This is chapter 1, mark two. I decided to rewrite it after reading it and realizing that the first four chapters and part of the fifth were really badly written. I still don't own anything besides my characters, my ideas, and my pants. You better not take my pants! Well, the story of my life. You want to hear it? Too bad, it's not done yet. I'm only thirteen! Anyway, my name is Cray Jacobs. I am possibly the most incompetent kid ever to live, except for Ash Ketchum of course. No one can beat him. Anyway, I was about to get my first Pokemon. From Prof. Oak, same person as everyone else. Everyone knows about how he gives away a couple each year to trainers who seem like they have potential. Or five hundred bucks to bribe him with. Just kidding. Anyway, what most people don't know is that every year, he picks out the one who seems to be the most competent and gives them a special Pokemon. Most years, it's an Eevee, some years it's an Abra, once it was even a Dratini. This year it was going to be and Eevee, as usual. Now, I really liked Eevees a lot. I really wanted to get one, and even more, I wanted the best of their evolved forms, Flareon. Not only are they really cool, but if they're trained right, they can have an attacking advantage against every element. So, I worked really hard to impress Professor Oak, and I just knew he'd let me have it. Course', all that makes me sound like a five-year-old hoping for a puppy at Christmas, but that's beside the point. Everything was going really well until the day of the event. That's when everything went to hell. " Cray, it's time." That was my mother, waking me up five hours early, like I had asked her to. I was really determined not to be late. I got out of bed, walked into the bathroom, got ready to take a shower, then realized I was in the kitchen. I wisely decided to get some coffee before attempting to find the bathroom again. I found it after three tries (with a couple extra cups of coffee in between. I love coffee!) and finally got ready to go. Got everything ready, got my pack set up, then realized I had my pants on backwards. Come on, it happens to everyone some time! After I corrected that, I walked out the door and set off for the lab... and certain doom. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY"RE ALREADY GONE?!?" I'll assume that's self-explanatory there. The Professor looked like he wanted to run for his life. I almost wished that he would've, just for the pleasure of hunting him down...oops, did I say that out loud? Anyway, he very timidly responded, "Yes, they're all gone. I'm sorry Cray, but the kids just mobbed me around 8:00 A.M., and there was nothing I could do. They were only an hour early anyways." "An hour? You told me it was at three o'clock! How could you have done something like that?!" The Professor got that kind of deer-in-the-headlights look, and said, "Oops. Sorry." I calmed down a little bit, and replied, " Ah, it's okay it's only my career and future that you messed up. No big deal." Ok so I didn't calm down that much... " You'll just have to catch one on your own. There's nothing I can do Cray." I nodded. "Thanks Professor, you just helped me out tremendously. I've been trying to catch my own Pokemon for three years, but with your incredible advice, I'm sure it'll go much better." And with that, I left. 2 months later " Get back her you little bugger!" that seemed to be my favorite phrase lately. I'd been saying it a lot, as while I was training in Celadon City, my hometown, I'd found and lost over sixty different kinds of Pokemon, and not come up with even one. Not even a damn Caterpie! Hell, I'd be lucky if I could catch a Magikarp, much less something good. " Man, the odds are better at the game corner than here. Maybe I should try my luck at winning one of their Pokemon. I've heard that they have Eevees!" A voice came out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me. " Don't waste your time and your money there. The games are rigged, and even if you won, their Pokemon are generally in pretty bad condition." I turned around to find an older trainer, about 17, with scruffy brown hair, and seemingly black eyes. Kinda creepy lookin'... " Are you a trainer? Cause' if you are, I'd like to ask a favor of you. Could you help me catch a Pokemon?" For some reason, he chuckled. " Sure, why not. What're you looking for? Something to start off with, or something you'd like to have on a finished team?" I though about it really hard. For about half of a second. " If you can manage it, I'd like to get an Eevee. If that's a little too much, one of the local Growlithes or Vulpix would do nicely." He nodded. " Shouldn't be too hard. I think I actually have an Eevee already, though it is a bit cranky. That's why I don't have it with me. But if you don't mind a temperamental starter, I could give him to you once I withdraw him. Sound good?" I nodded. " Extremely." ******************************************************************************** any better this time? No? Shaddup. Ok, seriously, pplease tell me if you like it or not at