The Purest of Children by: Jackie Almasy Chapter 2 A New Beginning...And A New Hope “ Was....was that Mewtwo....carrying a....human child just now?!” Pikachu said, not believing the sight that had just been laid upon his eyes. Mewoth, not knowing what to say, just stuttered on the words in his throat, wanting to come out but couldn’t. Was...this possible...or just a dream? Mewoth shook his head and closed his eyes. “ This is only a dream!! I did not just see Mewtwo walk away with a human!” Mewoth thought to himself. His mind raced with thoughts, always that question echoing in his deepest and most hated thoughts. long ago, they had dealt with the boy Ash and how life...had a purpose. But....was a purpose....worth someone else’s safety...or possibly...their life? “ Mewoth?” Pikachu asked quietly, with a worried tone in his voice. Snapping out of his thoughts, Mewoth looked turned his head toward the young Pikachu next to him and looked at him. Pikachu....Mewtwo....all of them had been through so much, in so little time. Finding out their clones, knowing....they don’t have a place among the people and pokemon on this world. Knowing....that while the other lives of this world walk freely through the daytime....whenever they want to. While us...clones...we had to live in fear. Fear....of rejection, hatred, shun. This wasn’t fair to us, IT JUST WASN’T! Why should the humans and pokemon walk freely in this world while we, the clones, have to live in fear every day of our one true home being discovered?! They walk in this world, taking their freedom of speech and movement for granted, something....we would long to have. We walk by moonlight, by shadows, condemning our souls and spirits to a world of nothing but fear and wonder....wonder...of a better world....a better life. Slowly closing his eyes, Mewoth feels a small sigh escaping his mouth and rolling off his tongue ever so gently. A better life.....why don’t we have it then? “ Lets go check this out....if we weren’t imagining it...Mewtwo has some explaining to do.” Mewoth said as he turned and walked into the small cave entrance. As he disappeared into the darkness of the cave, Pikachu stood still on the sand, not moving. He couldn’t believe his ears.....had Mewoth dared to say that? Mewtwo....explaining himself...his actions? That was like trying to stop the sun from one dared pry their nose into his business, his choices. He may have given them peace for now...but when it comes to certain things about Mewtwo...they are best kept quiet. Like what had happened on that day that he awoke in the laboratory....all the faces peering in on him, just staring at him...looking at him as nothing more but a clone....a lab rat. What hatred and confusion he must of felt at that moment....the moment he opened his eyes from the once beautiful dream he had of for so turned into a mere nightmare. But...all that changed when that boy...Ash...tried to stop our fighting. He brought light and peace to our hearts....but wasn’t least for Pikachu it wasn’t. Pikachu turned his head and looks at the shimmering lake which sparkled radiantly with the heavens peaceful glow. Such purity...such would be such a shame if this place was ever discovered to be there home. Fires of death, screams of pain, just absolute destruction would reek upon this pure place. “ I won’t let it....” Pikachu said slowly as his eyes scanned over the fantastic view of the lake, followed by the lush forests. As his eyes raised he fell upon the swirling clouds around the mountain peak, followed by the quietness and peace of the sky. “ I want to know what is out there....beyond those cliffs. Why can’t I though? Isn’t there such thing as free will....for such a creature as me?” Pikachu sighed. Wondering...wasn’t going to do anything. Either you do or you don’t, that he was taught on that day so long ago. “ Someday...I will....Someday I will go past those cliffs and find my place in this world....” Pikachu said softly before turning his body around and entering up the cave, walking into what seemed like an infinite but inviting darkness. ~*~*~ Mewtwo slowly walked up the cold stone steps throughout the cave, heading towards the very heart of the lake. His eyes were focused as usual but his mind....was wandering questions and emotions. Never before...has he taken such a act such as this without thinking it through. It...startled and...somewhat scared him. Feeling the young infant stir in her sleep, Mewtwo looked down at the small body and watched her settle back down, her peaceful expression returning to her face. A small smile spread across his face as he looked at the young infant. So pure. Mewtwo slowly blinked and continued to look at the small child. “ I wonder what your fate is little one?” Mewtwo said out loud as his eyes searched the small pale face. Her small eyes were closed gently, her light and wavy brown hair flowing over her face, her small and frail body slowly moving up and down, symbolizing that she was breathing. Letting out a small sigh, Mewtwo moved his eye attention back to the stairs and proceeded up them again. So many emotions flaring through his many questions...angered questions towards himself. You saved this human....why? How is she any different than them? He stopped once again...and paused. His breathing became still a minute and his eyes seemed unfocused and wondering. Indeed....why...had he saved her? Mewtwo looked down once again at the infant in his arms and wondered. “ She will grow up...learn to hate any human would do...,” Mewtwo spoke to himself. “ But then....why do I feel a....remorse...a sudden urge...of responsibility towards her?” Mewtwo asked himself as the question dawned on him so suddenly. He....had saved....this child. This child here in his very arms, he had saved but...why? Never before had he been this concerned or worried about a