A/N: sorry for the wait. I hate exams! There will be one or two more parts after this, and then blissful end! Well, on with part 4! Disclaimer: you know what? I DO own pokemon! Yeah! Also, I just saw a pig fly, and the REAL Harry Potter is coming over for a duel on Saturday! I checked my schedule and saw I could fit him in between my 3:00 pokemon battle and my 5:00 duel with Yugi! Then I have the all important Brunch with the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. Santa would have come if Pikachu hadn't eaten all the cookies the other day! Are you still reading this non-sense! Get going and read the story! Chapter 4: The Departure Ash: I'm going to die in a week. ***** Delia couldn't believe her ears. How could her only son, the light of her life, be dying? He was far too young to be sick in this way! He had his whole life ahead of him! She desperately wanted to believe that he was lying, that this was some mad joke of his yet; she knew her son wasn't a liar and that he would never kid about things like that. Besides, she could see the truth in his eyes. She wondered, how this could have happened.......again? Ash waited, with baited, breath for his mother to speak again. He waited for her to start yelling. To say that this was his entire fault. He waited for the accusations. He waited for the panic, for the tears, for the pain. He waited. Finally, she spoke. Delia: where are you now? Ash: I'm in viridian city. This wasn't at all the reaction ash was expecting. Instead of being upset she was acting deflated, like she was expecting something like this to happen all along. Why did she want to know where he was? Delia: I want you to come home as soon as you can. There's something I need to tell you. Something I need to show you. How soon can you come home? Ash: I should be able to make it in a few days. What's this all about? What's with all the mystery? Delia: I'll show you when you get here, she said. I have to go now, ash. I'll see you soon. I love you Mom, wait! He shouted. But she was already gone. Hanging up the phone he whispered, I love you too! ***** Misty: ash! Dinner's ready! Ash: let's go pikachu. Ash went to Brock's room. He was about to tell everyone that they would be heading back to Pallet Town the next day, but he was stunned by the sight before him. On the table was one of the most succulent spreads he ever saw. (A/n: remember. Succulent is in the eye of the beholder!) There were candles on the table and the room was dark. There was music playing in the background. Brock was no where to be seen. Then he saw misty. Misty: what's wrong ash? Ash was at a lost for words. Misty was wearing a seductive red-orange dress, with slits down the sides to show off her shapely legs. Her face was shining, as if she had applied a generous amount of make-up, and she had let her hair down. After a while, he realized he was staring at her. He blushed a deep crimson, and turned away, so misty wouldn't notice. Ash: what's all this? Misty: well, I thought it might be cute to try a little something different tonight. Ash: where's Brock? Misty: oh, he had to step out for a little bit. Ash: well, we might as well eat. Ash and Misty sat down and began eating. Even though Misty had gotten some of Ash's favorite foods, Ash was having a hard time concentrating on eating. For some reason, he couldn't stop staring at Misty. He knew he shouldn't, because he didn't want her to think he was interested. He knew that nothing could come from it, but pain and heartache, yet for some reason he just couldn't stop staring at her. He really hoped she hadn't noticed. ***** Misty noticed Ash staring at her. She was starting to think that Brock was right, and maybe Ash really did like her. He was staring at her as if he'd never seen a female before. She was staring at him, without realizing it, with equal intensity. After a while, he noticed she was staring at him and started blushing again. She decided then would be a good time to try out the perfume on Ash. She excused herself to go get dessert, and while in the kitchen, sprayed a generous amount of perfume on her face and neck. She heard Ash come in. ***** Ash noticed Misty was taking her time bringing out the dessert, and went to go help her. Upon, entering the kitchen he noticed a weird scent in the air, and something came over him. His senses were numbed, and he couldn't think straight. He saw Misty again and walked toward her. Misty walked towards him. Ash looked into her eyes. Ever so slowly, he leaned in towards her. He vaguely noticed that she was leaning in towards him. His nose brushed against her cheek. He felt her breath on his lips... PIIIIKAAACHUUU!!!! Ash: