I, Pokemon
By Saliaven Chronotis
Chapter 9:
I, Saliaven:

     And finally folks, we get to the greatest.  Me.  I told you I’d get things worked up high enough, and here I am.  Well, the past and present of the twin continents has been pretty well illuminated, and I’m sure you’re wondering, what could I possibly add to all this?  What about the continent on the other side?  What of my own origins?  If you are following any of this, you’d be asking that by now.  Well, I think the former can be well explained, but the latter may become difficult.  We’ll see where things go.
     Calling it the “other continent” is a drag, but truthfully, the name has been lost to history for so long that I don’t wish them to realize they’re who they are.  It would depress them to no end to realize they are the remains of a civilization as great and as incredible as all that.  Every civilization has a legend of a much more advanced one that existed long ago.  Earth, sector 001ZZA has Atlantis, the Arcadian skypeople have Soltis.  The problem on the world of pokemon is that their lost civilization forgot to get permanently lost, it just bided it’s time.  Soltis did something similar, actually, but you can hardly count it, since it only came back with a handful of people, who all died but one, sinking it again, and it did sink, too.  This is all by way of saying how totally unnatural it is that we salvaged the entire thing with a decent population.  It just goes to show how strange this sector of reality is.  They, of course, have a legend, as do those of the twin regions, but the sad fact is that neither realize that they’re talking about themselves, or at least, their ancestors.
     Where did the technology and knowledge go?  Another little mess that this time, I didn’t cause.  The reader should understand here and now that the whole continent was covered in interconnecting pathways for people, pokemon and their technology.  The average person rarely went outside, since only the coast was left not built upon.  Once again, the sad fact is that they have missed something that is quite obvious if you take a step back and think a moment.  The mana well tower has the insignia that they recognize as that of the Old Civilization, and so they assume that the Old Ones built it for the people of the continent.  I realized when I took a proper look that it wasn’t as tall as I remembered it, but I held my tongue because I knew that neither the twin regions, nor the continent was ready for the power that comes with such advanced technology, or magic(Which explains why I was in such a hurry to finish my work, lest my party starts talking to the natives, and they put two and two together).  When the mana gave out at first, the people tried to live with technology alone, but they soon found that they had lost too much power to run their citadel.  The magic was their power source, since none other was great enough, and so they were forced to abandon their utopia to the surface.  Fifty thousand years is a long time, and the place began to rust.  Soon enough, it broke off and became a fine, barren, soil.  So all they ever achieved is directly down.   The only surviving structure was the mana well tower at the heart of their land, which is now, as I said, much shorter.
     Monotheism is something I do not approve of on general principles that I’ve met too many gods to believe they are aspects of one being.  Furthermore, I have seen too many civilizations fall to a belief in the One.  Now, you may think that I only removed three of the Ones, but that is not technically correct, and I feel I must explain myself on that, lest anyone take offense.  I removed three pieces, but remember that things are not always as they seem, and that if added to the stone of the gods, they would have changed into other names of other Ones.  There are a few that I allowed rejoin the whole, since I have never known them to be a problem, but mostly, I disallow them from returning to this causality path.  I feel that this place has had enough problems as is, and that if I’m going to have unruly gods, they might as well by balanced out by some comrades.
     The people of this area have one very useful trait they gained from being magi in a low-mana area.   They can get the most out of a small amount of power.  I’ve seen spells cast by them taking about a fifth of the power I usually expect to see used for such things.  Truthfully, other than that, their history has been quite boring.  The only order of magic that could survive were Wizards, since the gods’ powers were being directly tapped by what was left of the stones, and there wasn’t enough magic for the spontaneous power of sorcery.  Some books of magic survived, but very few, and those who could learn the arts were almost equal in number.  Soon, they relapsed into a crude approximation of civilization.  There was nothing they could do since the soil could not bear large amounts of crops, and mining only reached the indestructible metal that was their ancestors’ city.  The only resources they had were those they had taken up to the surface in the beginning, and those began to more and more end up at the town around the tower, Cryshal-Yaananost.
