted. "Okay. You win. Slow down now." He continued. Jessica heard him, and slowed Rage Fire down. He flicked his head around, and neighed happily, his mane flying around. "You're happy, aren't you, Rage Fire?" Jessica asked. Rage Fire neighed again, nodding his head. Brian laughed. "He sure is." Brian said. "Look. there's the house." He pointed up ahead where some lights could be seen through the darkness. "Thanks for asking me to stay, Brian." Jessica said. "I really appreciate it." "No problem, Jessica. It was all I could do in return for you finding my Tauros." Brian replied. They came up to the stable, and they both took their Rapidashes inside. After bedding them down, and feeding them their oats and hay, they went up to the house, and Brian took Jessica inside. "Mum! I'm home! We have a visitor, too." Brian yelled out. "Yes, Brian. I heard you and him come in on the pokémon." Brian's mum replied. "Ummm, mum? He's a she." Brian replied. His mum came out into the hallway, drying her hands on a teatowel. "Oh, sorry dearie." Brian's mum said, smiling. "What's your name?" She asked. "Jessica." Jessica replied. "What a lovely name." Brian's mum replied. "Would you like some dinner?" "Sure. I'm getting hungry." Jessica replied. "Well come on in, and sit down. there's enough for us all." Brian's mum said. Jessica, Brian, and his mum all went into the dining room, and they sat down to eat dinner. Chapter. 5. "That was delicious." Jessica said, standing up and taking her plate up to the sink. "Thanks for letting me join in." "No problem, Jessica." Brian's mum replied. "It isn't like you meet a daughter of an old friend of yours every day. How is Misty?" She asked. "She's fine. I didn't say good-bye to her or my father, Ash, on my way out, though. I'll give you our address and phone number so that you can talk to her again." Jessica replied, sitting down at the table again. "I'd love that, Jessica. I'll also mention you to your parents so that they know you are ok." Brian's mum said. "Brian, would you like to go along with Jessica and be a pokémon trainer as well?" She asked. "Yeah! That'd be cool!" Brian said. "What do you think, Jessica? Can I go with you?" Brian asked, looking at her. "Sure. Why not? How many pokémon do you have?" Jessica asked. "Thanks! I have 6. Rapidash, Snorlax, Ivysaur, Jolteon, Wartortle and Graveler. How many do you have?" Brian said. "I only have 2. Ponyta, and Meowth. I started out with Ponyta, and I found the baby Meowth in the town I just left earlier on today. I think someone deserted her." Jessica replied. "Yeah? How cruel of them. I'll help you catch more pokémon if you like." Brian said. "Thanks, Brian." Jessica said. "I'd really appreciate it." Jessica said, stretching. "Where can I sleep tonight? I'm really tired after all that's happened today." "You can sleep in the spare bedroom. The bed is already made." Brian's mum said. "Thanks." Jessica said, getting her bag and standing up. "I'll show you where it is." Brian said. Jessica smiled, and Brian led the way up the stairs to the bedroom. "In here." Brian said. "Have a nice sleep." "Thanks." Jessica replied. "You too." She went in, closed the door behind her, climbed into the bed after undressing and went to sleep. Chapter. 6. Jessica yawned and looked out the window at the view of the sun rising. She smiled and sighed, remembering how she had watched the baby Tauros being born. She yelled "Come in!" when she heard a knock on the door. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Brian asked, closing the door and walking up to stand next to her. "Yeah. Reminds me of home. I always watched the sun rise and set there." Jessica replied. "Same. Have you seen a Moltres yet?" Brian asked. "Yeah. I once saw one flying across a rainbow after it had been raining. Why?" "They say it's a sign of a true Pokémon Master." "Yeah?" Jessica asked. "Oh, yeah! Ash, my father, told me he saw one just after he set out on his quest. Cool, huh?" "Yeah. I never knew that. My dad, Richie, never told me." "Your dad is Richie!" Jessica said loudly, turning to face Brian. "Him and my dad were best friends!" "Yeah... My dad told me that much." Brian said, grinning. "Shall we go down to breakfast now?" He asked. "Sure. I'm really hungry." Jessica replied, getting her bag. She followed Brian down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning, dearie." Brian's mum said. "Morning." Jessica replied, sitting down at the table. "Smells delicious." "Thanks." Brian's mum replied. She put the breakfast on the plates, and Brian and Jessica started eating. Jessica finished first, and got up and put her plate on the sink. "I'll just go out and get Rage Fire ready, ok?" Jessica said. "Ok. I'll be out soon." Brian replied. Jessica nodded her head, and took her bag out to the stable. She hurried over to Rage Fire when he neighed and stamped his front hooves impatiently. "Nice to see you too, Rage." Jessica said, patting his head and brushing his forelock through her fingers. She opened the stable door and went inside, leaving her bag outside and taking a bodybrush and hoofpick out of it. She closed the door behind her and then turned to Rage Fire, looking at him carefully to see if he had injured himself the day before. She shrugged her shoulders and started brushing his neck, making sure his mane didn't get in the way. "You're a very handsome Ponyta, aren't you?" Jessica murmured quietly. Rage Fire snorted, and flicked his tail. "Ok, ok, ok. You're very smart too." Jessica finished brushing him, and got the hoofpick. She lifted up his feet one by one and cleaned them out carefully. When she had finished, she stood back and looked at him. "Now you're more handsome than ever." She said, smiling. She opened the door and let him out while she was putting away the grooming stuff. She sat down under a tree and waited for Brian to come out, watching Rage Fire prance around. Chapter. 7. Jessica looked up into the tree, and froze. There was a Pidgeotto right above her! She quietly got up, and called Rage Fire over to her. She whispered in his ear, and they moved a few metres away. "Ok, Rage Fire, Flamethrower!" Jessica said carefully, making sure she didn't startle the Pidgeotto. Rage Fire nodded his head, and flared up in flames. He sent a huge blast of fire at the tree and hit the Pidgeotto, which fell out of the tree. "Pokéball, GO!" Jessica yelled, throwing her pokéball. The pokéball hit the Pidgeotto, and it went inside. The pokéball wriggled for a few seconds, the light glowing, and then it went still. "YAY!!! I got Pidgeotto!!!" Jessica yelled. She turned as she heard a clapping noise behind her, and saw Brian watching her. She blushed, and put the Pidgeotto's pokéball away on her belt. "Very clever, Jessica. I'm sure you will be a pokémon master with the way you handle your pokemon." Brian said, walking over to her with Fire Blaze. "Thanks, Brian. Shall we go now?" Jessica replied, and jumped up on Rage Fire's back. "Sure." Brian replied, and did the same with Fire Blaze. They waved to Brian's mum, and Meowth jumped up onto Rage Fire's withers. After greeting Jessica, it curled up and went to sleep, snuggled up to Jessica so it wouldn't fall off as they travelled. Jessica smiled, and put one hand on Meowth's back to make sure it didn't fall off by accident. After a while, they were walking through a forest, and Jessica spotted a Weedle. "Hey Brian, look! A Weedle!" Jessica said. "I'm gonna try catch it!" "Ok, I'll watch." Brian said. "Pidgeotto, go!" Jessica yelled, throwing Pidgeotto's ball. "Pidgeotto, Gust attack, now!" Jessica yelled. Pidgeotto flew up into the air and flapped its wings quickly, causing a whirlwind to appear, making the Weedle slam into a tree and lose consciousness. "Pokéball, go!" Jessica yelled, throwing her pokéball. It hit the Weedle, and it went inside. The pokéball wriggled, its light glowing, and then it went still. "Cool! I caught Weedle!" Jessica yelled. She called her pokéball back up to her and attached it to her belt. "Very good." Brian said, smiling. "Thanks, Brian." Jessica replied. "Do you want to catch the next pokémon?" She asked. "Sure, if you don't want it." Brian said. "Shall we continue? The next town is Viridian City, which has a Gym in it." "Yeah. I want to be a pokémon master, so I will have to get all of the badges, and go in the Pokémon League, right?" Jessica asked as they were walking through the forest. "That's right. I want to go in the Pokémon League as well, so I will have to get all the badges as well." Brian replied. "Shall we race to the edge of the forest?" Brian said, grinning. "Sure! Rage Fire, Go!" Jessica yelled, urging Rage Fire to speed up to a gallop. "Cheat!" Brian yelled after her, and urged Fire Blaze to chase after them both. Chapter. 