By Saliaven Chronotis
Part 4 and the last

Ding-Dong the witch is back

    As Ash and Misty were walking back to Cerulean.  They noticed a person on the road.  “Isn’t that Agatha?” Misty asked.
“I thought she was dead.” Ash said.
“I’m not dead and neither is my hearing.” Agatha yelled.
“Witch” Misty muttered.
“I heard that, and I’m more of a shaman.  If you knew what was good for you, you’d shut your trap!  Or maybe Ash would like to spend some time as a pikachu again.”
“I know you don’t just appear for no reason.  Why are you here?”
“To show you a little magic for catching.  You’re so pathetic I thought I would show you a thing or two.”  With that, she started chanting and a portal opened up.  It seemed to go to the realm of the unknown.  She picked an A shaped one out and took it.  “Watch and learn” she said and threw it down yelling “A is for Arcanine” and Arcanine appeared.  The unknown floated lazily back in and the portal closed.
“Impressive, but here is another way, Illuminorb go and transform into an arcanine.”  Illuminorb complied and then Ash said “Gengar, Eevee, Raticate.”  It turned into each in turn and then to its original shape. Agatha saw this, grumbled and disappeared.
    At that point pikachu had been thinking and then started talking.  Ash listened and then said “interesting idea.”
“What?” said Misty.
“A new move called thunder cannon.  Illuminorb, use double team and spit into your electric components.”  Illuminorb did so “Now all of you rain dance then thunder” they did so and then as the lightning was about to strike “back to your illuminorb form.”  All the lightning started to move towards illuminorb “use the lightning to create a massive zap cannon.”  Illuminorb did so and a large hole was put in a nearby mountain.  “We can use this if faced with space invaders, maybe” Ash said stunned by the display.
“Have you noticed that illuminorb only responds to commands and never does anything to show it has free will?” Misty asked.
“Ya, maybe I should check out its mind.”  Ash turned on his psychic amplifier and looked into illuminorbs mind.  He then felt all the emotions in it and all sorts of messages.  The pokemon seemed to be in turmoil with itself.  “Give it a command, Mist” he said and she told it to tackle.  The minds then suddenly heard the command and all went the same way, pokemon obeying until it was over.  Ash then commanded it to thundershock and parts of the mind settled while others kept arguing.  Ash told all this to Misty who then took a look herself and then said “Illuminorb, work out a way to get control of yourselves.”  The minds stopped arguing and they started to figure out how to get along.  “It’ll be awhile, but I think they will work something out.”  She said.

Authors note:
This story took awhile actually.  I was hoping to get on, but it just kept going.  You can tell by the ending that I just wanted to put the last bit in and finish it.  By the way, I don’t know where disclaimers go or how many I need so I don’t own pokemon.  I do however plan on building and patenting the intramental portal, which opens up a gate to any dimension that can be imagined.  This would create a problem since you can’t copyright a plane of existence otherwise someone would have already.