The clear, crisp mountain air cut through the fur of the Pokemon who lived in the Rajii Mountain Range. I was just a baby when the peaceful mountain range became well..maybe I should tell you the story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every year at Christmas, There is always an early Stanler. Stanler are the deer you see roaming the Rajii Mountain Range in northern Johto, near what is now called Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City. I was special, says everybody else. I was baby blue with a snowflake on my head. I know this from looking in the creek. We Stanler were always at Wokiku Waterfall at Christmas. The first memory I have is playing in the waterfall when I wasn't but a week old. Our life was carefree until I was about six months old. It was then I saw my lifetime enemy: MAN. The day started as any other. I slept until the sun was peeking up the mountains. My mom, Hailuki was the cheif Stanleress. That's sorta like a human queen. My dad, Kilur was Cheif Stanleran, King. I as the young prince along with my twin sister Snowki were expected to follow all laws and be presentable at all times. Well... as a young buck, let's just say I was probaly the most michevious buck from here to Lily cape. When the sun was high over Moticu mountain, I heard a noise that I'd never heard before. It was like a fierce buzzing, sounding like WROON WROOON. I had no idea what it was. Neither did the Eevee and Skitty I were playing with. Therefore, I ran into the Hortin Woods to find my sister and older brother Farlan. They were scared and had no idea what the noise was. I ran for the Stanleran. When he saw me, he knew something was wrong. "What is it, Stanlerten?" That means Prince. "I heard a weird noise. Not a pokemon, though. It was a... wrooon sound." His eyes became as big as the moon we see on clear nights. "Man." was all he said. "What's 'man'." "Terrible creatures. Not like us at all. Some kill us for pleasure. They probably tearing down Yaki Forest." "Yaki Forest! That's where all the smaller pokemon live!" "Yep. Kiljin! Hont! Rustic!" Kilur said "Yes sir!" The Stanlers said "Round up all the pokemon. Find Snowki and Farlan along with Hailuki. Hurry! Man is approaching." And with that, they were gone. "What should I do, papi(my word for dad)?" "Absolutly nothing. Work on that attack I tought you. You know... Blizzard." "Ok." I sat on my pine needle bed trying to get my feeble snow that I shot out of my mouth to be powerfuler. Then I heard a strange language and saw some two legged animals that I'd never saw. They were pale in the face, yet they're bodies were orange. The words they said were strange. I tried my blizzard on them. They turned around. What they said sounded like "Hey. Look. It's shiny Stanler. Plus it's a baby. Let's catch it." I saw a purple ball with a white bottom with a strange thing on it. "Go." I felt a warmth engulf me "What is this?" I thought. I tried to escape. My escapes were useless. It was locked or something. I was confused. "What is this?" I kept thinking. When I finally got out it was into a weird box with steel harder than my friend Jilu, the Steelix. I was the only one around. I tried saying "Help." But my voice was gone. I layed down in my cage and cried. The next thing I remember is some people in black uniforms saying "The boss'll love this un." I was shocked with thunderbolts. When I fought back with Hyper beam against the Electabuzz, they made the Electabuzz shock me harder. My will would not be broken. They may have captured me, but I am a Stanlerten, the Stanler Prince. I would fight back with all I had every single time. I was trying to get my blizzard powerful by practicing with it against the Electabuzz. It got so strong, that the Electabuzz was frozen into a icecube. "What?!?" The weird man said. "That pipsqueak beat my powerful Electabuzz." "That's enough, Thomas." A man in the shadows said. "Boss? What are you doing?" "None of your buisness. Now go and fetch my Mewtwo." The man said. Once the other was gone, The man let out a sigh, saying "That was close. Come here little guy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm gonna help ya." I was scared. I wasn't so sure though. My instincts said go, My gut said no. I went with instinct. "That's it. Come on." He took the hat off. He had red flamming hair and a kind face. He wasn't very old for a man. Probably still a child. That eased my pain. He picked me up and started to run. He ran toward a weird thing with wheels. He put me in the back where a bed of pine needles were. In the corner, was a strange man, probably a girl man. She was tiny with red hair. I snuggled against her. She was cold. My body must have warmed her up because I sensed her move against me to wrap her arms around me. I then scooted to the soft pine needles where the girl could have a softer bed to lay on. Then the truck stopped. The boy man got out and talked to another girl man. He then came around and opened the compartment where I was. "Flannery? What are you doing here?" The girl man opened her eyes. "Big bro? I wanna follow you." "Eiyaya." The boy man said. "What am I going to do with you." He then motioned for me to come out of the compartment. I walked out to where the grown girl man stood. "Well... what do we have here? A Stanler? Well we could put him in the preserve. We just got a shipment of about 700 Stanler yesterday from what is going to be Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City. We found them and they were looking for something. I think we found it. This Stanler must be pretty high up." "Thanks. Kindra." The boy man said. "You're welcome Lance. Take care of Flannery now, ya here." "You bet." She led me to the mountain. There were several waterfalls and rivers on the way. She blew on a strange thing around her neck. It was brown with holes and groves. Suddenly a Stanler appeared. My Papi. "Snowku?" He said when she left. "Is it you?" "Yep. I missed you. Man took me." "I knew I shouldn't have left you alone. Snowki and Farlan are fine. Now get your tail up the mountain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That was my first encounter with man. It was scary. But I survived. Not all man was dangerous but those known as the rockets, who were the ones that captured me, are. I was the lucky one. Others such as Marowak in the Pokemon Tower or those Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well were not. ********************************************************************************