8. "Slow down, Jessica!" Brian yelled, pulling Fire Blaze almost to a halt. "There's someone up ahead!" Jessica heard him, and Rage Fire slowed down and cantered back to him. "What is it?" Jessica asked. "There's some people up ahead. One is riding a Rapidash, and the other is walking." Brian replied. "What do you think we should do?" "Let's go up and meet them." Jessica replied. She nudged Rage Fire, and he cantered towards the people up ahead, who turned around to see who was coming. Jessica stopped suddenly, with her mouth open in surprise. "What is it?" Brian asked, catching up to her again. "My father, Ash is up there." Jessica replied. "Cool. Let's go see him." Brian said. Fire Blaze started galloping, and Rage Fire followed him. "Hi." Brian said. "Hello. What's your name?" The one riding the Rapidash asked. "Brian. I'm travelling with Ash's daughter, Jessica." "Are you really?" Asked the one who was walking next to the Rapidash. "Where is she?" Jessica trotted up on Rage Fire, keeping her eyes down in embarrassment. "Hey dad." Jessica said. "I never thought I'd see you here." "Me either." Ash said. "What's the name of your Ponyta?" He asked. "Rage Fire. I got him yesterday." Jessica replied. "Never knew you would choose a name like that." Ash said. "Does Misty know where you are?" "Not really. I couldn't find her when I left, and I didn't write a note. Professor Gary will probably tell her that he saw me, though." Jessica said. "Well, we'll have to ring her when we get to the next town." Ash said. "If only to tell her that you are safe." "Yes, dad." Jessica said. "Can we keep going? I want to get my first badge. I have four pokemon already! Ponyta, Meowth, Pidgeotto and Weedle! Cool, huh dad?" "Well done. You are doing better than me already." Ash said, smiling. "Hey dad, did you know that Brian is Richie's and Duplicé's son?" Jessica asked "No, I didn't. Richie and I haven't seen each other for years. Hi Brian." Ash said, shaking Brian's hand. "Hi, Ash." Brian replied. "Jessica, remember my friend Pokezip?" Ash asked her. "Yeah, why?" Jessica asked. "Because that's me." Pokezip said, looking down from his Rapidash's back. "Nice to meet you, Jessica. Your father has told me a lot about you." "Hi Pokezip." Jessica said. "Nice to meet you, too. What's your Rapidash's name?" "His name is Rapid, and he's going to be the King of the Rapidashes in a few years. His mother's name is Dash, and she is the Queen. Pokezip replied, patting Rapid's neck and grinning at her. "Cool! I never knew it was you who had him!" Jessica said excitedly. "Didn't you? Oh well." Pokezip said. "Can we talk while we head towards Viridian City? I want to get my first badge." Brian said. "Sure." Ash said. He took out one of his Pokéballs, and threw it. "Charizard, go!" Ash shouted. Charizard came out and roared, landing next to Ash. Ash climbed up on Charizard's back, and he hovered in the air. "Shall we go now?" Ash asked. Pokezip, Jessica and Brian nodded their heads, and they started galloping with Charizard flying after them. Chapter. 9. The sun was going down, and the pokémon were getting tired. "Slow down, Rage Fire." Jessica said. Rage Fire snorted, and he slowed down to a slow trot. "Hey dad, Rage Fire is getting tired. can we make camp?" Jessica called out. "Sure, Jessica." Ash said from the back of his Charizard. Charizard landed, and then walked over to a small clearing in the trees, bending down so that Ash could climb down off his back. Pokezip and Brian cantered back on their Rapidashes, watching while Ash got his Charizard's pokéball and the Charizard returned. Ash then got out his sleeping bag and tent, and started setting up camp. Pokezip and Brian got down and started gathering wood while Jessica started getting all the ingredients for dinner. After dinner, they sat around the fire talking about all the pokémon they had seen, and Jessica told her father how she had met Brian. Pokezip yawned. "I think I'll go to sleep now." Pokezip said, getting up and stretching his muscles. "Me too." Jessica said. "Night Pokezip, Brian, Dad." "Night Jessica." Pokezip, Brian and Ash said together. Jessica got up and curled up in her sleeping bag, Meowth snuggling up to her stomach and purring. Jessica smiled, and fell asleep while she was gently patting Meowth. A few hours later, Brian got up and headed towards his sleeping bag. He saw Jessica partly uncovered, and he pulled her blanket over her again, patting Meowth on the way past. He smiled at her, and then he lay down in his sleeping bag, and went to sleep. Ash stood up, and walked out of the shadows where he had been watching Brian. He frowned a little, and then went over to his sleeping bag next to the fire and lay down, looking up at the sky and thinking, until he finally fell asleep. It was dawn when Jessica opened her eyes. Meowth was purring next to her, licking her cheek. She gently pushed Meowth away, whispering quietly at it to stop. She got up and yawned, walking down to the side of the river, and watched the sun rise over the horizon. "Hello, Jessica." Jessica turned around to see who was talking, and Pokezip walked up to her and stood next to her. "Hello, Pokezip." Jessica said. "Do you always watch the sun rise?" Pokezip asked. "Yeah. It always looks so beautiful, and it makes me think about what I am going to do during the day." Jessica replied. "What about you?" "Sometimes. Depends on my mood." Pokezip said. "Do you have any badges yet?" "No. I'm getting my first one in Viridian City. Is Rapid really going to be the King of all the Rapidashes?" Jessica asked. "Yeah. I caught him when he had run away from the Castle that all these different Pokémon live in. There are Ponytas, Rapidashes, Squirtles, and a few others that go there for healing and rest. There is only one human who lives there, and his name is King Kold. He has some magical powers, and he can speak to Pokémon and understand their languages. Rapid's mother, Dash is the only Slephnir. King Kold evolved her when I, Clarkizard, Mewtwo, Adam, Michael, Konomex and Pingtung returned to the castle with her and Rapid." "Cool! Can I meet him? I mean Rapid, not King Kold." Jessica said. "Sure. Come on, he's over with your Ponyta and Brian's Rapidash." Pokezip said. Jessica quickly walked over to where Rage Fire, Rapid and Fire Blaze were. She hugged Rage Fire, and he gently rubbed her arm with his head, neighing quietly. Jessica pushed his head away, and walked over to Rapid. "Hello, Rapid." Jessica said. "Hello, Jessica." Rapid replied. Jessica stared at Rapid in amazement. "You talked!" Jessica said loudly. "I didn't think pokémon could talk like us!" "I couldn't, but