ahhhhhhhh!!!! ***** Pikachu had a strange feeling that Misty was up to something. He had gone unnoticed all through dinner, and had so, busied himself with a bottle of ketchup. When he looked up again he noticed that Ash and Misty were gone. Figuring they had went into the kitchen, he decided to see what they were up to. He saw Ash, an odd, dazed look on his face, about to kiss Misty. He used a thunderbolt on Ash to snap him out of it. Misty looked ticked. Misty: PIKACHU! Why did you do that?!!!!!!!!! Pi, pika, pi, pi, pikachu? Misty: what do you mean you sneezed?!!!!! Pikachu just shrugged. Pi, pikachu, Chu! Ash: don't worry Misty. I'm fine. Misty: what do you mean fine? He shouldn't be shocking you when you're sick! Ash: he has a cold! He couldn't help it. (To pikachu) well, we better get you in bed, if you're sick little buddy! He picked up pikachu and headed to his room. Misty: but, Ash? What about dessert? Ash: um, I'll get some later! ***Ash's Room*** Ash: whew! Thanks pikachu! I don't know what came over me! Pikachu! Ash: it was nothing, huh! Well, then maybe you won't be wanting the large bottle of spicy ketchup I was gonna give ya! Kachu, pi pika Chu! Ash laughed at this. I was just teasing, he said. ***** The Next Day ***** Ash was busy packing his clothes. He had told Misty and Brock, at breakfast, that he had called his mom, last night, and that she had wanted him to come home. They agreed that they should leave immediately. Brock went to his room to pack, and Misty had run to a store to pick up something. As Ash went to get packed, he couldn't help but, feel guilty that he hadn't told them the whole truth, yet, about his illness. He also, wondered what would happen to his pokemon when he died. He just realized that he would need to find a caretaker for them. After some thought, he decided to write a will, and leave them to Misty. He knew that his pokemon would listen to her without hesitation, especially since they knew about his feelings, for her. He sighed as he realized how much he had to do. He wasn't worried though, since he still had around four days left. He headed downstairs to see if misty was back yet, got hit by something and fell into Brock. ***** Brock had heard about Mistys failed attempt at getting Ash to admit his feelings for her. She told him that she was running to buy some special items that she hoped would help. Brock went downstairs and noticed a bunch of girls hanging around, who were obviously waiting for Ash. Ever since he became a Pokemon Master he had been plagued by fan-girls. They made Misty jealous, but Ash always said he had no interest in them. When Misty asked him who he did like, he always changed the subject. Brock looked at fan-girls and got an idea. Quickly running back upstairs, he retrieved Mistys' bottle of perfume. He unscrewed the cap and was about to pour the whole bottle on himself, when Ash came down the stairs. The fan-girls noticed Ash and immediately rushed him, trying to get an autograph. In their exuberance they accidentally pushed him into Brock, who in turn, accidentally spilled the perfume on Ash. The fan-girls, already driven by their hormones, were pushed over the edge by the perfumes magic. One of them grabbed Ash and gave him a deep, probing kiss! It was then that Misty walked in. ***** Misty walked into the pokemon center with a bag of items she hoped to use on Ash sometime that day. She saw Ash with a bunch of fan-girls. She felt a hint of jealousy but, brushed it aside. After all, Ash had always said he wasn't interested in them. Then she looked closer and saw that they were kissing! French-kissing! Tears came to her eyes as she realized the man she loved had rejected her. She ran around the girls and up to her room. ***** Ash was stunned. The fan-girls had never tried to kiss him before, and he didn't know what had come over them. He broke off from the girl and looked up in time to see a tear-streaked Misty running up the stairs. He immediately ran after her to see what was wrong, Brock right behind him. However, upon reaching her room she locked the door. Brock: Misty, open the door! Ash: Yeah Misty, what's wrong? Misty: nothing, so go away! Ash: talk to us! Did something happen at the store? Misty: nothing happened, so leave me alone! Ash: you'll have to come out eventually! I'm not leaving this spot until you do! Misty: fine! Stay there forever! See if I care! Ash: fine! Misty: fine! ***** five hours later ***** Ash came out from the bathroom. Brock was asleep on the floor, outside of Misty's room. Ash gently woke him up. Ash: has she come out yet? Brock: not yet. Ash: damn! I wish I knew what got her so upset! Brock: I. I. think I know. Ash: really! What?! Brock: