Porygons Creation(Part 0) (Other) By Rob V (robert.vidler@btinternet.com) In the beginning it was just sprites floating in cyberspace and loose programs but when Team Rocket took over Silph-co things changed for everyone yes computer programs have feelings too but to the story now. When the porygon pet project was discovered on a Silph-co terminal it was taken over and advanced for Team Rockets evil deeds as this was no ordinary project, this was a pokemon project and after a while all the programs and sprites came together the program developed a mind and created itself a body this angered Team Rocket and they forgot about it... Until the program became what we know as Porygon and this Porygon was a turning point for Team Rocket as it was so easy to copy and paste after a while they realised that instead of keeping this amazing pokemon all to themselves they could sell it and that is how Porygon has been given a bad reputation but think about how lonely you would be if you were floating about cyberspace being sold on again and again... This is my first fanfic and porygon is my favourite pokemon so i decided to give it a go after hearing a WTPT podcast with Joltmaster talking about it!