King Kold made it so that I could. Nice to be able to understand me, isn't it?" Rapid replied. "Yeah, but it's a bit of a shock. Are you really going to be the King of the Rapidashes?" Jessica asked. "Yes, but not for a good while yet I hope. My mother, Dash, made me promise to come back and take up the throne when she died, but I'm quite happy as I am, travelling around with Pokezip and his friends." "It sounds like fun. Can I go meet your mother someday?" Jessica asked. "Sure. Maybe I can convince Pokezip to go back to the castle for a while after we have been through the Pokemon League. If you like, and Rage Fire is a Rapidash at the right level, King Kold may evolve him into a Slephnir for you. I will ask him if you want me to." "You will!? Thanks, Rapid!" Jessica said excitedly, and hugged Rapid's neck. Rapid flicked his tail, and snorted. "Yes, well then, anyway... It will depend on your training skills, and what your Rapidash wants, of course." Rapid said. "I know. I will train Rage Fire as well as I can. " Jessica replied, stepping away. Pokezip came up and whispered in Rapid's ear. Rapid neighed, sounding like he was laughing, and looked at Jessica. Rapid nodded his head and Pokezip grinned. "Well, shall we go and get breakfast started?" Pokezip asked. "Yeah. I'm getting really hungry." Jessica replied. She said good-bye to the pokemon, and walked over to where Ash and Brian were next to the fire. "Think Brian has a chance, Rapid?" Pokezip asked, watching her go. "I'm sure he does." Rapid replied. "From what I saw last night, they definitely like each other, though they may deny it." "I'm sure Jessica would deny it." Pokezip replied. "Well anyway, let's get you pokémon groomed and fed, huh?" Chapter. 10. "That was delicious, Jessica." Brian said, smiling at her. "Yeah. it tasted really nice." Ash said, looking at Brain with a strange expression on his face. "Thanks." Jessica replied. She got up and washed the dishes while Pokezip came over and ate his breakfast after feeding and grooming the Ponyta and Rapidashes. Jessica took his plate, giving the scraps to Meowth. "Eat up, Meowth." Jessica told it, patting its back gently. Meowth purred, and after eating the scraps, walked of into some bushes. After a while, Jessica looked over to the bushes. There was a sound of a battling pokemon there! "Meowth! wait!" Jessica yelled, getting her pokéballs and selecting her Pidgeotto's. "Pidgeotto, go!" Jessica yelled. Pidgeotto came out, and looked expectantly at Jessica. "Pidgeotto, attack whatever is attacking Meowth!" Jessica said, pointing to the bushes. "Pidgeott!!!" Pidgeotto said, flying at the bushes. Jessica ran to the bushes, and stopped suddenly as she saw a Charmander using its Ember attack on Meowth. "Watch out, Meowth!" Jessica yelled. Meowth looked up and saw Jessica. It jumped up into her arms, only just being missed by the wave of fire. "Pidgeotto, gust attack!" Jessica said. Pidgeotto flew up into the air, and started flapping its wings furiously. Charmander fell over backwards, but soon got up again. "Char.....!" Charmander said. "Pidgeotto, it's going to use Fire Spin! Dodge it, and counter by using Wing Attack!" Jessica yelled. "Pidgeott!" Pidgeot said, flying behind the Charmander, dodging the Firespin attack. It swooped down on the Charmander and started hitting it with its wings. "Pidgeotto, Sand Storm, now!" Jessica said. Pidgeotto called out again, and flew up, blowing up a huge amount of sand into Charmander's eyes. "Now to catch it! Pokéball, go!" Jessica yelled, throwing one of her pokéballs at it. Charmander glowed red, and went inside. The pokéball wriggled, the light glowing, and then went still. "Yay! I got a Charmander!" Jessica said happily. Jessica turned around at the sound of everyone cheering and clapping. "It was nothing... Don't look at me like that!" Jessica said, blushing slightly. "It was really something." Pokezip said. "You use your pokemon very well." "Yeah. You are doing better than what I did. Ask Raichu. He was the pokémon I got from Professor Oak. Rapid knows as well. I tried to catch him twice." Ash said, smiling encouragement. "I thought I was supposed to get the next pokemon." Brian said, grinning at her. "Oh, yeah... Sorry, Brian." Jessica said. "I'll make sure you get the next one..." "It's ok. It was attacking your Meowth, so you were right to catch it." Brian replied, walking over to stand next to her and patting her shoulder. Ash cleared his throat and Brian looked at him, moving away when he saw the expression on Ash's face. "Well, shall we pack up and continue?" Pokezip said, breaking up the silence that had followed. "Sure." Jessica said. "I'll go pack the cooking stuff away. "Ok." Ash said, still looking at Brian. "Uhh... I think I'll go pack up the sleeping bags." Brian said, moving away quickly. Ash watched him leave. "Why did you do that?" Pokezip asked Ash. "He won't hurt her." "Because she's too young to be running around with boys. And I don't like him." Ash replied. "Let them work it out. He's quite responsible, and she is quite a smart girl. They won't do anything silly." Pokezip replied. "I know, but still..." Ash said. He picked up a small rock, and threw it across the river. "I don't know. I'll give him a chance, I guess." Pokezip nodded his head, and watched Ash go and get his pack. Pokezip shook his head slowly, and got his pack, getting up on Rapid's back, and they all started off for Viridian city, hardly talking at all. Chapter. 11. "Prepare for trouble!" "And make it double!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Purrrrrrssssssian! That's right!" "This time we will get that little brat, and capture his Raichu!" Jessie said, watching the group through her binoculars. "Yes. We can't have them always beating us." James said. "Mrow! Will you two stop your squabbling, and concentrate?" Persian said angrily, swiping their faces with one of his forepaws. "Ow! Stop that, Persian!" Jessie said loudly. "Shhh... They've heard us!" James said. "Did you hear that?" Jessica asked. "What?" Ash said. "It sounded like a Persian and two people arguing." Jessica replied, looking around. "Not them again....." Ash said, shaking his head. "What do you mean?" Brian asked. "Ever heard of Team Rocket?" Ash asked him. Brian nodded his head. "Well I'm just about positive that they are going to try and get Raichu yet again." "Oh. Don't they ever quit?" Jessica asked. "They haven't yet, and they have been after Pikachu since I was 10. And that was about 20 years ago." Ash took out one of his pokéballs. "I'll give them a bit of a shock, shall I?" Ash asked, grinning. He dropped the pokéball on the ground, and a Raichu came out. "Rai!" Raichu said, jumping up onto Ash's head. "Heya Raichu. Want to give Team Rocket another shock?" Ash asked. "Raichu!" Raichu said, nodding his head, little sparks of electricity jumping around him. "Look! There they are!" Brian said, pointing to some bushes. "Rai..... CHU!!!!!!" Raichu said loudly, sending a huge thunderbolt into the bushes that Brian had pointed to. Team Rocket fell out of the bushes and lay groaning by the side of the road. James jumped up, and saw the group. He picked up Jessie and Persian, and then both Jessie and James got out their pokéballs and threw them. "Arbok, Likitung, go!" Jessie shouted. "Go Weezing and Victreebel!" James shouted. Arbok, Likitung and Weezing headed towards the group, but Victreebel stopped next to James, and attached itself to his head. "Let go of me and attack!" James yelled, his voice muffled by the Victreebel over his head. The Victreebel ignored him, clamping down harder over his head instead. "I'll handle this!" Jessica said, getting out one of her pokéballs. "Charmander, go!" "Char!" Charmander said. "Charmander, Ember attack, now!" Jessica shouted. Charmander nodded its head, and let out a huge wall of flame out at Team Rocket. It hit them full on, and they flew into the air. Jessica smiled as she heard their faint yelling as the disappeared out of sight. "Well done, Jessica." Pokezip said. "Very good job, Jessica." Brian said, smiling at her. Jessica smiled back. "Thanks." Jessica said. "Well, now that they're gone, shall we continue?" Ash said. "Sure. Let's go." Jessica replied. She got her pokéball back, and got Charmander to return. She attached the ball to her belt, and they all set off towards Viridian City. Chapter. 