she saw you and that girl kissing. Ash: how many times have I told her that they don't interest me? I don't even know why that girl kissed me! Brock: it was because of that perfume I accidentally spilled on you. It made those girls fall in love with you! Ash: waaaahh! That's what Misty had on last night! That's why I went crazy! Why on earth would she have something like that! Brock: because she's in love with dammit! She's been in love with you for as long as she can remember. She was afraid that you wouldn't love her back and freaked out when she saw you kissing that girl! I know you love her! I heard you telling pikachu! Why won't you admit it! Do you really not love her! Is that it! Ash was a little startled by Brocks outburst. He didn't think anyone but his pokemon knew how he felt. He didn't know that Misty felt the same way. This explained why she'd been acting so funny. Why she had run from the poke center and why she was crying. Ash: I do love her. But, I couldn't tell her. I didn't want to hurt her or you, and there was no point. Brock: what do you mean? Ash: I lied. It's not just a stomachache. The doctor says I have an extremely rare and possibly un-curable disease. In 4 days I'm dead. Brock was more than a little stunned. How could he have let this happen? He should have kept a closer watch on his friend. Should have protected him. Should have looked out for Ash, someone who was like a brother to him. Ash was looking at him. Ash: before you it even say it, it was my fault. I should have been more careful. Don't go blaming yourself for my mistakes, please. Brock: I won't. but, you should have told us sooner. We're your friends. Ash: I didn't want you worrying about me. Also, I didn't want Misty to know how I felt. Even is she really did love me, we would only have a week together. I wanted her to forget about me and find someone else. Someone who could take care of her. Yet, if she cares for me that much then I guess I should tell her the truth. I owe her that much. I'll be back! Brock: where're you going? Ash: to get her room key from Nurse Joy. Misty probably fell asleep in there. ***** Ash came back up the stairs with the key. He unlocked the door, and he and Brock went into the room. Misty was gone. The window was open and there was a note on the bed. He and Brock picked it up and started reading it. What they read shocked them. ***** Dear Ash, I was angry with you when I saw you kissing that girl. After a while I realized it wasn't my place to be angry. You're entitled to kiss whoever you want. Besides, I have nothing to offer you. What could you ever see in scrawny big-mouth like me? I never got to tell you but, I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul. I will always love whenever I think of you and wherever I am. I realize that I can't live without you, so I'm going back to the spot where we first met, to end it all. I hope you live a happy life. You and Brock take care. Love, Misty ***** Ash: this is all my fault. She'd going to commit suicide! I should have told her how I felt a long time ago! Let's go Brock! Brock: right! They raced down the stairs and out the door of the pokemon center. They didn't know how long ago Misty had left. They hurried into the viridian forest. After a while they took a short rest by a rock. Pikachu decided to have a look around the area, while Ash and Brock tried to come up with a plan. Ash heard pikachu scream, and they ran off to find him. Three figures appeared, and Ash and Brock heard the last things they needed to hear. Prepare for trouble.... Make it double! To protect the world from devastation. To unite all peoples within our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love. To extend our reach to the stars above. Jessie. James. Team Rocket; blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Ash: what do you 3 want? Jessie: your pokemon of course! Ash: I don't have time for your crap today. You're not getting pikachu so just leave us alone. James: we already have pikachu, see? James held up Ash's pikachu. It had been stunned by something. Ash, in anger, and worried about Misty, ran at team rocket. He was going to teach them a lesson once and for all. Before he took 3 steps, however, Jessie pulled out a tranquilizer gun and fired twice, hitting Ash and then Brock. As he began to lose consciousness, he apologized to Misty for not being able to tell her in time. (end of chapter 4) A/N: well, that's all for today! Next time, Ash and Brock are taken to the team rocket headquarters. Will they be able to escape in time to stop Misty? What of Ash's mom. What did she wish to tell him? Will Ash be saved? The exciting epilogue next time!