human before in his life...after had been humans who made him reject them. Suddenly feeling the infant starting to squirm in his arms he looked down to see the young infant looking uncomfortable and in pain. Using his free hand to move some hair of out of her face, she saw the cut on her forehead starting to bleed again. His eyes showed worry again as he stared at the cut, it looked pretty deep. Clutching the child closer to him, he proceeded up the stairs again, speeding up his pace. As he reached near the top of the stairs, sunlight poured through the opening of the entrance. Closing his eyes slightly from the sudden light change, he stepped into the lighted area and looked around. In the middle of the wide area was the heart of the lake, the spring that contained the very essence of the life here. Plants, trees, and bushes flourished around the area, making it seem so lively and peaceful. Water droplets slowly fell from the leaves onto their very tips. Forming into small tear droplets, they fell slowly and slowly through the air as worlds beyond worlds seemed to shimmer in the droplets, but then disappeared into nothing as they hit the ground. Slowly walking up to the waters edge, Mewtwo slowly got down onto the ground and looked into the water. So fresh, surely this is what the girl would need....and soon. Looking around him, he spotted a large green leaf near the ground. Slowly, he felt his hand reach down and attempt to grab it. “ Mewtwo?” Pikachu’s voice suddenly called from the darkness as the small animal emerged from the cane tunnel. Slowly walking up behind Mewtwo, Pikachu looked at him confused and somewhat in disbelief. Sighing and shaking his head, Mewtwo brought the leaf to the water. Hearing another shuffling sound, Mewoth slowly walked out of the darkness and sat next to Pikachu, but instead his look was of hatred and confusion. Mewtwo felt the pokemon’s anger rage inside of his heart, he sighed slightly and put the leaf down on the ground, the crystal clear water shimmering inside it. “ What is it?” Mewtwo asked plainly, getting straight to the point. The question was followed by a silence, just a complete silence. Sending chills down Mewtwo’s back, he closed his eyes and waited for an answer, though he already knew what it would be. “ Why Mewtwo? Why?” Mewoth said as his eyes narrowed not at him, but the small child laying peacefully in his arms. What such an easy target it would of been, but somehow despite all the dangers and circumstances, the child seemed to survive the accident. “ What a loss...” Mewoth thought to himself as Mewtwo slowly rose, the other two pokemon noticing that he had stiffened a little and tightened his protective grip on the small infant in his arms. Turning around to face the two small pokemon, Mewtwo focused his eyes on them. “ To be honest...I...I don’t know...what caused my actions today....,” Mewtwo slowly began as his eyes moved form them to the girl. Slowly raising a paw and gently brushing it against the soft pale skin of the girl’s face, moving some strands of brown hair out of her face. Mewtwo’s eyes softened as he looked at the girl, her body stirred a bit, raising her small hands in the air, disgusted that she had been awoken. Her small eyes opened and for the first time, Mewtwo could clearly see them. The sparkling color of a emerald green met Mewtwo’s as for the first time, Mewtwo felt something. A sense...a mortal sense of responsibility and care started flaring his heart. Mewtwo looked confused at the young girl as she smiled a small smile, the smile seemed to brighten him up. This...sense of sudden responsibility...why had he felt it? Mewtwo stood, still confused about this new feeling in his heart but then...he merely smiled. This warming felt so needed. The prove himself in a whole new the way...of what seemed like a guardian slowly started filling his soul. Pikachu and Mewoth stood looking at him and then looking at each other, confused. How this this pokemon...of them all...feel pity for this insignificant little thing? He was created by humans...he hated humans for what they had done to this girl...any different? Pikachu couldn’t take it anymore, he had to express what he was feeling. This human...this...thing...was a danger here! Humans would come looking for her, they found find her and then...they would find their home. Pikachu didn’t want that, neither did anyone else. Eyes flaring with anger, Pikachu stepped foreword and stood his ground, clutching its small hands together. “ She needs to go Mewtwo!!” Pikachu screamed as it caught the attention of other pokemon in the area. Emerging from the bushes and forests, the pokemon tilted their heads in confusion, wondering what was the bicker about and why was it going on. Mewtwo merely looked at Pikachu, not saying anything, keeping his eyes emotionless. “ She needs to go Mewtwo!! That HUMAN is nothing but a danger, a plague to us all!! You know that!! If she is found missing, then humans will come looking for her and then they’ll find us, OUR HOME!!!,” Pikachu screamed at the top of its lungs, expressing its anger. “ We don’t want to leave anymore, we don’t want to run and hide from the humans and pokemon of this world! In order for that to be accomplished Mewtwo, the child HAS to go!!” Pikachu finished as Mewoth slowly nodded in agreement. Looking around at some of the other nodding pokemon, Mewtwo narrowed his eyes. “ It is not your decision what choices I make...and I don’t have to explain my actions to you what so ever!” Mewtwo said with a hint of hatred in it. Turning back to the water, Mewtwo picked up the leaf and attempted to bring it to the child’s lips was knocked out of his an electric shock. “ What do you think your doing?!” Mewtwo demanded as he looked back at the Pikachu, his red cheeks sparking electricity, eyes flaring in anger. “ Protecting