12. "There it is!" Ash yelled, pointing up ahead. "There's the city!" "Where?" Jessica asked, nearly falling off Rage Fire's back in excitement. "Be careful, Jessica." Pokezip said, grabbing her arm just in time before she fell off. "Thanks, Pokezip." Jessica replied. "No problem, just be more careful next time." Pokezip replied. "And to answer your question, there is the city." Pokezip showed her the view of the city as they came up to the top of a small hill. "Wow!" Brian said. "I never knew it could be so big!" "Wait until you see some of the other cities. There are bigger ones than this." Ash said, grinning. "There are!" Brian said loudly, his mouth gaping open in amazement. "They would be absolutely huge!" "They are, and it is easy to get lost there, too." Ash said. By this time, they were in sight of the large entrance to the city, and Jessica looked around them in awe. "However will we find the Pokémon Center in this huge city?" Jessica mumbled quietly. "I've been here before, and so has Pokezip." Ash replied. "We both know where to go." "If you have been here before, don't you both already have the badge for the gym here?" Brian asked. "We do, but you have to prove yourself worthy of the League by getting the badges each time you enter." Pokezip said. "It is also a good way of keeping your pokémon in top shape, and it keeps you in good practice. The abilities of the trainer are what the pokémon rely upon to be able to battle well without getting too hurt." Pokezip said. "That's almost the exact same speech Brock gave me. Brock is the Gym Leader in Pewter City. We will have to go there soon, and he may give you some advice even better than mine, or even one of his recipes for pokémon food." Ash said. "Cool." Jessica said. "I'd like to meet Brock. Do you know if he has found a wife yet, dad?" "I don't know. He's never even had a girlfriend, as far as I know. Who knows, he may have, but somehow I doubt it." Ash replied. They were inside the City now, and Ash and Pokezip were leading them to the Pokémon Center. When they arrived, Jessica turned in her pokéballs for healing, and also gave Meowth to Nurse Joy, and led Rage Fire in. "Your pokémon will be ready for you by tomorrow morning, Jessica." Nurse Joy said, smiling. "Thank you." Jessica said. She watched as Ash handed in a few of his pokéballs, and then went off to find something to eat. Brian and Pokezip both handed all their pokéballs in, and Brian led Fire Blaze in as well. Pokezip went off to find Ash, and Brian came over to her. "Hungry?" Jessica asked, smiling at him. "Yeah. How about you? That food smells great." Brian replied, smiling back. "Shall we go and eat these people out of house and home?" Jessica asked. "Definitely! I'll beat ya to it!" Brian ran off, and got his food, while Jessica followed. She got all that she could fit on her plate, sat down at the table with Ash and Pokezip, and started eating. Brian came over and sat next to her, eating as fast as he could. "You'll get sick or choke if you don't slow down." Jessica said. "No I won't." Brian replied, his mouth half full with food. "That's what everyone says until it happens." Ash said, grinning. "Yeah. Ash ate like that when he was young, according to his stories." Jessica said. "And so I did. I usually felt sick afterwards." Ash replied. "Well I don't care." Brian said. He got up to get seconds, and was soon back at the table, stuffing his face again. Jessica only smiled, and got up to get seconds for herself. When she came back, Brian had slowed down his eating speed. Jessica laughed at him. "Feeling sick?" Jessica said. "No. Just getting full." Brian said. "Whatever." Jessica said, sitting down and starting to eat again. Chapter. 13. "Oooh.... I feel sick..." Brian groaned on the way to bed. "Told you not to eat so fast, didn't I?" Jessica said, grinning at him. "Not funny." Brian said. He climbed up to his bed, and lay down groaning. Jessica went out of the bedroom and came back a few minutes later with a cup. "Here. Drink this." Jessica said. "What is it?" Brian asked. "It's tea. It'll help to make you feel better." Jessica replied, handing Brian the cup. Brian took it, and drank the tea. "Thanks, Jessica." Brian said. "No problem. Go to sleep, and you'll feel much better when you wake up." Jessica said, getting into her own bed. They both went to sleep, and Ash and Pokezip came in after a few hours, and went to sleep themselves. In the morning, they were woken up by Nurse Joy. "Morning all." Jessica said. "Morning Jessica. Thanks for that drink. I feel much better." Brian said. "Don't mention it." Jessica replied. They all got up and had breakfast. Jessica grinned when she saw that Brian was eating much slower than he had been the night before. After breakfast, they went off to find the Pokémon Gym. "Who's the Gym Leader, Dad?" Jessica asked "I don't know. Last time I came here, the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni was. But that was a long time ago, so there must be a replacement, and the badge is the Badge. Ash replied. "I would like to know who replaced him. I once met a group of Team Rocket members named Cassidy and Buck. They were quite good... Maybe they have replaced him." "Who knows. All I want to do is go and get my badge. Then I will be one step closer to the Pokemon League!" Brain said, grinning. "Whatever..." Jessica said, shaking her head. "Who says you will even get past this Gym Leader, huh?" "I say it, and I will get past the Leader." Brian replied. "Whatever you say." Jessica replied. "Quit arguing you two. The gym is just ahead." Ash said, glaring at them. "Ok, dad." Jessica said. "Ok, Ash." Brian said, pouting. Pokezip saw Brian's expression. "Last one there is a Porygon!" Pokezip said, nudging Rapid's sides with his heels. Rapid started galloping towards the Gym with everyone else following after him. Chapter. 14. Ash went up to the door of the Gym, and knocked loudly. They all backed away as the door, making a loud creaking noise, slowly opened. Jessica, Pokezip and Brian dismounted and led the Pokémon inside. A bright light lit up the arena, and there was a person sitting in the shadows at the opposite end. "What is your purpose?" The Shadow said, its voice echoing in the Gym. "We come here to challenge you to a battle. Do you accept?" Pokezip yelled, lightly touching his pokéballs with one hand. "I accept. The rules are as follows. Two on two, no potions." The Shadow said. "Agreed." Pokezip stepped forward, taking one of his pokéballs off his belt. "I choose Ninetales." The Shadow said loudly, throwing a pokéball onto the floor. Ninetales came out. "Against your Ninetales, I'll use Blastoise!" Pokezip yelled, throwing his pokéball. Blastoise came out. "Ninetales, Fire Spin." The Shadow commanded. "Nine!" Ninetales said. A ball of flame surrounded the Ninetales, and a wall of fire sped towards Blastoise. "Blastoise, Hydro Pump, now!" Pokezip said. Blastoise jumped into the air and went into his shell. Gusts of water came out of the holes, and it sprayed Ninetales while deflecting