THE WALLS CAME DOWN PART 1 By RH Coronado "Brock, you should be a chef," May said as she started to munch on her stemmed carrots. "Why become the world's greatest pokemon breeder when you could open your own restaurant?" "I don't want to breed pokemon for the money," Brock said, stirring the carrots in a black pot. "I just want to do it." "Moh," May said with a carrot in her mouth. "Well, thabs cool." "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full," Ash Ketchum said as he poured himself some tea. "Bad manners." "Ash, please," May responded with her eyes closed. "Only speak when spoken to." "May," Ash started, his cup of tea in his right hand. "Don't do it, Ash," Max said. He was sitting next to Pikachu. The other pokemon were in their pokeballs. "May just wants to be difficult." "Little brother," May said, her eyes still closed. "You don't know what I want." "What do you want, then?" Ash asked as he served himself some carrots. May opened her eyes. She gave a smile as big as a sunrise in a valley. Stars appeared all around her face. Ash, Brock, Max and Pikachu had huge anime-style sweat drops appear on their heads. "You guys know I really don't like pokemon," May started, her face glowing, starts everywhere. "I always dreamed of going to some faraway fantasy land and meeting some great looking guy who could do all kinds of things. We would fall in love and get married. We would be happy forever." Dead silence. Only the sound of insects could be heard. "Uh, May," Ash finally said. "That sounds pretty silly." "What would you know, Ash?" May said with venom, the smile and stars gone. "You three are just boys. You all have one-track minds and only like to do mean things." "How can you talk about your brother like that, May?" Ash asked, a smirk on his face. "I was talking about all of you, Ash you jerk!" May huffed, now standing up with her plate in her right hand. "Ash, you are such a bum! Why did I come with you? Oh, that's right. Pikachu fried my bike! Your pikachu! When are you going to buy me a new one?!" "Er," Ash sounded. "That's all you have to say?!" May shouted, a blood vessel twitching on her forehead. "You typical boy! Responsible for nothing! Fine! I'm going to sleep! Goodnight!" May grabbed her sleeping bag, found an isolated corner, and promptly went to sleep. "Man, she was really upset," Brock said as he was putting out the campfire. "I think you pushed her a bit far, Ash." "Me?" Ash whined. "She was the one who tried to get under my skin. You heard her." "Ash, you have to understand," Brock said as he dumped the cold carrot soup. "You don't talk to a girl like you would a guy. Remember your fights with Misty? You're doing it again with May." Ash sighed. He told Brock and Max goodnight and headed off to bed. He dragged his sleeping bag to a sloping tree. He glanced over at May. She was fast asleep. He sighed again, turned over and closed his eyes. The next morning, the gang packed up their belongings ready to hit the road again. Ash looked over at May who was very quiet, more than usual. Ash gulped and walked over to her. "Say, May," Ash said with a slightly shaky voice. "About last night…" "Leave me alone, Ash," May said flatly, not looking at him. "Don't talk to me." She gathered her things and started down the main trail. Max quickly followed her, with Brock in tow. Ash, with his head down, took up the rear. "Cactusleaf Town," Brock said as he took in a big breath of fresh air. "We finally made it." "I'm glad," May said, walking behind Brock. "It's barely noon and I'm already hungry." "Me, too," Ash said, behind Max. Pikachu was on his left shoulder. "What do you wanna eat, May?" May didn't answer. "I want a hamburger," Max said, scratching his head. "And onion rings." The gang started down the main path. They came upon a creek with a large bridge. "You see that area by the creek?" Brock asked out loud. "By that old tree? The locals call that Hateful Hollow." "They do?" May inquired. "How do you know that, Brock?" "Read about it," Brock answered. "In a travel guide. Back in the medieval times, old ghosts and monsters supposedly gathered there. So it was named Hateful Hollow." "Wow," Ash as he looked over the bridge rail. "I wonder if it's still haunted." "Who knows?" Brock said. "I don't want to stick around and find out." "Yeah, let's get out of here," Max said. "This place gives me the creeps." The crossed over the bridge and headed down the path to the main town. They left behind that lonely place. An hour later, the lonely place was still lonely. However, that was about to change. A strange wind blew through the hollow. There was a small sound and the air started to crack. The loose ground by the tree swirled and there was a large booming sound. There, lying by the tree, was a bundle of bodies. "Miroku!" Inuyasha said, squirming. "Get of me, monk! You weigh a ton!" "Inuyasha, your foot is in my face!" Kagome cried. "Sango, you're squashing me!" Shippo yelped. "Keep your hands to yourself, Miroku," Sango said with a slight tone of anger. "It's not me this time," Miroku said as he managed to get to his feet. "Where's Kirara?" Standing from afar was Kirara, in its small form, staring