     When the shield spell was cast, I had been blown out of the dimension, and the doors locked behind me.  I had no way of returning there until someone on that side opened the gates, and I had a feeling that without power, that would take awhile.  I had hoped that when the colonists from the twin regions saw what had occurred, that they would attempt to summon me, but I guess they were bitter.  The pokemopolis era bore no magi who knew my co-ordinates, and finally, in modern times, I managed to find a tiny break to start manipulating things so I could return.  I was incredibly put off when I realized Marlene had managed to get in, since I’d thought all records of her position were as lost as my own.
     I guess I should explain where I come from, or rather, where we both come from.  Our true home is on a plane adjacent to the anime dimensions, where resides the only person who I admit could whoop the tar out of me.  He is truly ancient, and has been around for so long that there is no number for the amount of years or even millennia that he has lived.  It has become his mission to travel the dimensions, absorbing each one into a tremendous pocket dimension he created, where he keeps his empire.  I wasn’t always an avatar, but I’ve been the Guardian of Justice for my entire life.  He is the Guardian of Balance, and is much more powerful than I am, since he absorbs a copy of the power of those he conquers when he does so.  I worked as one of his agents in the multiverse, with a rare thing, a partner, Marlene.  What made it more unusual was that we were cohabitates.  We worked together, but split on a difference in opinion that got her stuck into the prison center of My Lord’s empire.  We rarely speak or write his name anymore, we only refer to him as My Lord or King, for he is the only authority most of us recognize.  How Marlene escaped the GS stasis system is beyond me, since she is the only person ever to do so.  The stasis system is supposed to be impossible to get out of since it is a GS type pokeball suspended in a transfer system.  To add security, she’d been deconstructed, and was in at least ten balls.
     King’s story is quite long, along with his life, and most of it doesn’t need to be told.  He started King Nimbus Toadstool, lord of the Mushroom Kingdom.  When Ludwig Von Bowser the first stole his seven wands, he went after them, and when he defeated his opponent, found the omniwand mark one.  He later had others built to replace this one as his powers and knowledge grew until he ended up with the one he uses now, the Mark 7, which is fully upgradeable.  He first began holding those dangerous to him in a brick prison floating above his kingdom.  When he expanded and took over his planet by challenging and defeating it’s four champions, he discovered how to build a pocket dimension and how to teleport people into it while branding them with a dimensional profile so they could not escape.  He expanded, taking first his universe, then his dimensional category, and outward, using his new power, oblivionization, to absorb everything he encountered.  He built a castle equipped with many defense mechanisms, a main computer that has gained transcendent sentience over the years, and a ship so large and well armed that most of it’s mass is kept in a smaller pocket dimension.
     There are many sectors to the Pocket Empire, including the mage district, Emerald City.  Emerald City is where all the magic other than King’s two books of overly dangerous spells is kept.  There are others like the ethnic regions, economy zone(where those who refuse to disbelieve in money live) and others.
     The reason that this planet does not now belong to King is threefold.  The first is that it was created inside the pocket dimension by myself and Marlene, meant to be a place to relax when we wanted peace and quiet.  It is unknown how life evolved on it, or how it ended up becoming a part of the Pokemon sector at that, but it must have been done by Marlene after she escaped.   The second is that the gate was shut very tightly against him entering by the Creator.  Yes, this is hypocritical since I am under the command of two monotheistic beliefs, the only thing I can say is neither one believes himself God.  The third is that just because King can beat me, doesn’t mean he wants to.  I worked for him for a long time, and he knows how I am about these things.
     Just because he keeps out of this particular universe, doesn’t mean he keeps out of any of the other pokemon realms.  In fact, as you may have noticed, his penal system is based on the GS ball, since it is one of the few containers he can find that can be both closed and put into continuous stasis.
     There are so many things, and so little time.  I must be off, since it looks like Ash has gotten into an argument with Mewtwo and they’re starting a mage duel.