its Fire Spin attack. "Ninetales, Tail Whip." The Shadow commanded. "Blastoise, Skull Bash!" Pokezip yelled. Blastoise ran towards the Ninetales, picking up speed with every step. He dodged Ninetales' tail, and slammed into it, making the Ninetales fly across the arena and slam into the wall. "Ninetales, Return." The Shadow said, receiving Ninetales' pokéball. "Very Good, but can you beat my... Jolteon!" The Shadow threw another pokéball, and Jolteon came out, small electric sparks flying out of its sharp fur. "Blastoise, Tackle Attack, now!" Pokezip yelled. Blastoise charged towards Jolteon. "Jolteon, Thunderwave." The Shadow commanded. Jolteon glowed yellow, and a huge wave of electricity came up to Blastoise and zapped him. Blastoise flew through the air, and slammed into the wall. "Blastoise, return!" Pokezip said. He looked back at Rapid. "Rapid, can you do it,?" "Of course I can, Pokezip." Rapid replied. He walked onto the arena and stood opposite Jolteon. "A talking Pokémon... Very interesting." The Shadow said. "But still, it has no chance against my Jolteon!" "Rapid, Fire Spin." Pokezip said. Rapid flared up in a ball of flame, and a tornado-like storm of fire spun over to Jolteon and a loud explosion sounded. The flames died down to reveal Jolteon lying on the ground in a blackened heap. "Jolteon, return." The Shadow said. "Very good again. You have won the Viridian City Gym's badge." A small platform rose out of the floor, and part of the top lifted to reveal a badge, seemingly made of several gold hoops joined together. Pokezip took it, and attached it to the inside of his coat. "Thank-you." Pokezip said. He led Rapid off the arena floor, and walked over to the rest of the group. Chapter. 15. Brian stepped forwards. "I challenge you to a pokémon battle for the badge!" He exclaimed, getting one of his pokéballs off his belt. "Very well then." The Shadow replied. a pokéball floated towards the arena. "Judging by the pokémon you have used so far, I choose.... Fire Blaze!" Fire Blaze galloped onto the arena, and skidded to a stop. He reared up, neighing a challenge. The pokéball landed before The Shadow could change its mind, and a Scyther came out. "Heh, Heh, Heh... This will be easy. Grass Pokémon are weak against fire pokémon. Everyone knows that." Brian said, smirking. "Fire Blaze, use your Fire Spin attack!" Fire Blaze flared up in a large ball of flame. The flames leapt away from him, and landed on the Scyther. The fire around the Scyther exploded, and it disappeared to reveal the Scyther lying on the ground. "Scyther, Return." The Shadow said. "Well... I didn't think that you were going to be this good. Let's see how you go against my... Farfetch'd!" The Shadow's eyes glowed gold, and a pokéball floated onto the arena. It hit the floor, and a Farfetch'd came out. "Fire Blaze, Take Down attack!" Brian shouted. "Farfetch'd, counter with Agility, now!" The shadow yelled quickly. Farfetch'd dodged Fire Blaze's Take Down attack successfully. "Farfetch'd, Swords Dance attack!" Farfetch'd used its Swords Dance attack. Fire Blaze was beaten back to the edge of the arena, where he started fighting back with Stomp until Farfetch'd used Slash. Fire Blaze collapsed. "Fire Blaze!" Brian cried. He ran out onto the Arena, and helped Fire Blaze get up and limp off the Arena floor. He took another Pokéball off his belt. "Your Farfetch'd may be able to beat my Rapidash, but can it beat my Jolteon!" Brian threw the pokéball, and Jolteon came out. "Jolteon, use your Thunder Wave attack!" The attack hit Farfetch'd full on, and it fell over. "Farfetch'd, return." The Shadow said. "Two defeats in one day. You all are very good trainers. If the next person is as good, I will have to close the Gym for the day because all my pokémon will be worn out. Anyway... You have won the Viridian City Gym badge. The platform rose out of the floor in front of Brian, and he took the badge. "Jolteon, return." Brian said. He turned around, and walked back to Jessica, Ash and Pokezip. "Told you I'd win, Jessica." Brian said, grinning. "Whatever... Just don't get to sure of yourself." Jessica replied. She stepped forwards to the Trainer's box on the Arena. "I challenge you to the Viridian City Gym badge." Chapter. 16. "I accept your challenge." The Shadow replied. "Arcanine, go!" The Shadow threw a pokéball onto the Arena, and Arcanine came out. "Against your Arcanine, I will use.... Pidgeotto!" Jessica yelled, throwing her pokéball onto the arena. "Pidgeotto, use your Gust attack!" Pidgeotto started flapping its wings quickly, creating a large whirlwind. "Hang in there, Arcanine!" The Shadow shouted. When the whirlwind ended, The shadow yelled out to the Arcanine. "Arcanine, use your Ember attack!" Arcanine growled, and its body erupted in a huge ball of flame. it growled again, louder this time, and a giant wall of fire leaped towards Jessica's Pidgeotto. "Watch out, Pidgeotto!" Jessica yelled. Pidgeotto flew upwards, narrowly dodging the fire. "Pidgeotto, use Quick Attack, and then Wing Attack!" Pidgeotto squawked, and dived down to the Arcanine. Pidgeotto started hitting the Arcanine with its wings, and pecking at it furiously. The Arcanine started backing away under the barrage, and Pidgeotto squawked again. Pidgeotto flew up, and dive-bombed the Arcanine. The Arcanine dropped to the ground, and struggled to its feet. Pidgeotto flew at it again, and Arcanine collapsed, not bothering to get up. "Way to go, Pidgeotto!" Jessica shouted, jumping up and down excitedly. The Arcanine disappeared in a red light, as it was returned to its pokéball. "Very good. I see I have misjudged you, also. This time, I will not fail! Rapidash, go!" The Shadow threw a pokéball onto the arena floor, and a Rapidash came out. "This time you will not win! This is a level 100 Rapidash, the very best trained one in all the land. It is impossible to beat this Rapidash. "We shall see." Jessica replied. "Pidgeotto, Whirl Wind attack, and then use Sand Attack!" "Rapidash, counter with Fire Spin!" Pidgeotto flew upwards, until it was stopped by the ceiling. As the ball of flame roared its path upwards towards it, Pidgeotto dodged, letting the fire storm through the roof. It hid in the darkness, not letting The Shadow see it. Ash, Brian and Pokezip gasped in surprise. When the Fire had hit the roof, a large hole had been blasted through it, and a shaft of light now lit up the Gym Leader's box. The Gym Leader was a girl! "Oh rats... my secret has been discovered... Ok, I admit it. I am Butch and Cassidy's only daughter. Can we continue with our match now?" "S... sure. What's your name?" "Anna. I believe your Pidgeotto has been K.O'd, Jessica." "Not so fast, Anna." Jessica grinned, as Pidgeotto flew down from the shadows, using its Quick Attack. It dived down to the Rapidash, and started using its Wing attack, and pecking it. Rapidash fell backwards after being hit, and Pidgeotto squarked. It flew down to the ground, and started glowing white. "Pidgeotto! What's happening?" "Your Pidgeotto is evolving into a Pidgeot. You must be a very good trainer, Jessica. It took my Pidgeotto many months to evolve." "Wow! Good going, Pidgeot!" Jessica yelled. The Pidgeot changed shape, finally assuming the form of a Pidgeot. "Pidgeot, use your Quick Attack, and Wing Attack!" Pidgeot squarked, and flew at the Rapidash. It beat the Rapidash with its wing, and slashed it with its talons. The Rapidash collapsed under the attacks, unable to see the Pidgeot, let alone attack it. "Finish it off, Pidgeot!" Pidgeot flew upwards, and then dive-bombed, its wings glowing, and a loud whooshing sound coming up from its speed. It swooped the Rapidash, and it fell over onto its side, stunned. "All right, Pidgeot! We got the badge!" Pidgeot floated over to Jessica, and gently nudged her with its beak. "Another loss. This group is a force to be reckoned with. Rapidash, you did your best. Return to your pokéball." Anna said. The Rapidash returned to its pokéball, and the platform with the badge came out of the floor again. "I award you the Viridian City Gym Badge, Jessica." Jessica took the badge. Ash stepped forward. "I am the Pokemon Master. I challenge you to a battle." Chapter. 