Hmm. Chapter seven. Well, this one will be interesting, I hope. I do not own Pokemon, nor will I ever as far as I know. Isaac We were on the edge of the Forest when I felt the Call. The horrible, sickening sensation in my stomach, telling me that I was being summoned. I glanced at Nataliya, who was in a psychic trance, looking at things I couldn't possibly imagine, but not really noticing the world around her. I began to walk away as quietly as I could, so as not to disturb her. She had been in the trance for the entire afternoon, and she could be in it all night, because her powers were threatening to drive her to insanity. A common, if little known problem for psychics, as long as she could maintain the trance for long enough, she would be fine. As I walked, the sickening sensation grew worse. The Call was becoming more urgent. I had no choice but to break into a run. As I approached Lavender Town, I was in an all-out sprint, heading for a small warehouse on the outskirts. As I dashed up to the back door and threw it open, a voice greeted me. "Isaac, you're late. What've you got?" I looked over to see a shape coming out of the shadows, and upon seeing it, the sensation in my stomach went away. " Damn you, Samuel, you ever do that to me again and I'll kill you." The dark figure went over to the wall and turned on the warehouse lights. Illuminated was a man in his early forties, balding, dressed in a rich brown robe. "Watch your temper Isaac. You have information?" I glared, but nodded. He motioned for me to go ahead, so I began to tell him what I had learned. "The experiment was a success, but there are complications. According to a psychic, the subject has a Fire signature. The complication is that he's also an inborn elemental. I don't think that the procedure had any adverse effects on him, but there's no way to be sure." "What element? The council already controls Light, Water, Fire, Light, and Darkness. And the wind line was destroyed along with the Heretic a thousand years ago." I grimaced. "It seems that some survived. Once he learns to control his talent, he will have all the abilities of that ancient abomination, and not anywhere near enough defenses to resist corruption. The only saving grace of this situation is that he has not yet learned to control his powers. They remain locked." Samuel looked down, shaking his head. "Isaac, you have no idea what you're saying! What if…what if he could be convinced to join the council? With that kind of power on our side, we'd never need to worry about being defeated. We'd just call out our faithful engine of destruction, and watch him kill everything in sight." I gaped at the old man, not believing my ears. " Samuel! Do you realize what you're saying? You want to try and cooperate with a force of pure evil that nearly destroyed the world? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. You know that. If we allow one with absolute control over an element to live, we will be dooming everyone who we are supposed to protect. I will not allow that to happen, and I'd thought that you wouldn't either." " Of course, you are right Isaac. I was simply thinking out loud. I should not have even said anything. I apologize." " Never mind, there's someone coming. Hide!" Samuel ran over to the lights, turning them off, then went over and crouched in the shadows. I used an ancient technique to hide (that last part is meant to be annoying). As I listened, the footsteps grew louder, then stopped. The door slowly creaked open… ************************************************************************ Nataliya I can't believe he bought it. The psychic trance thing was a long shot, but I guess Isaac was dumber than I thought. Or maybe he just didn't know much about psychics. Either way, when he left, I was just in a light meditation, not anything serious. Enough to keep me from getting bored. Anyway, I immediately snapped out of the trance once he was out of sight, and began following him. First he was just walking quickly, but when he started running, I felt like shooting him. Psychics don't generally, get much physical exercise, you see, so we generally hate it when we do get it. When he started sprinting, I just decided to give up running and track him. It would take me a while longer to get there, but I'd be conscious when I arrived. It took about twenty minutes normal walking time to get to the old, abandoned-looking warehouse on the edge of town. It looked unoccupied, but it felt very occupied, and occupied by something powerful. As I slowly walked over to the door, I could've sworn my heart was beating out the notes to 'taps', but I opened the door anyway. Very, very slowly, centimeter by centimeter… then I just yanked the damn thing open and walked in. unsurprisingly, it was dark. Very dark. I chuckled mentally. Not going to be dark for very long… " AAAAHHHH! Turn that bloody light off!!" I laughed out loud at that, and stopped the Flare (you'll see). I went over to the wall and flipped the lights on to see Isaac stumbling around blindly, and an older man blinking and shaking his head. " Well, that was fun. How are you tonight, Isaac?" He focused in on the sound of my voice, and