Chapter 2 mk.2. I still don't own Pokemon, I still do own my characters, and I still own my pants! Mangusta Pantalones! I always wondered why they put Pokemon Centers in the middle of the city, instead of out by the training grounds where they're needed. I always wondered why nothing rhymes with orange too, but it doesn't really matter. It took about ten minutes to walk to the Pokemon center, and in that time, I got fairly well acquainted with the older trainer. I found out that his name was Isaac Jameson, and he used a pretty even mix of Pokemon, but slightly favored Dark types. Just a personal preference, I suppose. Anyway, everything was going fine till' we got to the Pokemon Center. But then... " I'm not qualified to give out a starter Pokemon? What the hell are you talking about? That's like saying I'm not qualified to hand someone a pokeball! What kind of moron made up that law?!" the nurse sighed. " I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to take it up with Professor Oak. There's a video phone over there." So, we got to give Professor I-remember-exactly-what-time-it's-supposed-to-be Oak. It took him about half an hour to convince the nurse that there were no special regulations applying to the dispensing of a starter Pokemon, and another half an hour for Isaac to convince me not to shoot the both of them. After about ten more minutes of preparation, we were finally ready to withdraw the Eevee. The pokeball appeared on the receiver, and I ran over, opened it... and was met with one of the most terrifying sights I had ever seen. No, wait, wrong part of the story. I was met with a really cute Eevee! He just sat there, looking up at me innocently... and then he grinned. Maliciously. Ten minutes later "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" that was the sound that was made by every single person in the Pokemon Center. Specifically, as they all ran like hell away from the possessed Eevee. It ran about, it's fangs gleaming, tearing into anything that wasn't moving faster than 30 M.P.H. in the opposite direction. And a couple things that were. (Agility is a really useful attack!) I was running as fast as everyone else, but I thought as I ran. 'Lessee here... how do I get a rampaging furball away from the city?" and thus, I came up with a bright idea... " Hey you! Yeah, you in the flea factory coat! Bite me furball! Bet you can't catch me!" maybe the 'bite me' line wasn't such a good idea... shouldn't have been giving him ideas. Five minutes later " AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" I was running full speed through a path on the training grounds outside the city. on the bright side, I had probably made a record for fastest runner in Celadon. On the dim side, I was still being chased by the Eevee. I ran and ran, but no matter how fast I ran, it ran faster. As I ran faster and faster, I just couldn't run any faster than it could run. Or to put it a little better, it was faster than me. Eventually, I just couldn't run any more, so I stopped, turned around, and faced the little beast. " You want to fight, I'll fight you! I'll not run any farther! This will end here!" the little furball must've agreed, because it charged. I recognized the Quick attack long before it hit, but I just wasn't quick enough to do anything about it. And I'm sorry about the pun. As the furball charged, I threw up my right hand to protect my face, and after that, only darkness. ******************************************************************************** end of chapter 2 mk.2 well, hopefully it's better written this time around. It's still short, and I apologize for that, but I'm trying to keep the same parts of the story in the same chapters, and there wasn't really all that much here. Harei, valei katra!