17. "I accept your challenge." Anna said. A pokéball floated over to the arena floor. "Charmeleon, I choose you!" Anna yelled. Charmeleon came out in a large ball of flames and roared, flicking its long and powerful tail. "Let's see you defeat this one, Pokémon Master..." Anna said, smirking. Ash frowned. "Raichu, you handle this one." Ash said. Raichu bounded forwards. "This is going to be easy... Raichu, Thundershock!" "RaaaiiiiiiiiCHU!!!!!!" Raichu said loudly, glowing in a bright gold light and a large bolt of lightning came down and hit Charmeleon. "Char..." Charmeleon said before falling over in a frizzled heap. "But..... But that's impossible!" Anna said. "Obviously, it isn't. What pokémon are you going to choose next?" Ash said, with a big self-satisfied grin on his face. "I'll beat you this time, Pokémon Master!" Charmeleon returned into its pokéball, and another pokéball floated out onto the arena, and a Butterfree came out. "Butterfree, let's show this Pokémon Master how we can win! Use your Sleeping Powder attack!" "Raichu, Agility now!" Ash yelled. "Rai!" Raichu replied. Raichu stood up, and then started running around the Butterfree, dodging its sleeping powder. "Raichu, Finish it with a Thunderbolt!" Raichu glowed gold, and a bolt of lightning came down and slammed into the Butterfree. The Butterfree froze for an instant, just before it fell towards the ground, hitting the stone floor with a dull thud. "Butterfree!" Anna cried, running out to it. "Are you ok?" Anna picked up the Butterfree. "Free...." Butterfree said, weakly. "Good work, Raichu!" Ash yelled. "Raichu!" Raichu replied, running up to Ash and jumping into his arms. "That is a very strong Raichu, Pokémon Master... You have won the Viridian City Gym Badge. I congratulate you on your victory." The platform rose out of the arena floor with the badge on it. "May I request something of you and the group you are travelling with?" Anna said, letting her Butterfree return to its pokéball "Sure." Ash took the badge. "What is it that you want?" "May I go with you, so I may become a better trainer, better suited to be Gym Leader? You all have proven me unworthy for this position." Anna Replied. "My pokémon will surely gain strength if I train with you." "Of course, Anna."Ash replied. "But if you go with us, who will take your place?" "My brother, Aidan, will. We have always fought over the position of Gym Leader, and I only just beat him. He will be pleased to gain the position now, after training so hard for so long." Anna replied. She got up, and walked over to Ash. "While I travel with you, I mean to find out your secret... The secret which enabled you to become Pokémon Master." "There is no secret, but if there is, I would be happy if someone found out. Ash replied. "Shall we go now?" "Sure. If we can stay in the Pokémon Center overnight so that I can get my pokémon seen to, I would be happy to go with you in the morning." "Sounds good to me." Pokezip said. "Same here." Jessica said. "I don't mind if she comes along." Brian said, grinning. "Not at all..." Jessica glared at Brian, and he stepped away. With everything settled, Anna put a message to her brother where it would be found, and gathered her things together. When she was ready, they all set off to the Pokémon Center to rest, eat, and set off the next morning towards the next Gym. Chapter. 18. "We have been defeated once..." "But we will succeed this time!" "Purrrrrrssssssian... This time we will get Raichu." Jessie, James and Pursian jumped out onto the road, a few hours ahead of Ash, Pokezip, Jessica, Anna and Brian. "Prepare for trouble, little twerp..." James said. "Yes, little twerp... and make it double." Jessie replied. "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Purrrrrrssssssian! That's right!" "Every time we dig a hole, either we fall in, or the twerp escapes." Jessie complained. "So this time, we use a net!" "I bet we get wet..." Pursian said. "Shut your complaining, Pursian. It doesn't get up any closer to catching that Raichu." James said. Jessie walked up behind James and Pursian, and hit them over the head with a large stick. "Shut up both of you, and help me get this net ready." "We better do as she says..." James said. "Yeah..." Pursian replied. Team Rocket got out the net, and placed it over the road. They got some extra dirt, bits of twigs and leaves, and put it all over the net to hide it. After they had finished, they stepped away from the road, and looked at the road. The net wasn't visible at all. "Quick! Hide! They're coming!" Jessie said. "Did you hear something?" Jessica asked, looking around. "No, why?" Pokezip said. "What about you, Rapid? Did you hear anything?" "Yes, I did... It sounded a bit like Team Rocket." Rapid said, flicking his tail. "If Team Rocket are around, I had better let Raichu out." Ash said. "Hey Raichu, come on out and give Team Rocket a shock or two." Ash continued, letting Raichu out of his pokéball. "Raiichu!" Raichu said, jumping up into Ash's arms. Ash smiled. "Missed you, too. Are you ready to shock Team Rocket?" He asked. "I wish they would get the idea, and leave us alone, don't you Raichu?" "Rai. Rai chu chu Raichu" Jessica grinned. "You really think so, huh? I think Persian has a problem, too." She stroked Rage Fire's neck. "I still don't get that thing on its head. What is it? A spot, or a gem of some sort?" Jessica grinned again. "But then, who knows what it is?" Brian laughed. "Yeah... You're right, Jessica." He looked at Anna. "What about you? What do you think it is?" "I don't know, either." Anna replied. Jessica jumped as Ash let out a yell, and looked up in time to see a net fly up out of the ground and catch Ash and Raichu. "Hey! What's happening!?" Ash yelled. "Fire Blaze, use your Ember attack on the rope!" Brian yelled. Fire Blaze flared up in flames, and a stream of fire shot out and burnt the rope holding the net, making Ash and Raichu fall to the ground. "Jessie, they escaped!" James complained loudly. "Shut up, James!" Persian yelled. Ash and Raichu jumped up. "Raichu, thundershock them, now!" Ash shouted. "Raiiiiiiiiii CHUUUUU!!!!!" Raichu said while using his thundershock attack. James, Jessie and Meowth went flying. "We're blasting off again.........." They yelled. "Thank goodness we got rid of them." Ash sighed. "Good riddance to bad rubbish." Brian said. "Who were those guys? If they're Jessie and James, then they got kicked out of Team Rocket ages ago. Giovanni couldn't stand them any longer." Anna said. "Wow... Team Rocket getting kicked out? So why are they still trying to catch Raichu?" Pokezip asked. "I don't know... But then, since when would Team Rocket give up?" Ash said. "Yeah... you have a point there, Ash." Pokezip replied. "Well come on... Let's hurry up already." Jessica said impatiently. She nudged Rage Fire's sides with her heels, and he started galloping. "We'd better hurry after her, guys..." Brian said. Ash, Pokezip and Anna nodded their heads, and then got their pokémon to chase after Jessica. Chapter. 