Misty's Transformation by Samantha Sad Eyes blugurl182@chickmail.com AAMRN Part 2 Disclaimer: You already know what I'm gonna say so I won't bore you. Misty groaned and immediatly brought her knees to her chest. Ash, Brock, and Oak were all staring at her and she growled, baring fangs. "STOP STARING!" She said with electricity crackling through her body. Ash stepped back. "Whoa.." He said. Oak took off his lab coat and offered it to Misty. Misty put it on, nearly drowning in it. "What happened to me?" She said fingering her long red hair and Pikachu tail and ears. Oak sat down holding his head. "I..You see..You transformed into a full grown Pikachu woman! Amazing...I..I can't believe this happened? I'm..No..Your..No..EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM IS A GENIUS! WE'VE CREATED A PIKACHU WOMAN!" Misty snarled. She tackled Oak and came withing inche to his face. "THAT PIKACHU WOMAN IS ME!!" She said. Ash tried pulling Misty off but she shocked him. "Uhh..." Pikachu looked at Ash and giggled. His hopped on Misty's shoulder as her ear twitched. "ERRR!! I CAN'T BELIVE YOU MADE ME INTO A TEST SUBJECT!" She screamed. Oak coughed out some smoke, seeing he was shocked too. "Well..We didn't mean to it was Muk's fault really..But think of it Misty. Your a very powerful being and well..A very pretty one at that!" Misty growled. Than she let go of him, tears brimming her eyes. "That's just the thing..Change me back!" She shouted. Oak closed his eyes. "That will take some time." He acknowledged. "How much time?!" "A long time." "THAT'S NOT BEING SPECIFIC!" Misty crackled with electricity. Oak sweatdropped. "Okay..At least.." He answered feebily. "6 years.." Misty fell backwards off Oak and rolled over onto her stomach. Her shoulders racked with sobs. Ash knelt beside her. Brock did the same. "It's ok Misty. We're here for you." Misty got up and started running. "NO!" She cried. Ash stood up. "MIST DON'T GO OUT THERE! YOUR PRACTICALLY NAKED!" Ash and Brock ran after their hurt and bewildered friend. "YES! DO COME BACK! MY OTHER LAB COATS ARE AT THE CLEANERS!" Oak cried running after Ash and Brock.