Five hundred hours... Mew flew to near forest. He looked around for something. A ball of energy was released. It landed not too far from where Mew was. 'Finally! I've searched for her for years, but now she's needed, and I found her!' "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!" The shriek filled the forest. A crystal emerged form the ground. Inside was a girl. "Mew! " As if the two words that Mew said, the crystal disappeared as moondust. The girl was free. Her sky blue hair fell over her face. She was pale, but her skin held a tinge of purple in it. The silver tunic she wore and the purple sword collided in silence. "Is that you?" "Yes Serena. I've made it this far in time due to a wish, a wish that I would survive to see you again. You're needed again. He is released. I'll take you to one of my descendants and he'll help you." The air swirled and cloaked Serena and Mew. Three hundred hours (two hours ago) 'This isn't right. If it was Mew, the DNA would match. "...Amazingly, we found it in a clear amber substance." That has to be it! The only liquid that can freeze clear and is that old is water, and it would've melted if it was! That means, this creature that they're making is something else. It's not Mew, then what is it? I better get back to work. If they see me, they might say that I'm useless and my spy work is unproductive.' Ten hundred hours... "He's awakening." "Congratulations men. We have created a clone, Mewtwo." 'Who am I? What is my purpose?' In the cloak of air, Serena and Mew watch in horror. 'That's Salrucute?' 'Correct Serenackkia.' Serena stared as Salrucute pondered. 'Let's go find him.' The air shifted slightly, but in the celebration, it was unnoticed. A scientist sat in another room, wondering why "Mewtwo" wasn't really a clone of Mew. The air stirred greatly, revealing a girl with river blue eyes and a pink Poke'mon. "Who, are you?" "I am Serenackkia of the river. You are Gary Oak, Am I correct?" "Y-yes. What do you want from me?" Apparently, he was frightened by Serena's appearance. "I came for your assistance. We need to seal away "Mewtwo". Your suspicions of him were right. "Team Rocket" changed his true form. He was a Poke'morph of an ancient Poke'mon called Shadeon. This Poke'mon became extinct when he was sealed." "But how do you know this?" "I am his sister, a Poke'morph of Lighteon. I was also sealed away by an evil that was sealed away in the same fight." "Though he was sealed away, the victory was sweet as dirt." "You have listened well to your family." "How did you know about his fight?" "Not only did I fight it, but I knew your ancestor as well... Link Redwood." "But..." "He also had one wish to find me. It would take centuries to find where I was hidden. He is now... Mew." Gary fell backwards when he was told this. He was filled to the rim with fear. "Then... who is Mewtwo really?" "He is really Salrucute of the Shadow." Gary pondered on this. "I'll help. Who knows what he'll do?" Serena nodded. Link (Mew) flew off somewhere. The cries of Poke'mon were heard in the distance. "What is that?" "I don't know. They're in danger, let's hurry!" The air cloak covered Gary and Serena as they entered the room. Poke'mon were fighting everywhere. "Stop! I don't want to fight!" "Pacifist!" Two Pikachu were paired up in a fight. "That looks like..." "...Just like Pikachu!" Gary looked up to see a boy wearing a blue vest pointing towards the hurt Pikachu. "Ash?" Serena scanned the room. At one side was Link, at the other was Salute. "This has to stop!" Ash ran to the two cats. "STOP!" But it was too late. The energy balls hit him. The fights stopped. All the Poke'mon looked to the statue that was Ash. Tears fell out of their eyes. "What's happening?" "The tears of the Poke'mon are reviving him," Serena was crying too. She walked up to Ash. "Ash, they want to stop. I'll help the Mews. Just don't give in to death." The tears gathered where Ash was. Then Gary heard a whisper ment for Serena: "I won't give up." The Mews never needed the help. Fourteen hundred hours... "Please forgive me, Serena. I- I understand now, what you said a thousand years ago. I'll remain here so I can learn what you tried to teach me." "I'll return to the crystal. I might be trapped in time, but I will be able to help those in the future." "Goodbye, Serenackkia." Gary said those words below a whisper, but Serena heard them amazingly. 'Goodbye, Gary.' He lifted his head when he heard the message. This ends one legend, but another soon shall begin and wait, for you to read. Ruby fox: Enjoy! Plz send reviews!