19. Jessica squinted against the glare of the sunset in front of her. "Hey dad, can't we stop already?" Jessica asked. "Sure, Jessica. But only if you do the cooking." Ash grinned as Jessica glared at him. "Only kidding... I'll help you." "Whatever, dad. Just as long as I don't have to look into this sun anymore." Jessica replied. "Ok everyone, we'll stop here and break camp." Brian said. Everyone got off their pokémon and began to set up their sleeping bags. A few hours later they had dinner, and Jessica, Anna and Pokezip washed the forks, plates and cups in a nearby stream while Ash and Brian sat next to the fire, talking. "You have a fondness for my daughter, Brian?" Ash asked, looking into the flames. Brian moved uncomfortably, and turned bright red. "She's ok... I guess..." He stuttered. "Why do you ask?" "I don't mind if you like her. But whatever you do, don't hurt her, ok?" Ash said, looking hard at Brian. Brian met his gaze, but was the first to turn away. "I wouldn't want to hurt her. I doubt if I could hurt her at all." Brian said. "Good. Make sure it stays that way." Ash said, getting up. "I'll go check on the pokémon." Ash walked away, and Brian watched him. He shook his head slowly and sat still, staring at the flames. "Don't look so down in the dumps, Brain." Rapid said, moving out of the shadows. "Why? What is there to be happy about? I don't know if Jessica likes me, and anyway... Ash doesn't seem to approve." Brian replied. He threw a large stick onto the fire, and sat there watching it with his arms resting on his knees. Rapid shook his head, and moved back to where the other pokémon were sleeping. "Hey Brian... What are you looking so down for?" Pokezip said. He walked over to Brian and sat next to him. "Ash just told me off. He's noticed that I like Jessica, and he doesn't approve." Brain replied. "He does approve.... It's just that he doesn't know you yet. Trust me, he'll let up pretty soon or my name's not Pokezip." Brian smiled at Pokezip. "One other thing. Jessica hasn't noticed you like her. Be careful, won't you?" Pokezip said, getting up. Brian nodded his head, and Pokezip went over to his sleeping bag and lay down in it. "Goodnight, Brian." Pokezip said, yawning. "Goodnight, Pokezip." Brian replied. Brian got up and went over to his own sleeping bag, getting in and going to sleep. After everything was cleared up, everyone else came back, and went into their own sleeping bags and went to sleep. Chapter. 20. Meowth woke up late at night. She sat up, wondering what had woken her, and she spotted Brian getting up and walking into the forest. Knowing how dangerous the forest could be, Meowth got up and ran over to him. She meowed, and rubbed her head against his leg. "Hello, Meowth. What are you doing here?" "Meowth!" Meowth replied. "Well I guess you had better come along with me. It can be dangerous out here... even when all you want to do is sit and think." Brian said. He picked Meowth up, and she climbed up onto his shoulders. "Meowth?" Meowth said "Yes, It's about Jessica. How did you know, anyway? Don't answer that... Come on, let's go look at the river." Brian started walking off to the river, Meowth riding on his shoulders. When he got to the river, he put Meowth on the ground, and sat down underneath the tree. He absently picked up a small stone and threw it into the river, watching the ripples in the water. "What are you doing out here?" Rapid asked, walking up behind Brian. Brian jumped, and turned around to see Rapid grinning at him. "Thinking. What are you doing here? You scared the living daylights out of me!" Brian got up, and walked over to Rapid. "Making sure you don't get hurt. There are a lot of dangerous pokémon out here." Rapid said, gently flicking his tail. "I know... Meowth came with me, though. " Brian said. He sat down under a tree and sighed. Jessica woke up, shivering. She looked around for Meowth, and got up when she couldn't find her. "Meowth? Where are you?" Jessica said, walking around. She stumbled over Brian's sleeping bag. "Brian... He's gone too..." She shook her head, and walked off towards the stream. "Maybe if I get a drink, everything will go back to normal..." "I don't know what to do, Rapid... I like her, but her father keeps telling me to leave her alone." Brian says sadly. Jessica stopped, and looked at Brian from behind a tree. What's he doing with Rapid and Meowth? Jessica wondered. At least he hasn't stolen Meowth... But who's he talking about? "I know that you like Jessica, Brian. And Ash is only making sure that she's going to be looked after." "But I know all that... I still can't figure out why Ash doesn't trust me... Weren't Richie and her father best friends? Shouldn't that count for something?" Brian replied, absently patting Meowth's head. "Maybe they had a fight about something, and they aren't friends anymore." Rapid said, gently flicking his tail. "After all... Friends do have arguments sometimes." "Yeah... Maybe that's it." Brian said. "Richie liked Misty..." Jessica said, stepping out from behind the tree. Meowth ran over to her, and she picked Meowth up, putting her on her shoulders. "How long have you been there?" Brian asked, standing up. "Long enough..." Jessica replied. "Maybe we should talk in the morning... It's getting late." "I agree. I'll see you both in the morning." Rapid said, and then turned and walked back to the other pokémon. Jessica and Brian stood still, looking at each other. Meowth miaowed, and gently nudged Jessica's cheek with her nose. Jessica smiled at her, and walked back to her sleeping bag. Brian watched her leave and sighed. He picked up a small stone, and threw it into the stream as hard as he could. He shook his head, and walked back to his own sleeping bag. Chapter. 21. It was a beautiful morning.... The sky a pretty periwinkle blue, and hardly a cloud in the sky... Except for the one over my head... Brian thought sadly, looking up to see Jessica riding next to Ash. Why can't he let me be with her? Surely he knows how I feel... Brian shook his head slowly, and gently brushed Fire Blaze's mane with his fingers. Pokezip looked over to Brian, sensing his feelings and guessing at his thoughts. I wonder how I can help him.... Ash doesn't seem to listen to reason... Maybe we can separate soon... I think there's an intersection where you can go to Celidon City or Lavender Town... I think I'll get Ash to come with me to Celidon City, and let Anna, Brian and Jessica go to Lavender Town and get Ghost pokémon before Going to fight at the Saffron City Gym. I wonder who the Gym Leader is now... Sabrina was a tough battle... I'm sure her child will be even tougher. "Hey Anna, do you know who the Gym Leader at Saffron City is now?" Pokezip yelled, turning back to look at Anna. "I don't know... I think Sabrina quit a few years ago, and her daughter, Judith, replaced her. She has a very good Alakazam, Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales and Scyther. They are the only pokémon I know of, but I'm sure there are more." "There's a place up ahead where you can go to either Celidon City or Lavender town, isn't there?" Pokezip asked. "Yeah. There is. I want to go to Lavender Town first, so I can catch a ghost pokémon before I go challenge Judith." Anna replied. "I want to go to Celidon City first. The trainer there is much easier to beat, and it'll be a good warm-up before battling Judith." "I want to go to Lavender Town, too." Brian said, looking over to Pokezip and Anna. "So do I." Jessica said, turning around to look at the small group. "Well Ash, would you like to come with me to Celidon City?" Pokezip asked, riding up to where Ash was. "Sure. It's a good idea to have a warm up. I remember the first time I met Sabrina. Brock and Misty were turned into dolls. If Sabrina's daughter is anything like her, then she will be a very tough challenge." Ash replied. "Since we want to go different