To Hoen With Ho-oh Key: '...'=Thoughts [...]=Flashback ...........................=Another place or time ........................... "Teelah! Watch out!" "Yikes! What do you want with me?" "You are Eevee, but you speak human, tell me how!" "Look Sableye, do you know where the Moonsapphire is?" "So, you must have been human. Defeat me, and I will help you," "Simple," "Teelah! Are you nuts? You're a normal type!" "Just watch me," "Go get 'em!" "Do it! Do it!" I was glad Bronco and Zigzagoon were with me on this. I glared, hoping I was able to do what I know Eevees can do. I felt my fur prick. Perfect. "Pinmissile!" Each missile struck Sableye. "So you think that you've won?" What was he up to? "I give," "You were right Teelah," "Here, this star shard should help you get back to normal. That's the way to the Moonsapphire," He pointed down the cave. "Hurry," He didn't even have to tell me. I was on my way before he said those words. The shard was in my mouth. ["Ho -oh!" "Bronco! Isn't that Poke'mon beautiful?" "Torchik!" "I bet that's Ho-oh, the Poke'mon who protects the peace in the regions," "Torchik!" "Ugg! There are even bugs here!" "Torchiiiiiik! Torchik, tor!" "I'm fine, Bronco. Just a little bug bite,"] That's where I made my mistake. It must have been a dart with a potion to transform me. "I have spotted DXOO02. Request for capture," Who was this guy? "Roger. Time to go home DXOO02," "I'm Teelah, not DX-what-ever. Two, you're not going to get me. I will stop you from doing what you're doing," "Request for attack. Roger," "Fine then!" I tackled him. "I don't need someone to tell me when to attack, though," I shook my head of the cave water that fell. "Just tell me how many you did this to," "T-two mame," "Good. Now tell me who do you work with," "C-Cipher," "What?!" That name was poison to any Poke'mon's good mood. It either brings pain, sorrow, or anger. Bronco would never forget what they did to Zigzagoon. I still had to help it. It was still full of hyper spells. "Quit. This is the best advice you'll ever get. You will regret not doing so," "Y-yes mame," I ran. If cipher was after me, I had to get to the Moonsapphire before they can get to me. .................................... "Get her!" "Get off of me!" I used an irontail. "Flee! Flee!" They dropped a shard. I grabbed the piece I had, putting next to the other one. They glowed. When the glowing stopped, there was one shard, only it was bigger. "It's forming a star," 'Help me,' I tried to find where the voice was coming from. 'Help me,' It was hard. The voice seemed to be coming from nowhere. 'Please, will you help me?' I only thought an answer. 'I will help you; just tell me where you are. I want to help,' 'Towards the wall,' I walked there. On the ground was a giant crystal. 'I'm there,' 'What do I have to do?' 'Take me to the star,' Star, could it mean a real star? There was a gap in the cave where you can only see the stars. I took the crystal over, to see what was rare, it only happens at most, twice in a Ninetails' life time: the Millenium Comet. 'Thank you,' 'I wish you were out here, seeing this,' I thought that a song would cheer us up. I sung a song that I knew for quite a while: "When you dream, your wish is alive. Sing, it out, and believe. Love is something that with, a dream, is real. Even, in those, times, is tough. But with a friend, it is not hard. But with a friend, you can do it," It was beautiful. It is said to be one of the few songs to wake Jirachi. "Uh, uh," It was the crystal, it was glowing. I stared at it. I wanted to meet who it was. "'You okay?" A Pokemon that was star shaped appeared where the crystal was. "Jirachi? But, but-" "Huh? But, I thought that only humans speak like that," "It's a long story. I'm Teelah, but you can call me Silverbel," "Silverbel? Can you tell me what happened?" I told Jirachi all that happened. "Still, you're a trainer, will you capture me?" "What?" "I think that there is a way to fulfil my duty without having to do what I do every thousand years," "'Kay, but if we can find it before the seventh day, we'll decide if you want to," "Alright!" "Teelah!" It was Treeko, Bronco, Zigzagoon, and Dana. "Wait up!" "Who's your new friend?" "Guys, this is Jirachi, Jirachi, this is Bronco, Zigzagoon, Dana, and Treeko," "Nice to meet you," "We better hurry, I bet these star shards have something to do with this," "Let's go!" I hope you liked this! Send comments to