at the squirming group with a curious look. "Kirara is wondering how idiotic we look," Inuyasha said as he slowly got up. He was on the bottom of the pile. "So what happened?" Sango asked as she adjusted her boomerang that was on her back. She was wearing her exterminator gear. "This was Naraku's work, of course," Inuyasha said as he dusted himself off. "That sorry rat set a trap for us." He looked around. "Where are we?" "Well," Kagome started. "Seeing how those houses over there have satellite dishes and there's a car parked behind that barn, I think we landed in my time period." Total silence. "No way," Inuyasha finally said. "We're all in the future?" Sango asked, shellshocked. "Amazing," Miroku said quietly, leaning on his staff. "So how do we get back?" Shippo asked. He was now sitting on top of Kirara's large form. "We have to get back to my home," Kagome answered, her bow griped by her right hand. "To the old well. The time travel only worked for Inuyasha and myself. Because of the shards. Or so we thought. Now that we are all here, I hope the shards can take us back." She paused. "There's a problem, though." "What is it, Kagome-chan?" Sango asked as she stood next to Miroku. "I don't think we're in Japan," Kagome responded. She pointed across the creek. "Look at those strange looking cows." In a field on the other side of the creek, numerous miltanks were laying about. "They do look rather odd," Miroku said as he squinted his eyes to see. "And look at those things," Kagome continued. Near the bridge, they saw groups of marills and poliwags. "Are they demons?" Sango said as she walked towards them. "I don't sense anything," Miroku said, walking behind Sango. "Inuyasha?" "No," Inuyasha answered, sniffing the air. "They're not demons. So what are they?" "Even the birds look strange," Shippo said as he looked up into the sky. "Maybe we're in North Korea," Kagome said as she scratched her head. "North Korea?" Miroku asked, slight confusion on his face. "That's right," Kagome said. "North Korea doesn't exist in your time period. Er, I guess back then it was called Manchuria." "Across the western strait," Miroku concluded. "Yes," Kagome said, looking at everyone. "In this time period, North Korea is a real isolated country. It's been like that for some fifty years. Very few people in the world have seen the whole land. Maybe that's were we are. And if that's the case, we're a bit far from my home." "I guess we should find some locals," Miroku said, looking around. "Lady Kagome, maybe you should take the lead." "Is that alright with you, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, looking at the half-demon. "Yeah, sure," Inuyasha said, arms crossed. "Don't like talking to humans anyway." "Looks like the main town is on the other side of the bridge," Sango said, motioning to the structure. "I think you're right, Sango-chan," Kagome said, smiling. "Let's go." "May, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Ash said as he held his hamburger in his hands. "Ash, can it," May said, eating some onion rings. "Let me eat." "May, look," Ash after taking a big bite and gulping it down. "What can I do to make everything okay?" "Admit you're wrong," May said with no hesitation. "I already did," Ash responded. "A couple of times." "No," May said. "Not just for yesterday." "Huh?" Ash quipped. "What do you mean?" "Admit that you have fun picking on me," May said, her eyes now fixed on Ash. "That's not true!" Ash exclaimed, pounding his right fist on the table. "I'm not picking on you! I'm just, um, well…" "Picking on me," May said, eyes closed. "Yup," Brock said. He was drinking a milkshake. "Uh huh," Max jumped in. He was eating ice cream. "Pika pika," Pikachu chimed in. All the pokemon were on one side of the table, eating Brock's pokemon food. Ash gave a big anime-style sigh. "Alright, alright," he finally said. "I'm sorry, okay? Sometimes, sometimes I don't realize what I'm saying or doing. I used to do the same thing with Misty. Now I'm doing to you. I'll stop, okay? I'll stop." "That's better," May said with a big smile. "You're so cute when you grovel." "What?" Ash said, after a second or so. "Hey, guys, check it out," Max said, pointing out the restaurant window. "Look at that bunch." Peering out the window, the four travelers saw Inuyasha, Kagome and the others. They were standing in the middle of the main road, looking around. "Wow!" May squealed, stars all around her face. "Look at the guy in red! He's awesome!" "He's barefooted," Ash said wryly. "Even better!" May said with glee. She climbed over Max, who gave out a grunt, to get closer to the glass window. "That means he's rugged! I need to meet this guy!" She climbed over Max again and ran out the door. "May, wait!" Ash shouted. The three boys and the pokemon ran after May. "Well, I guess this is the business part of town," Kagome said. Her and the gang stood in the middle of a small intersection. "I have to admit," Miroku started. "The future is just as you described it. He was looking at an electronics store. Numerous TVs and computer screens were on display. "Amazing." "Feh!" Inuyasha grunted. "Humans are all the same, no matter what