ways, why don't we split up, and meet in Saffron City? Then we can go on to Celidon City to battle the trainer there after Ash and I have battled the Gym Leader in Saffron City." Pokezip said, looking around at everyone. "That's a great idea, Pokezip." Brian said. "I agree." Jessica looked at Ash. "Can we, dad?" "Ok. We'll split up at the next intersection, and meet in Saffron City." Ash replied, frowning slightly at Brian. Pokezip rode to the front, and Ash rode up beside him. He looked back to see if they were out of hearing distance, and then turned to talk to Pokezip. "How can I be sure he won't hurt Jessica?" "Believe me, Ash..... Brian would never do anything to hurt Jessica, unless it was a mistake. And if he did, he would do anything to make it up to her. Don't worry about it, Ash." "Ok, Pokezip... I'll trust you. Jessica should be able to look after herself..." Ash replied, looking a bit more relaxed. "It doesn't mean that I won't worry, though." "There's the intersection up ahead." Pokezip yelled out, pointing to the sign visible above the horizon. "Cool!" Jessica yelled back. When they reached it, they split up into two groups. "Well.... I guess I'll see you all again in Saffron City." Ash said, glancing at Brian. "Sure, dad." Jessica replied. "Good luck against the Celidon City Gym Leader." "Thanks, Jessica. Good luck against Judith." Pokezip replied, waving. They both took their roads, and walked off towards the two different cities and their Gym Leaders. Chapter. 22. "Hey Jessica, how do you think we'll do against Judith?" Brian asked. "I don't know... I wonder if I'll be able to catch a Haunter?" Jessica said. "I want to catch a Gengar or Ghastly. They have much better attacks, and are also a bit stronger." "I think that Jessica has the right idea." Anna said, moving up so that she's next to Jessica. "If she catches a Haunter, she can train it to make sure that it has learnt all of its abilities before evolving." "Yeah... Maybe I should try for a Haunter as well." Brian said, frowning a little. Brian's stomach growled. "Ummm..... Is it lunch time yet? I'm starved." "I think so." Jessica replied. Let's stop anyway. I'm hungry too." Jessica jumped down from Rage Fire's back, Brian jumped down from Fire Blaze's back, and Anna got off her Rapidash's back. Jessica opened her bag, and got out the food for lunch. "There's sandwiches, and apples..... and there's some cordial drinks, also. Who's going to find some water?" "I will." Anna said. She picked up a waterbag, and set off to look for a stream or pond. Jessica spread out a blanket, and put down the food, drinks and plates. Brian helped her. "Hey Jessica... about last night...." Brian started, blushing a little. "What about last night?" Jessica stood up and looked at Brian. "Well... What did you hear? Like... I don't mind if you heard anything, but..." "I heard enough. You like me, and dad keeps telling you to back off. Right?" "Well.... yeah....." Brian rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little uncomfortable. "Do you..... I don't know how to say this....." "Do I like you?" "Yeah.... That's what I was trying to say...." Brian looked away, blushing even more. "It isn't anything to be shy about. Sure. I like you." "Really? You aren't tricking me or anything? You really like me?" Brian quickly looked at her again. "Really. I wouldn't trick you about something like this." Jessica smiled at him. Anna walked up to them, the waterbag dripping. "Who's thirsty?" Anna asked, putting the waterbag down. "I sure am. Brian said. He sat down and grabbed a cup. Jessica got the cordial and tipped some into his cup, before putting some in hers and Anna's. "Thanks, Jessica." Brian said. "It's ok." Jessica replied. Anna sat down, and they all ate their lunch. After they finished, Jessica packed everything away with Brian's help, and they got back up on their Rapidash's and Ponyta's backs and started off along the road again. They rode in silence for several hours. Jessica looked around at the various trees, keeping an eye out for pokémon. She spotted a Rattata, and nudged Rage Fire in the direction of it. When they were close enough, she jumped off his back and yelled. "Rage Fire, use your ember on it!" Rage Fire snorted, and flared up in flames. A big ball of fire leapt from his back, and hit the Rattata full on. The Rattata rolled sideways, and then lay still in a crumpled heap. Jessica grabbed one of her pokéballs. "Pokéball, go!" She yelled, throwing it. The pokéball hit the Rattata, and it went inside. Jessica watched closely as it wriggled, and then grinned and jumped around happily when it stopped still and the light went out. "Hey Brian, I've got a Rattata!" "Cool! I thought I was supposed to catch the next pokémon, though." Brian said, grinning. "Oops... Finders keepers!" Jessica grinned back. She went over to the pokéball and picked it up. She attached it to her belt, and got up onto Rage Fire's back again. They all rode back to the path, and kept going towards Lavender Town. Chapter. 23. "We're almost at the Tower." Anna said, looking back at Jessica and Brian. "Yeah, and it's almost night time. That means the ghost pokémon will be out, won't it?" Jessica asked, leaning forwards slightly. "I guess so." Brian said. "They seem to come out more at night." "That's because they are ghost pokémon. "Anna said. "Of course they come out at night." "There's the Tower up ahead." Jessica said. "I'll race you all!" She urged Rage Fire into a gallop, and whispered in his ear to use agility. He glowed and suddenly sped up, leaving the others behind to catch up as best they could. They reached the Tower at nightfall. A lone Hoot-Hoot watched them from its perch in a dead tree. Jessica jumped and looked around when it let out a call. "What was that?" Jessica asked. "I think it was a Hoot-Hoot." Brian said. "Yeah... It was. See? It's up there in that tree." Brian pointed at the Hoot-Hoot, and Jessica looked up at it. "That's good. I thought it was one of the Ghost Pokémon already. Jessica shivered and looked over at the door to the Tower. "What are we going to do with our Pokémon while we're in there? Ash said it can be dangerous... the floors are falling to bits... I don't want Rage Fire to get hurt." "We'll carry them in their pokéballs until we need them." Anna said. "That way we can make sure they won't get hurt, and they'll also be nice and rested for fighting against the ghost pokémon." Anna got off her Rapidash's back, and put it inside its pokéball. Jessica and Brian did the same. Brian led the way towards the door and knocked on it. They all stepped back as the door slowly opened with a loud groaning noise. Brian stepped up to the doorway and looked around the room. It was too dark to see anything much. Suddenly with a loud WHOOSH the chandelier lit up. In the distance, they could hear someone cackling. "What's so funny?" Jessica asked the room. The cackling became even louder, or was it closer? Jessica couldn't tell and she spun around to come face to face with a Gengar. She screamed and jumped back, falling over. "Jessica! Are you ok?" Brian asked, rushing over to her and helping her get up. "Yeah... Just a bit shocked." Jessica replied, smiling at him. She climbed to her feet and turned to face the cackling Gengar. "I don't think that was very nice of you.... You should know the effect you have on people." She said, glaring at the Gengar. "Where're your friends? I mean... I'd like to meet your friends..... Why don't you ask them to come and meet us?" The Gengar cackled loudly, and slowly fading away, leaving only his eyballs behind. They gave one last blink and vanished, cackles and haunting noises coming from, seemingly, every corner of the room.