Gary walked into the forest. 'Serrennacckia has to be around here somewhere. If the story was true, Serena needs to be here, to be where she is free from time's grasps.' Deeper in the forest was a cave. Sunlight peeked in. 'Oh, how I wish to be out there, but it is my duty to watch Salrucute.' "Serennacckia? Serennacckia? Come out!" Gary called to the cave. He always felt this energy when Serena was around. The crystal was melting, and yet, the sun was behind a cloud now. 'Who is that?' The crystal finally shattered. Serennacckia of the River was freed! "Serena!" Gary rushed into the cave. "Serena!" The Poke'morph was not far from the entance of the cave. Her hair was falling in her face, just like when Gary first met her. Gary collasped onto the floor in exaustion. "Serena, there's more to the ledgend of the River. 'The River shall be free to flow when the Shadow has turned to light.'" Serena looked out the entrance. "Where's a Poke'mon center? I wanna get my first Poke'mon." The tunic and sword Serena was wearing faded into regular shorts and tanktop. Serena's hair was in a tail. She was carring her own pack. You could hardly tell she was a Poke'morph of an extinct Poke'mon. "Let's go! There's one in Viridian." //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Ruby Fox: Tolja that The Trueth wasn't the end. *_~