us from a mistake YOU will make if you don’t send the child away!! Mewtwo, she is a human!! She will grow up, she’ll despise us, she will learn to hate all that what you want?! More hatred and shun for us?!” Mewoth yelled as he stood up. Mewtwo felt his body shake with anger, yet he kept it under control. They didn’t understand...they didn’t understand what he was feeling right now. This girl...reminded him of her when he was first created. The memories of waking up in a world he didn’t understand anything. The memories of opening his eyes from a sweet dream into a world with chaos and hatred....much like her. The young child had awakened her eyes from a peaceful slumber, to a world of fire and death....her parents death. She had no one one to turn to...and without care in this world...she would die...just die. Mewtwo closed his eyes and looked down at the girl gently. He didn’t want another being in this planet to wake up to what he did, he never would want it....especially...when it could be prevented at his actions. “ MEWTWO!!! ANSWER US!!!!” Pikachu’s voice yelled through out the small dome structure of rock. A silence came over the whole place....a haunting silence. Mewtwo just stood there, silent, not sure what to answer, not sure....what to say. Pikachu could feel its anger rising as his black eyes slowly narrowed. How dare he think he has a right to endanger the lives of all the other clone pokemon just for the life of one human! One...messily....human. His hatred slowly rose until it reached a point, a point so high...not even he could stop himself. Flaring up his cheeks with electricity, Pikachu charged at Mewtwo and closed his eyes. Focusing all his energy on his hatred, Pikachu jumped into the air and send a large electricity bolt down onto Mewtwo, striking him. The mass of energy and light flared through the room, making all the pokemon blind their eyes died down. Mewtwo stood there, bend over and holding the child close to his chest. Slowly loosening his grip, his face seemed to search over the small child then...he was still. Standing up directly, Mewtwo turned around to show a look of pure hatred on his face, his eyes flaring the mystic blue. Feeling a sudden toll of an invading power flowing all around him, Pikachu felt himself being lifted up into the air by the blue light. Wincing a little by the small squeezing effect on his body, he felt himself being flung forward till he was face to face with Mewtwo. The look of hatred in his eyes...made Pikachu shiver as Mewtwo’s voice filled the air. “ DON’T YOU DARE EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!!!!!” Mewtwo’s voice boomed trough out the dome structure, making everyone shudder in fear with the sudden anger in it. Pikachu’s eyes slowly narrowed as Mewtwo’s continue to rage a blue color. “ She will bring death to us all Mewtwo!!! WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?!” Pikachu’s voice screamed as Mewtwo’s eyes flared even more a bright blue. Never before...had they seen him this angry or protective of something in his life...would possibly could this small child mean to him? “ She will not bring death to us!! SHE IS ALONE NOW IN THIS WORLD!!! ALONE!!!” Mewtwo voice raged as Pikachu’s eyes softened and looked at him confused, as did Meowth and the other pokemon’s. “ She is alone now in this world! Her parents died in the plane crash!!! I don’t want to have another being go through what I have!!! Facing the world alone with so many questions of your birth and destiny!! I DON’T WANT HER TO GO THROUGH THAT!” Mewtwo explained as his chest seemed to heavy up and down with emotion. Pikachu....remained silent. She....was alone in this She was alone with no one else to turn too but us...but...she...has no one. No one. “.....Alright....” Pikachu said blankly as his lips sealed shut, not saying another word...not speaking or arguing. Looking into Mewtwo’s eyes, he stared blankly at him for a minute then the light in his eyes dimmed out as Pikachu was slowly let down to the ground. Landing on it gently, Pikachu slowly closed his eyes and turned, walking back toward the small cave entrance. Disappearing into the darkness, Meowth looked back at Mewtwo then turned and followed Pikachu. As Mewtwo turned his attention to the other clones in the area, they slowly turned and disappeared into the bush, leaving Mewtwo alone again. Turning his attention back down to the girl again, his eyes scanned over the child once again to make sure nothing was wrong. No scratches or bruises were spotted as he let out a small sigh of relief. Seeing the cuts on her head starting to bleed again, Mewtwo quickly reached down for the leaf and brought it to the lake. Bringing the leaf up to the girls lips, the young infant slowly drank the pout water as she finished it. Taking the leaf away slowly, he watched the young girl slowly closes her eyes again, symbolizing that she feel asleep. Smiling to himself, Mewtwo slowly turned to the right of the lake and walked around it on the soft grass. Walking around the lake, Mewtwo slowly turned to the tunnel and disappeared into its darkness. Emerging in a large room with screens and a large space, Mewtwo slowly walked up to the stone in front of the screen and sat down on it. Turning his attention to the girl, Mewtwo thought to himself. “ You need a name.....” the words echoed in his mind as he searched through the infinite reaches of his mind, searching for an answer. His eyes flew open as a idea popped into his mind. “ Krista.....” Mewtwo slowly said as he smiled and nodded his head. “ Krista it is....” ~*~*~*~ OH MY GOD!!!! I am sooooo incredibly sorry!!!! Damn, is anybody still reading this?? O.O, Okay too make up for all the time I have missed, expected a MAJOR update soon and when I mean major, I mean major!!! Reviews are appreciated!! Till Next Time! Jackie Almasy