glared in my general direction. " Just wonderful, as I'll never see you again. Or anything else, for that matter. Now you wanna tell me why the hell you followed me? I can guess now that the trance thing was just an act, but why didn't you trust me enough to let me go into the bloody city alone?" I was mildly surprised at his sort of quick thinking. Anyway, I was a bit slow in responding, as I was trying to keep from breaking into laughter again at his constant walking into walls. " Ok, it was kind of a psychic thing. Your aura didn't feel right." He looked around, puzzled and unable to see me to give me a questioning look. "What do you mean, 'didn't feel right'?" I giggled. " I felt like I was standing right next to the devil himself. You have a lot of Dark energy you know." " You sensed that? I'm surprised you didn't run. I've always had kind of an intimidating effect on most psychics powerful enough to sense me." I laughed again. " You? Intimidating? I have a hard time believing that when you're running around blind like this." Maybe no the brightest thing to say. As soon as I finished the sentence, he blinked out of view, and reappeared a second later…with his arm around my throat, and a dagger pressed into my back. " Intimidating enough for you?" The old man finally shook off his stupor and spoke. "Isaac, don't hurt her. Just hold her there. We need to interrogate her to find out how much she knows. And then…well, it depends. We might need to act." I gasped. "Act?! As in kill me. I would kinda have an objection, you know…" Isaac did something…I couldn't tell what because of my precarious position, but I could feel something… suddenly a beam of black energy shot out from behind me and hit the old man squarely in the chest. I gasped again. The pressure from the point of the dagger disappeared, and the Isaac took his arm from around my neck. The old man staggered to his feet, stunned, from both the attack and surprise. I wanted to turn around to see what Isaac would do, but the old man spoke first. "Traitor!!" he yelled. " You'll pay for this, boy. The council will not take this sitting down!!" To my mild surprise, Isaac laughed. "What, you think they'll stand for it?" he chuckled at his horrible pun. Then his eyes flashed…well, maybe flash isn't the right word when they turn pure black. They glowed too, but it seems kind of wrong to use the word 'glow' to describe a lack of light. You get the picture. Anyway, he spoke again to the old man. "Leave now Samuel. I don't want to have to fight you." The old man took the wise course of action of running. I watched him go, then turned to Isaac and said one word. "Why?" He showed just a shadow of a smile as he responded, " It was my allegiance or my honor. For the council no longer has honor." I raised an eyebrow. " I never thought you'd be one to care about honor. I though Dark elementals betrayed by nature." He looked down as he responded, " That's exactly why it's so important to me. And also, there's no way I could've let him kill you." I had nothing to say to that. ************************************************************************ Cray We were walkin' in the woods one day… yep, we still weren't out of the bloody forest. It takes days sometimes, depending on how well you know it. Ryli knew the Forest pretty well, but somehow we had stumbled onto a patch she didn't recognize, so we were lost. What a surprise… " I think that's the same tree we passed an hour ago." I said. Ryli glared at me. " You've been saying that every hour on the hour. It's getting annoying, especially since it's a different tree every time." I shook my head, and pointed to something on the ground. "Then how did Angel's Pokeball get there, hmm?" She looked, looked away, did a double take, and then punched me. Before she could start yelling, I said, " I know you think it was a horrible thing to do, but we've passed this tree five times. I thought it was a pretty safe bet we'd do it again, considering every time we've come here, you've headed the same direction." She opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again, then shut it and started fuming. I simply went over and picked up the Pokeball and tossed it to her, then started walking off in the direction that we hadn't tried five times. Ryli silently and angrily followed. The little Eevee on my shoulder was having a great time. I guess he was really glad to be moving out of the Forest. Suddenly, I felt his weight shift in a strange way on my shoulder, then felt him shiver. I looked at him, and saw that he was staring into a dark patch of forest off the side. I followed his gaze… and saw a huge, hulking beast staring directly at me. It was a Golem. Before I had a chance to do anything, it lunged at me. I only had time to throw the Eevee away from myself as it plowed into me. That was the last thing that I ever saw. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ I'm not gong to do the evil laugh, authors use it too much. Anyway, what do you think? This won't be much of a cliff hanger, as I plan to submit chapter eight at the same time as seven. Tell me what you think, or at least let me know that you're reading! The address is Riyn