time period!" "Inuyasha," Kagome said. "Why must you say things like that? You guys could be stuck here forever." "That is a chilling thought," Miroku observed. He saw two young women coming out of a shoe store. "But I think I could adapt." "Lord Monk," Sango said, her eyebrows twitching. "I hope that you're only kidding. If not, you had better jump time again." There were small energy bolts coming from all around her. "Merely joking," Miroku said, huge sweat drop on his head. "No need to get upset, Sango." "Hey there!" a young girl voice suddenly shouted. The group turned to see a young girl running towards them, waving. "Do you know that girl, Kagome-chan?" Sango asked, standing behind the schoolgirl. "No, I don't," Kagome answered. "Should I?" The young girl ran straight to Inuyasha. She held out her hand. "Hi, I'm May," May said with grinning teeth. "What's yours? Are you from around here? It that a real sword?" "Whoa, slow down, girl," Inuyasha said, giving May the stop sign with his right hand. "What's all this about?" "Yes," Kagome jumped in. "Have we met before?" May looked at Kagome, then at Inuyasha. She looked at Kagome again and then once more at Inuyasha. "Is she your girlfriend?" May finally asked the half-demon. "Um, well," Inuyasha stumbled, his face all red. Kagome was blushing as well. "The thing is…" "That you're not sure!" May finished. Her face started to glow. "Cool! You're conflicted! That is, like, so awesome!" "Seems you have a fan club here, Inuyasha," Miroku said, tongue in cheek. Sango started to giggle. "Very funny, monk," Inuyasha said, eyes closed. "Laugh it up, why don't ya?" "E-new-ya-sha," May said slowly. "What a unique name. And your hair. What a neat color for a guy." She looked closer to Inuyasha's head. "Are those your ears?" "What's wrong with my ears?" Inuyasha demanded. Miroku and Sango started to giggle some more. Shippo and Kirara just sat there, dumbstruck. "They look like a tiger's ears or a cheetah's," May said, staring at the ears. "That's so wild!" "Look, little girl," Inuyasha said, taking a step back, blood veins twitching on his forehead. "Why are you bothering me?" May stopped smiling. Her face got serious. "I want to go with you," she said, grabbing Inuyasha's right hand with both of her hands. "What?!" Kagome blurted out. "May!!" a young male voiced shouted from behind. Everyone turned to see Ash, Brock, Max and the pokemon running towards them. "Here comes your boyfriend," Kagome said slyly. "He is not my boyfriend!" May exclaimed. She turned and looked at Inuyasha again. "May, what are you doing?" Ash asked as he stood behind the girl. "We don't know these people." "Your girlfriend wanted to meet Inuyasha," Kagome said, non-chalant like. She had a sinister look on her face. "She is not my girlfriend!" Ash responded. "But she is my friend. I just wanted to make sure she was okay." May turned to Ash. She smiled, still holding Inuyasha's hand. "That's sweet, Ash," May said. "But you don't need to be concerned anymore. I'm going with Inuyasha and his friends for now on." "What?!" Ash said, shocked. "Excuse me?" Kagome said, now standing a lot closer to Inuyasha. "Lord Monk," Sango whispered into Miroku's ear. "Did that little girl just invited herself into our group?" "It would appear so," Miroku said softly. "I wonder what Inuyasha's response will be." "Forget it," Inuyasha said flatly. He squirmed from May's grasp. "I have enough hanger-ons with me already." "Am I a hanger-on, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, not a bit amused. "Uh, no," Inuyasha said, hoping not to hear the magic word. "Bad choice of words." Kagome turned to May. "Stay with your friends, May," Kagome said sincerely. "You seem to be important to them. And they should be important to you." "I guess you're right," May sighed. She gestured to Ash. "This is my friend, Ash. And that's Brock, that's Max, my little brother and that's our pokemon." "Your what?" Kagome asked. "Our pokemon," May answered. "Pikachu, Treecko, Taillow, Torchic, Lopad, and Forretress." "Guys," Kagome started. "I don't think this is our world. Past or future." "What are you talking about, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked. "What do you mean 'not our world'?" Kagome turned to Ash. "Ash, how long have pokemon been around?" she asked. "Since the beginning of time," Ash answered. He was a bit confused. "Beginning of time," Miroku said out loud. "I think you're right, Lady Kagome. This is not our world. Naraku has sent us somewhere else. On a hilltop overlooking the town stood Naraku. He stood silent, his ape-like fur swaying in the wind. There was something standing behind him. "So they are here," Naraku said. "Completely caught off guard. They were not expecting something unheard off in our world, of course. Or our netherworld, for that matter." He paused. "You should have stayed in your own universe, creature," Naraku continued. "Maybe I would not have found you or taken control of you. Silly creature." "My name is not 'creature'," the being behind Naraku said. "Oh?" Naraku inquired. "So what is it? I already forgot." "Mewtwo," the creature said. "My name is Mewtwo." TO BE CONTINUED