Part 1: The new city. Ash: **waking up and sees he's separated from his friends** Where is everyone?...Misty,Brock,...May,Max...where are you guys? Girl: Hey...looking for someone? Ash: yeah my friends...did you see them? Girl: depends... Ash: What do you want? Girl: Oh nothing I'm not that kind of person. Ash: oh. Girl: Might I ask your name? Ash: I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. Girl: Never heard of it. Ash: you? Girl: I'm Sari and your in the city of Domino...Domino City. Ash: Nice to meet you Sari. Pikachu: Pika! Sari: What is that thing?...a pet? Ash: No this is a Pokemon...Pikachu. Sari: Pokemon?...Pikachu?...How cool and it's so cute! **pets it** Pikachu: Pika. Ash: consider yourself lucky Pikachu usally doesn't take to strangers that well. Sari: well well I'm suprised. Ash: Wait I know how we can communicate to find our friends!!! Pikachu Thunder Bolt aim it to the sky hopefully our friends will see it! Sari: thunderbolt? Pikachu: **sparks coming out of cheeks** PIIIIIIIKAAAAAAAAAACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! Sari: whoa so cool! (meanwhile) Misty with Brock walking seeing the thunderbolt... Misty: It's Pikachu that means Ash is okay!!! Brock: **getting pokeball out** Crobat I choose you! Crobat: CRO! Brock: Go and find Ash and lead him to this spot! Crobat: **nods and flies off** Crobat flies and finally he finds Ash. Ash: crobat! Sari: huh? Ash: Brock sent you didn't he? Crobat: Cro! **flies off** Ash: come on follow that Crobat! Sari: okay. They run and run and run untill finally they run into Brock and Misty. Misty: Ash...where are May and Max? May: **running** right here! Max: Hey! Misty: Hey how did you find us? May: we saw Crobat leading Ash and that girl to you. Ash: Oh yeah...Brock,Misty,May,Max...this is Sari. Sari: nice to meet you. Misty: same here. Ash: May who's that behind you? Guy: My name is Yugi...nice to meet you all. Sari: Well if it isn't shrimp boy. Yugi: Don't call me that. Sari: would you perfer shorty? Yugi: grr. Ash: I take it you two are rivals or something? Sari: He took MY title as number one duelist! Yugi: Not my fault you lost. Misty: Hey Yugi...nice pendant you got there. Yugi: thanks it's called the millenium puzzle. Max: It looks just like a pyramid so cool. Sari: **cell phone rings** hm? **answers it** hello?...uh huh....okay I'll be there shortly. Bye.**hangs up**...sorry guys I Have to go. Ash: okay. Misty: bye. Brock: WAIT!!! Sari: hm? Brock: Might I get the number of such a beautiful lady for a date sometime? Sari: Might I be the one to say I'm tooken? Brock: oh. Sari: Later. All: bye. Sari leaves and Yugi speaks up. Yugi: Why don't I show you guys around? Ash: sure. Yugi and the others leave but unknown to them someone was spying on them... Jessie: So...the twerps are getting to know new people thats fine by me...I have the perfect plan! James: What is it Jessie? Jessie: **whispering in James's ear** James: Oh thats good I like that plan. Jessie: It's full proof! Meowth: Hey what about Meowth?! James: **whispers to meowth** Meowth: Oh dats good! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ What is it that Team Rocket is planning?...well keep reading and sending is how you can contact me.. L8er!